How was my day today? It was pretty eventful... ...two sizable events took place today... ...lets start from the top shall we?
I woke up today at around 6 AM... ...yes 6 AM... ...i normally start slping at this time but today was different... i had to go to F&N Coca Cola Pte Ltd (Singapore) HQ which is located at Jurong... ...I found a job recently... and Jia Wei are now temporary staffs' of F&N Coca Cola Pte Ltd... ...
We had to FUCKING reach F&N Coca Cola Pte Ltd (Singapore) HQ (which may i remind u is located at Jurong...) at FUCKING 8:30 in the FUCKING MORNING... ...*deep breathes* Anywayz... ...our purpose there is to be trained ... be made prepared for the promotions that F&N Coca Cola Pte Ltd (Singapore) is having that we temporary staffs are gonna handle... ...Sounded important and all but it turned out to be a FUCKING waste of FUCKING time... ...
As everyone knows... ...Jurong is not exactly a stone throw away from where i live (Serangoon Gardens... ...) ... ...and the journey from here to there takes about 2 hrs... ...when the lady in charge of all this told us that we needed to reach there by 8:10 AM and that we cant be late she asked us whether the timing was all rightwif us... ...-_- OF COURSE ITS ALL FUCKING RIGHT!!!I MEAN... ...IF IT IS NOT ALL RIGHT WE WILL BE FUCKING FIRED RIGHT?!?!?!?The timing isJUS RIGHT for us... ...i mean... ...we only need about 2 FUCKING HRS to get there right?Soooooo ... ...8:30 AM - 2 hrs (Traveling Time)=6:30 AM, 6:30 AM - 1 hr (Wash Up) - 1 hr (Breakfast)=4:30 AM... ...-_- THE FUCKING TIMING IS FUCKING ALL RIGHT WIF US!!!... ...I mean... ...we only hav to be awake by 4:30 IN THE MORNING RIGHT?!?!No biggie... ...we can handle it... ...
However... turned out that we did not hav to wake up so early after all... ...Cause... ...Jia Wei's parents was worried that their bao bei er zi (Precious Son in lousy hanyu pinyin) will suffer from sleep deprivation... his dad offered to fetch us there so i only hav to wake up at around 6 AM... ...
So his dad drove as there... ...but we got kinda lost(not THAT lost...) halfway through the journey... when we reached there it was about 8:37 AM... ... scared of the fact that we are already late i SPRINTED to the HQ... ...we quickly reported in and when to the meeting room... ...i was already getting ready to apologize for being late BUT when i entered the room i only saw 4 guys of our age and an old jobless faggot trying to find a temporary job(that guy looks seriously out of placelah...cause all the other 40 over ppl that arrived later were all teenagers looking job for the holiday to spend some extra cash while he is the only guy that was likedespo for the money...i think that there was another middle-age man too...times must be bad...)... ...Turned out that we were one of the earlier ones... ijus sat there and try not to rot while Jia Wei played his thingy... ...
The lady later came at 9:30 AM... ...about now u should feel my anger seeping through ur computer screen... ...reaching towards u...if u are surprised at my sudden outburst of anger u must be the dumbest ass on EARTH!!! If u still cant figure out y i am outraged then let me provide uwif a recap... ...The lady said come at 8:30 AM and ,"Dun be late... ..." dun be late? DUN BE LATE?!?!?!? U FUCKING CAME AT 9:30 AM AND U HAV THE FUCKING CHEEK TO TELL ME NOT TO BE LATE?!?!?!... ...and guess wat happened next?She told us that the training would start at 10 AM... ...-_-
Then at 10:30 AM the training started (i didnt get mad this time cause i didnt bother liao... ...).
Anywayz they jus went though the basics of the basics like ,"dun be rude to customers!!!" ,"dun say u dun know!!!" and ,"remember that u are representing us!!!u must look representable!!!"
All this simple stuff and they took two hrs... ...
All in all the training was a gigantic waste of time... ...the only thing that happened during the training that was mildly entertaining was when the trainer mistook one of the guys for a girl cause of his long hair (seelah...thats wat happens when u act Ah Seng... ...)... ...
After that we went straight back to Serangoon Gardens... ...and picked my DS Lite up... ...yes... i brought a DS Lite... ...and to give u guys a taste of wat i went through to get this hunk of junk(actually not that bad... ...i kinda hate it because of how it is associated wif all things cute like Pokémon)... ...i shall commence the DS SAGA!!!
Jia Wei and I ordered the DS Lites last week and the uncle say that it will come soon and that he will call us when it comes... ...
