Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Anime on 12 MN VS Anime on 11 PM!!!

I am currently watching Midnight Mania on ArtsCentral when I saw an interesting ad. Apparently ArtsCentral has FINALLY caught wind that some fans arn't happy about the change in time slot, one example would be one of my previous post.

They hav decided to host a poll to let viewers decide where AniMania should remain on 12 MN or go back to 11 PM...I respect the fact that they are trying to do this for their audiences but its a bit too late... It has been quite sometime since that changed the time slot to 12 MN...By now, most would hav adapted to the new time slot. If they reverted the time slot to the original it will only cause more problems. I for one hav already adapted to the new time slots and if they reverted to Wednesday - Friday, 11 PM - 12 MN, it would clash wif Prison Break which broad cast on Thurdays, 11:30 PM - 13:30 AM.

So I'm neutral for now, but I went to the website to vote for 11 PM for old times' sake. THe results shocked me... ... Currently its 11 PM 664 votes and 12 MN 3905 FREAKING VOTES!!! Thats 11 PM 14.5% and 12 MN 85.5%! I definitely did not expect that...I'm sure that some would prefer 12 MN because of the freedom of time they will get without AniMania taking up 11 PM - 12 MN which is a pretty popular time slot, but I was expecting a more even match than this landslide of votes for 12 MN... ...Oh well... ...

I noticed that there were other polls that I was not aware and they all yield interesting results. For example, votes show that viewer rather watch Shaman King than the uncut Japanese version of Gundam SEED...I mean...WTF?! I realize that most hardcore fans hav already watched the uncut Japanese version of Gundam SEED...but wouldn't it be nice to view something that hasn't been cut at least ONCE on Singaporean TV channels? And to think that ppl actually preferred the crappy Anime version of Shaman King to the once in a lifetime chance to hav uncut Anime broad casted on local airwaves... ...

There is the preference of Bust Angel over to the immensely popular Chrno Crusade (It is known as Chrono Crusade in most western countries, I'm impressed that they actually used the original Japanese name).

The best of all which be the "What's your favourite timebelt genre on the new Arts Central?" poll which Midnight Mania won hands down... ...Not that I am surprised... ...Its jus that I am glad to hav it being officially known that Midnight Mania is the most popular timebelt on ArtsCentral...This should show them that they NEED to respect Anime more... ...

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