For those who dun know who that is...Which is unlikey... ...I got this from Wiki... ...
"In the series Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, Zechs Merquise (ゼクス・マーキス Zekusu Mākisu?, taken from German sechs, lit. "six"), is a legendary Mobile Suit pilot, belonging to the OZ Faction. Renowned for his amazing skills in combat, his exploits earned him the title of the Lightning Count. A personal friend of OZ leader Treize Khushrenada, Zechs is often the commander of important missions, and receives his orders directly from Treize.
However, Zechs has a very important past. His real name is actually Milliardo Peacecraft (French 1,000,000,000 - milliard, one thousand million in long scale, one billion in short scale), heir to the former kingdom of peace, the Sanc Kingdom. After the destruction of his homeland by United Earth Sphere Alliance forces, he donned his iconic mask, and left behind the name of Peacecraft, for his new moniker, Zechs Merquise. He is also the older brother of the pacifist hero, Relena Peacecraft, and the rival of Heero Yuy throughout the show."
Go to guru.theotaku.com now! It has TONS of this kinda stuff...Gonna go try the SEED one... ...
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