First of year but not a happy one cause i spent the whole at orchard while i could hav spent the day playing my ps2...which would make the new year a happy one...
Anywayz...Saddam is due to be hanged within 30 days for crimes against humanity...which i feel in my opinion (i stress IN MY OPINION)is based on an totally unfair trial...the so-called "operation: iraqi freedom" that the american govt initiated is actually a sham (in my opinion).Oil prices hav been hiking steadily for quite some time now and iraq is a country full of it...america is one of the most oil dependent countries of the is small wonder that they will attempt to gain a certain extend of control over iraq.To me...the claims made by the bush administrative errr claiming that saddam possesses WMDs(weapons of mass destruction) is totally false. smash those claims...FIRST...WMDs were nvr found despite the large effort put in by the US army to find them...very suspicious...and when that is compared to the fact that the "sources" that revealed the existence of these non-existence WMDs(pun intended) was nvr revealed doubles the suspicion.Very suspicious becomes HIGHLY suspicious...And to attack a country based on claims of possession and development of WMDs such as mortars, chemical weaponry and germ weaponry or even conventional weapons is highly hypocritical for a country such as the US.Cause the last time i checked... ...the US hav in their possession hundreds of thousands(the highest amount in the world...i think...)of nuclear warheads which is the most powerful weapon known to man the last time i checked which makes it the most destructive weapon on earth.Hmmmmm i THINK that makes them go under the category of WMDs making the US guilty of possessing should we start rallying forces from around the world to attack the US?
And the charges brought to saddam hav some problems too.He is sentenced to death for causing the deaths of thousands...which i TOTALLY agree that he should be hanged for that but... if u look at it at another angle...those deaths can be seen as casualties of war...if one should be hanged because of the casualties of the war they started...then according to the stuff i last checked...operation: iraqi freedom is called a war against terrorism which is a war the last time i checked and is started by mr. bush...the last time i checked...soooooo should we hang mr. bush tml?And the officials handling the trial are former enemies of saddam that were brought to power by the US govt so they MUST be somewat biased against Saddam sooooo the suspicious piles up... ...
TO ME the US is either being a bully because of their superior military strength...or they really think that they are the leader or police of the world in that wacked out dream world of theirs...
If u wan oil BUY IT dun starts wars because of ur SUVs(sport utility vehicle).
this post is written purely based own wat i lasted checked, hearsay, rumours, classroom chats and etc.ALL the info provided here may be false for all i care...
p/s: I jus discovered that there is a upload picture button...sry for my mindless ramblings in my previous post...god..i feel so stupid now... ...

SEE...i jus uploaded a pic of the symbol of organization XIII of KH2!!!
Oh and new year everyone... ...
1 comment:
It agree, very useful message
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