I hav finally done it... ...i finally took the time to finish my masterpiece... ...
Ladies and Gentlemen... ...i present to you the XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero Custom!!!:
Before u proceed... i must warn u that i am about to go photo crazy... ...

I know i know... not quite painted and not as good as the ones on display that were done by pros... ...but it is still that Wing Zero Custom...wat can i say?Anyone who enjoyed the series would be basking in its beauty right about now... ...

A distanced view of the Wing Zero Custom... ...i was troubled by wat pose it should hav... ...there were quite a few obvious choices... ...like the pose of the Wing Zero Custom...executing its ultimate attack where it combines both of its twin rifles into one big doom machine and unleash death upon its enemies... ...

There was also this pose where the Wing Zero Custom holds one of the the rifles and act cool... ...

A close up... ...there was also that cool pose of it shielding itself wif its wings... ...totally cool... ...

A closer... ...close up... ...

Pls bear wif me... ...

So i decided to tweak it to the pose that i feel shows off its greatest asset... ...its angelic wings... ...No angel made by even GOD himself is as graceful and angelic as the XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero Custom!!!This pose is known as the Return To Forever pose... ...may the Wing Gundam Zero Custom live forever... ...
I am gonna show some other pics... ...these pics are of the RX-78 GP-01 which is supposedly the Gundam whose base design blueprint is used in the development of the GREAT XXXG-00W0 [Source:Derrick (sooooo u are double "r" right? comment ur reply... ...)] [Sry... ...Derick's name only got 1 "r"... ...(Added on 23 Jan 2007 at 10:59 PM)]
I hav finished it long before i even started work on the Wing Zero Custom...but might as well show u guys wat the predecessor of the Wing Gundam Zero Custom looks like... ...:

p/s:I know the pic quality sux... ...must be Jia Wei's digi cam... ...or maybe my hand wasnt steady... ...?Must be the former... ...:) annnnnnnddddd WE FOUND A JOB!!!!!WOOT!!!!!!!It is as a salesman cum stock replenisher job... ...the pay not bad lah... ...AND THEY DOUBLE OUR PAY DURING OT!!!!!!!WOOT!!!Wif the money i earn by the end of this job... ...i would be able to buy Rei and Asuka home >.<... ...Sephiroth TOO!!!>.<... ...PLUS a Jap learning pack to beat my fucked up sis!!!WOOT!!!>.<
Lol, 50% of the photos you put there is I take one...
And don't diss my camera.
... ...only 2 out of 10 pics is taken by u... ...50%? Dun fucking kid urself... ...
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