Two days ago we received a call from the uncle saying that the DS Lites hac arrived... ...when we heard that we jumped for joy... ...or rather Jia Wei did(Derick can testify to that... ...)then we went to the shop in Serangoon Central to collect the DS Lites and guess wat happened?The uncle said that the supplier made a mistake by bringing one DS Lite in ice blue and the other in white(both me and Jia Wei wanted ice blue cause that colour was cute... ...dun look at me like that... ...i like cute things too u know... ...sometimes... ...). So the uncle didwat all cunning Singaporean shopkeepers would do... ...try and convince one of us that the other colours are jus as nice... ...we of course did not fall for that lame trick... ...The uncle tried to absolve all guilt on his part by saying that because the ice blue one was on top of the white one he assumed that both was ice blue... ...-_-
So we came to the conclusion that one of us must go home without the lovely DS Lite... ...there was a moment of silence where both of us did not say anything... ...i broke that silence by voluntarily giving up the DS Lite... ...i came home regretting that decision... ...when i saw Jia Wei's stupid MSN nick exclaiming his joy... seemed as if he was gloating to me or something... that moment... my regret grew deeper... ...Jia Wei was like ,"aiya nvrmind lah...u going to get it tml anyways right?"... ...i told that to myself to calm myself down... ...,"i will get it tml...I will get it tml..." and to further justify my decision to give up the DS... i remind myself that it was because of my heart of gold that made me give it up in the 1st place... ...:p
Then came the next day... ...the uncle said that the DS Lite would arrive at around 1 PM... was already 5 PM... ...i got anxious and got Jia Wei to call the uncle... ...the uncle said that the supplier cant deliver the DS Lite cause the stupid delivery van broke down... ...i was like,"WAT THE FUCK DID U FUCKING SAY?!?!?! ARE U FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!?! U BETTER BE ,CAUSE IF U ARE NOT... ...THERE IS BLOOD TO BE SPILLED!!!"
I later went into a fit of rage(should be anger but rage sounds nicer :))... ...I am somewat ashamed to admit (rrriiiiiggghhhttttt... ...) that during that period of time where i was blinded by rage... ...i was cursing everyone i know so if u know me...I'm sorry... ...During that time i also made unreasonable demands like ,"WAT THE FUCK U MEAN THE VAN BROKE DOWN?!?!?! U ASK THE GUY TO FUCKING WALK HERE!!!TAKE TAXI OR BUS OR WATEVER!!!JUS FUCKING GET MY DS LITE HERE U FAGGOT!!!" (Come to think of it... ...if the supplier really cared about his customers...he would hav tried to find alternative methods to deliver the DS Lite... i was not THAT unreasonable... ...)
So we went today and they finally had it in stock and i finally hav it wif me... ...woot... ...uploaded some cool games... Shiba Inu(a type of dog) from nintendogs is now slping beside me... ...-_- I named it... ...Inuyasha(i wanted to type this out in Kana like i did in the game but the stupid OS dun support Jap typing... ...-_- BAH!)... ...i named it Inuyasha as the Shiba Inu is a Japanese Breed and Inuyasha is supposedly a dog demon(or half-demon) of that breed... ...
Thats all for today... ...
p/s: Next post will be about the great features of the DS Lite... ...unless something better comes up... ...
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Sianz... ...
Mood: Sianz... ...
I am reallying fucking sian now-a-dayz... ...doing totally nothing... ...
My typical time table for the day now-a-days is like this... ...:
6 PM: Wake Up... ...
6 PM - 5 AM: Fiddle around wif the computer... ...MSN wif some ppl... some stuff wif BitComet... ...Watch some TV(there are some GREAT shows on TV after It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia lol GOD!!!That show is fucked up funny... ...worth staying up to watch... ...not that i wun stay up even without the show... ...)... ...and when i am driven into a corner by the almighty enemy known as "BOREDOM"... ..i blog... wat i am doing right this instance... ...
5 AM - 5:30 AM: There is a re-run of Friends at this time so i will stop watever i am doing and watch that classic... ...
5:30 AM - 6 AM: lol a show that is better than Friends in some sense called THAT ‘70s SHOW starts at this time... an hour of full-blown comedy...who could ask for more?... ...actually i can... ...Previously i mentioned that THAT ‘70s SHOW is funnier then Friends... ...i feel that way cause THAT ‘70s SHOW has lots of sexual references that is damn funny... ...however...cause of those sexual references... ...our fucked up censorship board of Singapore feels that they are too "obscene" and are "unsuitable for children"... ...thats wat they say anywayz... ...and because they deem them as obscene... ...they cut those parts off... ...and because of that i cant see the funniest parts of the show... ...those wif sexual references... ...and an already short 30 min show is further shorten to 22 min AT BEST!!! Sometimes the show could be shortened too less then 20 min(counting advertising air time)... ...I hav become accustomed to the board's relentless cutting of video content over the littlest of stuff but COME ON!!! THOSE ARE JUS JOKES U FUCKED UP BASTARDS!!!... ...the board must be made up of old geezers that hav nvr shagged anyone before... ...thus the offensive attitude towards anything related to sex... ...i mean... ...even if those jokes can turn kids into psychotic raping bastards(which is totally impossible... ...some adults seem to think that kids dun hav free will and jus act based on watever is on TV... ...) the show is obviously on an adult time slot... ...mainly watched by ppl who is damn sian like me... the chance that an impressionable kid watching that show is nearly zero... ..i mean the show is up on 5:30 AM in the morning lah... ..wat are the chances of one watching that show?... ...the board takes away all the fun... ...
6 AM - 7 AM(?):Slack... ...fiddle wif the com some more... ...
7 AM(?) - 6 PM:Slp... ...
Boredom is catching up wif me again... ...omg... ...i should not have written this post... ...i should not hav written all this as i really did not hav any idea or clue wat to write so i jus wrote something in a whim... ...watever... ...dun wanna erase all this after all that work... ...dun worry... ...the next time i blog... ...there will be a solid topic... ...U can jus use this boring post to relate to how bored i am now... ...
p/s: Still bored... ...another hour and a half before Friends start... ...
