Monday, July 9, 2007

Welcome to Vana'diel... ...

Woah...Finally started playing Final Fantasy XI yesterday... ...I had actually persuaded my mom to pay for the online bills and purchased The Vana'diel Collection 2007 by last Friday but when I being patching on somewhere around 10 PM on Saturday the estimated time left to completion was around 9 hrs so I only got to play starting yesterday.

The game has been great so far. Granted, the graphics is not as good as it can be but if you view it as a PS 2 game that it originally was, it was acceptable.

I hav yet to decide wat job I'm gonna be be its ok as it will be quite some time b4 I can change to one of the advance jobs... ...I was thinking Dragoon but people are saying its not very powerful...So its either Dragoon, Paladin or Summoner now... ...

Some of the things of the game that really impressed me is the translator and the complex trading and auction system. The prices to buy and sell in stores are constantly updated according to the supply and demand in the particular World. There are also auction houses to sell your goods at your own prices, this is when Sales History come into place where one can monitor previous sales and the amount the items were sold for, this allow the seller to set a fair price for bidders. It is the complexity of Vna'diel that makes me forget the graphical flaws... ...

p/s: I was watching The Core the other day and I was looking forward to a scene where he famous scientist guy continue his self narration even though he was about to die. He then realized wat he was doing and goes, "What the FUCK am I doing?!" and goes on to laugh while the nuke explodes... ...But when it was broad casted on Channel 5 they went straight from the self narration to the explosion. Lame...They decided to cut out that part jus because of the word fuck... ...Come on...Who the hell in Singapore doesn't know the word fuck? The kids are gonna learn it later on at school anyway... ...Goes to show how "open" our country are... ...

p/p/s: Watching The Victoria's Secret Show 2006 now...Feeling quite happy... ...

p/p/p/s: I notices recently that the more p/ses one has...the more Ps he has to add in front...Y is that so? Weird... ...

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