I am reallying fucking sian now-a-dayz... ...doing totally nothing... ...
My typical time table for the day now-a-days is like this... ...:
6 PM: Wake Up... ...
6 PM - 5 AM: Fiddle around wif the computer... ...MSN wif some ppl... some stuff wif BitComet... ...Watch some TV(there are some GREAT shows on TV after It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia lol GOD!!!That show is fucked up funny... ...worth staying up to watch... ...not that i wun stay up even without the show... ...)... ...and when i am driven into a corner by the almighty enemy known as "BOREDOM"... ..i blog... wat i am doing right this instance... ...
5 AM - 5:30 AM: There is a re-run of Friends at this time so i will stop watever i am doing and watch that classic... ...
5:30 AM - 6 AM: lol a show that is better than Friends in some sense called THAT ‘70s SHOW starts at this time... an hour of full-blown comedy...who could ask for more?... ...actually i can... ...Previously i mentioned that THAT ‘70s SHOW is funnier then Friends... ...i feel that way cause THAT ‘70s SHOW has lots of sexual references that is damn funny... ...however...cause of those sexual references... ...our fucked up censorship board of Singapore feels that they are too "obscene" and are "unsuitable for children"... ...thats wat they say anywayz... ...and because they deem them as obscene... ...they cut those parts off... ...and because of that i cant see the funniest parts of the show... ...those wif sexual references... ...and an already short 30 min show is further shorten to 22 min AT BEST!!! Sometimes the show could be shortened too less then 20 min(counting advertising air time)... ...I hav become accustomed to the board's relentless cutting of video content over the littlest of stuff but COME ON!!! THOSE ARE JUS JOKES U FUCKED UP BASTARDS!!!... ...the board must be made up of old geezers that hav nvr shagged anyone before... ...thus the offensive attitude towards anything related to sex... ...i mean... ...even if those jokes can turn kids into psychotic raping bastards(which is totally impossible... ...some adults seem to think that kids dun hav free will and jus act based on watever is on TV... ...) the show is obviously on an adult time slot... ...mainly watched by ppl who is damn sian like me... the chance that an impressionable kid watching that show is nearly zero... ..i mean the show is up on 5:30 AM in the morning lah... ..wat are the chances of one watching that show?... ...the board takes away all the fun... ...
6 AM - 7 AM(?):Slack... ...fiddle wif the com some more... ...
7 AM(?) - 6 PM:Slp... ...
Boredom is catching up wif me again... ...omg... ...i should not have written this post... ...i should not hav written all this as i really did not hav any idea or clue wat to write so i jus wrote something in a whim... ...watever... ...dun wanna erase all this after all that work... ...dun worry... ...the next time i blog... ...there will be a solid topic... ...U can jus use this boring post to relate to how bored i am now... ...
p/s: Still bored... ...another hour and a half before Friends start... ...
Monday, January 22, 2007
Return To Forever... ...
I hav finally done it... ...i finally took the time to finish my masterpiece... ...
Ladies and Gentlemen... ...i present to you the XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero Custom!!!:
Before u proceed... i must warn u that i am about to go photo crazy... ...
I know i know... not quite painted and not as good as the ones on display that were done by pros... ...but it is still that Wing Zero Custom...wat can i say?Anyone who enjoyed the series would be basking in its beauty right about now... ...
A distanced view of the Wing Zero Custom... ...i was troubled by wat pose it should hav... ...there were quite a few obvious choices... the pose of the Wing Zero Custom...executing its ultimate attack where it combines both of its twin rifles into one big doom machine and unleash death upon its enemies... ...
There was also this pose where the Wing Zero Custom holds one of the the rifles and act cool... ...
A close up... ...there was also that cool pose of it shielding itself wif its wings... ...totally cool... ...
A closer... ...close up... ...
Pls bear wif me... ...
So i decided to tweak it to the pose that i feel shows off its greatest asset... ...its angelic wings... ...No angel made by even GOD himself is as graceful and angelic as the XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero Custom!!!This pose is known as the Return To Forever pose... ...may the Wing Gundam Zero Custom live forever... ...
I am gonna show some other pics... ...these pics are of the RX-78 GP-01 which is supposedly the Gundam whose base design blueprint is used in the development of the GREAT XXXG-00W0 [Source:Derrick (sooooo u are double "r" right? comment ur reply... ...)] [Sry... ...Derick's name only got 1 "r"... ...(Added on 23 Jan 2007 at 10:59 PM)]
I hav finished it long before i even started work on the Wing Zero Custom...but might as well show u guys wat the predecessor of the Wing Gundam Zero Custom looks like... ...:

p/s:I know the pic quality sux... ...must be Jia Wei's digi cam... ...or maybe my hand wasnt steady... ...?Must be the former... ...:) annnnnnnddddd WE FOUND A JOB!!!!!WOOT!!!!!!!It is as a salesman cum stock replenisher job... ...the pay not bad lah... ...AND THEY DOUBLE OUR PAY DURING OT!!!!!!!WOOT!!!Wif the money i earn by the end of this job... ...i would be able to buy Rei and Asuka home >.<... ...Sephiroth TOO!!!>.<... ...PLUS a Jap learning pack to beat my fucked up sis!!!WOOT!!!>.<
Ladies and Gentlemen... ...i present to you the XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero Custom!!!:
Before u proceed... i must warn u that i am about to go photo crazy... ...
I am gonna show some other pics... ...these pics are of the RX-78 GP-01 which is supposedly the Gundam whose base design blueprint is used in the development of the GREAT XXXG-00W0 [Source:Derrick (sooooo u are double "r" right? comment ur reply... ...)] [Sry... ...Derick's name only got 1 "r"... ...(Added on 23 Jan 2007 at 10:59 PM)]
I hav finished it long before i even started work on the Wing Zero Custom...but might as well show u guys wat the predecessor of the Wing Gundam Zero Custom looks like... ...:
p/s:I know the pic quality sux... ...must be Jia Wei's digi cam... ...or maybe my hand wasnt steady... ...?Must be the former... ...:) annnnnnnddddd WE FOUND A JOB!!!!!WOOT!!!!!!!It is as a salesman cum stock replenisher job... ...the pay not bad lah... ...AND THEY DOUBLE OUR PAY DURING OT!!!!!!!WOOT!!!Wif the money i earn by the end of this job... ...i would be able to buy Rei and Asuka home >.<... ...Sephiroth TOO!!!>.<... ...PLUS a Jap learning pack to beat my fucked up sis!!!WOOT!!!>.<
Sunday, January 21, 2007
I'm XP-Tan... ...?
Took this stupid personality test to determine which OS(Operating System u fool... ...) i am... ...
Turns out i am... ...

Oh well... IS my fav OS and is the one i am currently using... ...
Turns out i am... ...
You are Windows XP. You are the newest Windows girl, and fairly popular. You’re pretty stable, and easily the prettiest of the bunch, but you can also be a bit shallow and you’re always hungry. Also, why does your name look like the irritated emoticon?
Oh well... IS my fav OS and is the one i am currently using... ...
Friday, January 19, 2007
Virgin Nation... ...
I sometimes see myself as a seer... ...yes a seer... ...soothsaying is one of my many "unknown" abilities... ...and today i got a premonition... ...a very strong one in fact... ...i can see that not long into the future... ...Singapore will turn into a Virgin Nation... ...a Nation where no one hav EVER experience any orgasm of any sort... ...
Singapore has always been known to be a very conservative nation... porn...minimum playboy magazine...and no erotic content watsoever on the media... it the telly or printed materials such as mags or art books...even our radio DJs are told to watch their mouths... ...
There is a hated dept in the govt that decides wat gets to be shown and wat CANT be shown... ...this dept is known as the CENSORSHIP BOARD!!!*doom music plays in the background*Everything that is to be read or watched goes through that shadowy organization... ...and in order to keep the minds of our ppl "clean" they censor off or cut off parts of shows... ...sometimes even banning entire shows and printed materials... ...
Anime are one of the board's fav targets... ...often... ...the fav anime of our ppl is censored,cut or even banned entirely in our chaste nation... ...Few among us hav been courageous enough to stand up to the board... speak for the ppl... ...and that few often fails... ...Those brave renegades often end up in jail,have everything in their name erased or simply disappear without a trace wif no apparent reason watsoever... ...the board carries out their punishments...leaving nothing behind to suggest their presence... ...And it is because of these occurrences that none are now brave enough to fight for our freedom to view uncut and uncensored anime... ...
However... ...because the anger of the anime viewing,otaku populace has been seeping constantly into the dept... ...the board has made its move... has changed its policy... announces that anime will no longer be cut or censored... ...but before any of our brethren can rejoice... ...the board announces that instead of cutting or censoring anime that is not accepted in our conservative society... will now completely ban unaccepted anime... ...It means that instead of having a few holes missing in ur fav anime,each hole lasting between seconds to whole scenes,ur fav anime will now be completely removed from local airwaves and store shelves... ...Banning anime in the guise of removing censors and disallowing cutting of anime to keep our minds blank...such is the cunningness of the hated board... ...
Other form of entertainment that is banned throughout our sexually clean nation is pornography of any kind... ...However... ...the ban of pornography is a decision made not only by the board... ...that decision is backed by the ever powerful and ever feared GOVT!!!*Doom music plays in the much louder*The govt has banned any form of pornography watsoever in our nation using the phrase "keep our children's minds clean" as their reason... not JUS a form of entertainment... contains ESSENTIAL information that our children NEEDS... teaches them the basics of human life and teaches them how to ensure the survival of our species... ...The govt has created sexuality classes to replace the need of pornography...and have even request that parents take responsibility to teach their children about sex... ...But hav the govt ever considered how are parents and teachers going to teach the children sex?Are the teachers or parents supposed to use their own bodies to give examples?Sex is a delicate subject that is better learned by oneself... ...but by locking all sources of pornography away... ...all the teaching materials of sex is rendered unavailable... ...Parents and Teachers can nvr teach as much about sex in ten years as a 30 min porn video can... ...For now... ...the majority of the children of our chaste nation learn of sex the illegal way...the Internet... ...while the minority remain as clueless as ever... ...But sooner of later...the govt WILL find a method to block all access to pornography... ...including the Internet... ...Then...our later generations will not be enlightened about our ancient method of human reproduction... ...the govt will then go to the next step... ...banning all sexual activities completely... ...*men of Singapore gasps simultaneously... ...*And because of our nation's lack of sexual knowledge...and the nation-wide ban on all sexual activities... ...the only legal...or rather...the only known way of carrying on our family lines will be to create test-tube babies... ...many will not be able afford to create test-tube babies...and slowly but surely... ...our nation's population will dwindle... ...spelling doom for our nation... ...Those who are left are those who can afford the large cost of creating a test-tube baby... ...and those are the same ones who nvr engage in sexual activities... ...
All this i see using my all seeing eye... ...wif the occurrence of these predicted events... ...the nations of the world will dub our chaste nation...Singapore...the Virgin Nation...and our country will be pitied by all... ...
All this must be taken as a parody... ...DUH!!!
Singapore has always been known to be a very conservative nation... porn...minimum playboy magazine...and no erotic content watsoever on the media... it the telly or printed materials such as mags or art books...even our radio DJs are told to watch their mouths... ...
There is a hated dept in the govt that decides wat gets to be shown and wat CANT be shown... ...this dept is known as the CENSORSHIP BOARD!!!*doom music plays in the background*Everything that is to be read or watched goes through that shadowy organization... ...and in order to keep the minds of our ppl "clean" they censor off or cut off parts of shows... ...sometimes even banning entire shows and printed materials... ...
Anime are one of the board's fav targets... ...often... ...the fav anime of our ppl is censored,cut or even banned entirely in our chaste nation... ...Few among us hav been courageous enough to stand up to the board... speak for the ppl... ...and that few often fails... ...Those brave renegades often end up in jail,have everything in their name erased or simply disappear without a trace wif no apparent reason watsoever... ...the board carries out their punishments...leaving nothing behind to suggest their presence... ...And it is because of these occurrences that none are now brave enough to fight for our freedom to view uncut and uncensored anime... ...
However... ...because the anger of the anime viewing,otaku populace has been seeping constantly into the dept... ...the board has made its move... has changed its policy... announces that anime will no longer be cut or censored... ...but before any of our brethren can rejoice... ...the board announces that instead of cutting or censoring anime that is not accepted in our conservative society... will now completely ban unaccepted anime... ...It means that instead of having a few holes missing in ur fav anime,each hole lasting between seconds to whole scenes,ur fav anime will now be completely removed from local airwaves and store shelves... ...Banning anime in the guise of removing censors and disallowing cutting of anime to keep our minds blank...such is the cunningness of the hated board... ...
Other form of entertainment that is banned throughout our sexually clean nation is pornography of any kind... ...However... ...the ban of pornography is a decision made not only by the board... ...that decision is backed by the ever powerful and ever feared GOVT!!!*Doom music plays in the much louder*The govt has banned any form of pornography watsoever in our nation using the phrase "keep our children's minds clean" as their reason... not JUS a form of entertainment... contains ESSENTIAL information that our children NEEDS... teaches them the basics of human life and teaches them how to ensure the survival of our species... ...The govt has created sexuality classes to replace the need of pornography...and have even request that parents take responsibility to teach their children about sex... ...But hav the govt ever considered how are parents and teachers going to teach the children sex?Are the teachers or parents supposed to use their own bodies to give examples?Sex is a delicate subject that is better learned by oneself... ...but by locking all sources of pornography away... ...all the teaching materials of sex is rendered unavailable... ...Parents and Teachers can nvr teach as much about sex in ten years as a 30 min porn video can... ...For now... ...the majority of the children of our chaste nation learn of sex the illegal way...the Internet... ...while the minority remain as clueless as ever... ...But sooner of later...the govt WILL find a method to block all access to pornography... ...including the Internet... ...Then...our later generations will not be enlightened about our ancient method of human reproduction... ...the govt will then go to the next step... ...banning all sexual activities completely... ...*men of Singapore gasps simultaneously... ...*And because of our nation's lack of sexual knowledge...and the nation-wide ban on all sexual activities... ...the only legal...or rather...the only known way of carrying on our family lines will be to create test-tube babies... ...many will not be able afford to create test-tube babies...and slowly but surely... ...our nation's population will dwindle... ...spelling doom for our nation... ...Those who are left are those who can afford the large cost of creating a test-tube baby... ...and those are the same ones who nvr engage in sexual activities... ...
All this i see using my all seeing eye... ...wif the occurrence of these predicted events... ...the nations of the world will dub our chaste nation...Singapore...the Virgin Nation...and our country will be pitied by all... ...
All this must be taken as a parody... ...DUH!!!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
before we go into further details about the unhappy day i spent wif the FF-X min games... i shall point out that i have changed my blog BGM from another side to ONE-WINGED ANGEL!!!WOOT!!!EVERYBODY!!!WOOT!!!ya i know so fast change liao hor but i couldnt resist... ...ONE-WINGED ANGEL ROXS!!! i changed the BGM for the following reasons:
1.ONE-WINGED ANGEL ROX!!!(if u dun know wat one-winged angel is... i deduce that u hav been living under a rock all ur life... ...)
2.SEPHIROTH ROX!!!(if u dun know who that is u should go color ur room wall red wif ur head as u hav wasted away ur whole life by not knowing the existence of this magnificent being... ...)
the BGM WILL be first...cause streaming a mp3 into ur com is going to be stressful for it and the fact that the mp3 is hosted externally does not help... ...oh well...thats the way it is wif free hosting sites is guess...but ur com should be able to take it(if it cant go buy a new one dammit...).Wait for the song to be streamed completely and the rest of the loop should play smoothly... ...
Anywayz... ...back to sucky FF-X mini-games... ...dun get me wrong i LOVE the game... ROX...but the mini-games to unlock the ultimate weps' "potential" aka "remove the no AP ability" is down right FUCKED UP!!!If i ever see the mother fuckers responsible for the production of the FF-X mini-games i will fucking...BITCH SLAP THEM and make them complete their own FUCKING MINI-GAMES!!!and i will set a time limit for those bastards...not completed within 3 hrs and they will be personally treated to my personal brand of torture,stripped to their balls and left outside Square-Enix headquarters... ...
Why the extreme reaction u ask... ...that means that u have nvr played FF-X MINI-GAMES U FUCK SO DUN FUCKING SAY THAT I AM OVERREACTING!!!those who hav played the game and tried to unlock the ultimate weps will agree wif me...i'm sure...if u dun agree...U R NUTS!!!
Anyone who does not understand my WRATH is invited to my house to try the mini-games personally...i GUARANTEE that u will fucking swear like nobody's fucking business within 10 min...15 if u are a extra calm person... ...
The mini-games are fucking IMPOSSIBLE lah!!!take Tidus' sun sigil for example... ...u are supposed to ride a Chocobo through a course and attain a timing of 0:00... ...there will be balloons around for u to pick up...each will shave 3 sec off ur final time...sound easy?guess wat?FUCKING BIRDS WILL FUCKING FLY TOWARDS U TO FUCKING KNOCK U!!!and each bird adds 3 sec to ur final time...sounds fair does it not?trust is fucking unfair... the value of 1 balloon does not = the destructive powers of a single theory...getting a balloon will erase the effects of a bird but when the bird hits ur Chocobo...the Chocobo loses balance for a takes 1.8 FUCKING sec to recover from a blow from a BIRD god dammit a BIRD!!!1.8+3=4.8 sec lah!!!that is like two balloon worth of time lah!!!and Square Enix forgot to mention the the birds are HEAT SEEKING!!!YES HEAT SEEKING LIKE THOSE FUCKING MISSILES!!!AND THEY FLY FASTER THAN THOSE FUCKING MISSILES!!!u can FUCKING run but u cant FUCKING not from THOSE birds... ...and guess wat?u cant use the fucking sticks to control the Chocobo...u hav to fucking use the D-pad... ...and the Chocobos run straight no matter wat... ...and it can turn is like driving a car going at 200 km/hr and the car has no brake pad...and there is a fucking 10 ton weight tied to the fucking acceleration pad...once u miss a balloon...thats IT!!!AND THE BALLOONS ARE FUCKING SCATTERED ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!!!and trust me...they are fucking thinly spread...the fucking birds come after u like doomsday machines while u hav to go pick the balloon up personally... ...great... ...oh and did i mention that FIVE fucking birds fly at u at ONCE!!!there is no way to fucking dodge them lah!!!and at the worst of times the Chocobo goes into auto-pilot when u hit a invisible boundary or when the Chocobo is doing a hard turn... ...those times need accurate maneuvers and they go into auto-pilot... ...-_-more often then not they anyhow turn and delivers themselves to the homing birds... ...-_-
there was this time i got 0:04...-_- was so fucking close that the thought of smashing my ps2 right there and then crossed my mind... ...then i remembered that my life force is in there and i held my hand... ...
there is also the fucking mini-game in the thunder plains for the dunno wat sigil for dunno who... ...for those who are ignorant... ...the thunder plains is a place where lightning is constantly striking down at u...and u can dodge the lightnings by pressing the X button jus before the lightning hits... ...easy enough so far... ...BUT in order to get the dunno wat sigil u must dodge TWO HUNDRED CONSECUTIVE LIGHTNING STRIKES!!!still quite easy... ...BUT the lightning strikes are totally random... ...the interval between two lightning strikes can anything between 2-10sec... that means that u must keep ur eyes glued to the screen AT ALL TIMES!!! sounds easy...i can keep my eye lids open for quite long a period...BUT after u factor in the 200 CONSECUTIVE lightning strike dodges that u need in order to obtain the dunno wat sigil and the 7 sec being the average time between two lightning strikes... means that u need to keep ur eyes open for 7x200=1400,1400/60=23.333333333..........min...that is almost HALF AN HOUR!!! GOD DAMMIT I SAY!!!!!!!
there was once i got to the 75th lightning strike... ...kana distracted...u know wat happened next... ...i have nvr touched that mini-game since... ...
the rest of the sigils can be obtained through reasonable means... defeat all Aeons and win some Blitzball thingy... ...wif the possible exception of the Macalania Woods mini-game where u hav to catch blue butterflies and avoid red ones... ...i got through that one so i shall not bitch about that one... ...
So that concludes my bitching for the day... come back for more!!!
p/s:if anyone i know passed these mini-games b4 can come help me play? PLS!!!!!!!>.<
1.ONE-WINGED ANGEL ROX!!!(if u dun know wat one-winged angel is... i deduce that u hav been living under a rock all ur life... ...)
2.SEPHIROTH ROX!!!(if u dun know who that is u should go color ur room wall red wif ur head as u hav wasted away ur whole life by not knowing the existence of this magnificent being... ...)
the BGM WILL be first...cause streaming a mp3 into ur com is going to be stressful for it and the fact that the mp3 is hosted externally does not help... ...oh well...thats the way it is wif free hosting sites is guess...but ur com should be able to take it(if it cant go buy a new one dammit...).Wait for the song to be streamed completely and the rest of the loop should play smoothly... ...
Anywayz... ...back to sucky FF-X mini-games... ...dun get me wrong i LOVE the game... ROX...but the mini-games to unlock the ultimate weps' "potential" aka "remove the no AP ability" is down right FUCKED UP!!!If i ever see the mother fuckers responsible for the production of the FF-X mini-games i will fucking...BITCH SLAP THEM and make them complete their own FUCKING MINI-GAMES!!!and i will set a time limit for those bastards...not completed within 3 hrs and they will be personally treated to my personal brand of torture,stripped to their balls and left outside Square-Enix headquarters... ...
Why the extreme reaction u ask... ...that means that u have nvr played FF-X MINI-GAMES U FUCK SO DUN FUCKING SAY THAT I AM OVERREACTING!!!those who hav played the game and tried to unlock the ultimate weps will agree wif me...i'm sure...if u dun agree...U R NUTS!!!
Anyone who does not understand my WRATH is invited to my house to try the mini-games personally...i GUARANTEE that u will fucking swear like nobody's fucking business within 10 min...15 if u are a extra calm person... ...
The mini-games are fucking IMPOSSIBLE lah!!!take Tidus' sun sigil for example... ...u are supposed to ride a Chocobo through a course and attain a timing of 0:00... ...there will be balloons around for u to pick up...each will shave 3 sec off ur final time...sound easy?guess wat?FUCKING BIRDS WILL FUCKING FLY TOWARDS U TO FUCKING KNOCK U!!!and each bird adds 3 sec to ur final time...sounds fair does it not?trust is fucking unfair... the value of 1 balloon does not = the destructive powers of a single theory...getting a balloon will erase the effects of a bird but when the bird hits ur Chocobo...the Chocobo loses balance for a takes 1.8 FUCKING sec to recover from a blow from a BIRD god dammit a BIRD!!!1.8+3=4.8 sec lah!!!that is like two balloon worth of time lah!!!and Square Enix forgot to mention the the birds are HEAT SEEKING!!!YES HEAT SEEKING LIKE THOSE FUCKING MISSILES!!!AND THEY FLY FASTER THAN THOSE FUCKING MISSILES!!!u can FUCKING run but u cant FUCKING not from THOSE birds... ...and guess wat?u cant use the fucking sticks to control the Chocobo...u hav to fucking use the D-pad... ...and the Chocobos run straight no matter wat... ...and it can turn is like driving a car going at 200 km/hr and the car has no brake pad...and there is a fucking 10 ton weight tied to the fucking acceleration pad...once u miss a balloon...thats IT!!!AND THE BALLOONS ARE FUCKING SCATTERED ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!!!and trust me...they are fucking thinly spread...the fucking birds come after u like doomsday machines while u hav to go pick the balloon up personally... ...great... ...oh and did i mention that FIVE fucking birds fly at u at ONCE!!!there is no way to fucking dodge them lah!!!and at the worst of times the Chocobo goes into auto-pilot when u hit a invisible boundary or when the Chocobo is doing a hard turn... ...those times need accurate maneuvers and they go into auto-pilot... ...-_-more often then not they anyhow turn and delivers themselves to the homing birds... ...-_-
there was this time i got 0:04...-_- was so fucking close that the thought of smashing my ps2 right there and then crossed my mind... ...then i remembered that my life force is in there and i held my hand... ...
there is also the fucking mini-game in the thunder plains for the dunno wat sigil for dunno who... ...for those who are ignorant... ...the thunder plains is a place where lightning is constantly striking down at u...and u can dodge the lightnings by pressing the X button jus before the lightning hits... ...easy enough so far... ...BUT in order to get the dunno wat sigil u must dodge TWO HUNDRED CONSECUTIVE LIGHTNING STRIKES!!!still quite easy... ...BUT the lightning strikes are totally random... ...the interval between two lightning strikes can anything between 2-10sec... that means that u must keep ur eyes glued to the screen AT ALL TIMES!!! sounds easy...i can keep my eye lids open for quite long a period...BUT after u factor in the 200 CONSECUTIVE lightning strike dodges that u need in order to obtain the dunno wat sigil and the 7 sec being the average time between two lightning strikes... means that u need to keep ur eyes open for 7x200=1400,1400/60=23.333333333..........min...that is almost HALF AN HOUR!!! GOD DAMMIT I SAY!!!!!!!
there was once i got to the 75th lightning strike... ...kana distracted...u know wat happened next... ...i have nvr touched that mini-game since... ...
the rest of the sigils can be obtained through reasonable means... defeat all Aeons and win some Blitzball thingy... ...wif the possible exception of the Macalania Woods mini-game where u hav to catch blue butterflies and avoid red ones... ...i got through that one so i shall not bitch about that one... ...
So that concludes my bitching for the day... come back for more!!!
p/s:if anyone i know passed these mini-games b4 can come help me play? PLS!!!!!!!>.<
Sunday, January 14, 2007
I FINALLY got to add music to me blog ALL thanks to fuyu +blood+ and Mìtsukî of the CY forum!!! lol finally... decided to add another side to me blog will probably add One-Winged Angel too!!! Cause it is TOO COOL TO BE TRUE!!! lol all is well in the world cause i got me BGM running lol YES lol next stop, "learning how to create own template!!!"
*end of excited gibberish*
I FINALLY got to add music to me blog ALL thanks to fuyu +blood+ and Mìtsukî of the CY forum!!! lol finally... decided to add another side to me blog will probably add One-Winged Angel too!!! Cause it is TOO COOL TO BE TRUE!!! lol all is well in the world cause i got me BGM running lol YES lol next stop, "learning how to create own template!!!"
*end of excited gibberish*
Friday, January 12, 2007
Getting Fired Is Part Of Life... ...
Me and jia wei will be fired come next monday... ...i hav to admit... is all my fault that we will be fired... ...I am jus too efficient a worker :)...since i joined jia wei the effectiveness of the team has more than doubled!!!I am sometimes jus amazed at wat i am capable of... ...when teachers tell me that there is NOTHING that i cant do if i set my mind to it... ...i fully agree wif them and nvr doubted wat thay said even once!!!:D But... ...there is the problem of me not setting my mind on anything... ...EVER:(... ...I MUST say... ...i am a very blessed person(in the cosmic(?) sense of the word hor not the religious sense... ...) i am physically fit(I try to bully as often as possible... ...that might explain my superior physique? LOL), I command a large amount of respect from those around me(i dun find myself at the receiving end of raining fists... ...rather i find myself introducing my fist to ppl a lot...should be a fair gauge of,i am intelligent(i jack ppl a lot...should be enough proof of my superior intellect(?)),i am SUPERIOR(i find myself dissing,criticizing and laughing at other ppl a lot...that means i'm better then them right?) !!!
Anywayz... ...enough about my divine self... i was saying... ...because we finished work fast because of my presence... ...we will now be fired early as well :D... ...Not that we wont be fired even if we did not finish fast because of the presence of the deadline... ...ANYWAYZ that is not important!!!wat IS important is that because of me (and because of the deadline but still mostly because of me)...we will be fired on monday... ...we will try to find another job lah of course... home very sian wat and extra cash has nvr done any harm watsoever to anyone... ...still not use how to go about finding one but will try... ...ANY help will be appreciated... ...
On to another fav subject of mine... ...ANIME!!! Since i started watching anime(which was god knows when... ...) the main genre that i watch is fighting aka action Inuyasha and Naruto...even the mangas i read is mainly action Naruto and Fullmetal Alchemist... ...action based animes/manges and commonly draggy and repetitive... give u an example... ...Inuyasha... ...find jewel fragment(s),fight Naraku,lose to Naraku,lose fragment(s),find fragments,fight Narak.....................................................u get the picture... ...Only a few action animes and mangas have ever escape the black hole of the legendary Neon Genesis Evangelion series,the seriously underrated One Piece(the infinite amount of infinitely different worlds/islands nvr cease to amaze me... ...),the original Digimon Adventures(i think i fell in love when i first laid eyes on WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon... ...LONG LIVE TAICHI-SAMA!!!) and Card Captor Sakura(dun u dare laugh at this choice... ...).Even Naruto which is one of my favs is getting FUCKING draggy and boring(due to the anime fillers hor...not the manga...the manga still going strong...).I used to read non-action mangas years ago like Love Hina and Shaman King but now...i spend most of my time reading mangas or watching animes that are famous which is usually the action types which are draggy...i hav already committed myself to following the Naruto series all the way but when this manga/anime called Bleach popped up and ppl started telling me to try it i was like,"here we go again... ..." to is jus another title that uses the ever-popular action recipe... ...which has been used again and again since i can remember...and frankly...i am sick of it.Long gone are the days that i can watch an anime like Digimon Adventures care are the days where i can read a manga like Love Hina without so much stress on my brain trying to figure out plots as thick as an elephant's semen... ...But all this changed recently... ...jia wei introduced me to Midori Days...a manga series on par wif Love Hina and anime series called Kyou Kara Maou (God(?) Save Our King! is its eng title... ...) that is as wacky as Ken Akamatsu's brain is... ...these titles hav opened a whole new range of doors for i find myself looking for mangas like Negima!: Magister Negi Magi oppose to mangas like bleach in bookshops... fact now i shun mangas/animes like Bleach and find myself supporting animes like Eyeshield 21 and even rooting for the publication of english versions of Eyeshield 21 in Singapore in Chuang Yi forums... ...these titles are full of spirit...unlike titles like Naruto(anime) and Pokémon that try to milk cash like there is no tml by creating endless deviating story arcs... ...
BACK are the days i can watch/read stress free animes/mangas wif a carefree spirit!!! HURRAY TO SEIJI!!!HURRAY TO SENA!!!HURRAY TO NARU!!!AND HURRAY TO ME!!!
Yes i am very egoistic...blame my DNA will ya and as for my self description...all characteristics written are NOT true...i am NOT like that in real life... ...although some that i know might beg to differ... ...

BTW... ...if u are wondering who that guy kneeling there at the left side of the pic is... ...that is Andrew's friend...or is it cousin?the info he gave me was fuzzy... ...
Anywayz... ...enough about my divine self... i was saying... ...because we finished work fast because of my presence... ...we will now be fired early as well :D... ...Not that we wont be fired even if we did not finish fast because of the presence of the deadline... ...ANYWAYZ that is not important!!!wat IS important is that because of me (and because of the deadline but still mostly because of me)...we will be fired on monday... ...we will try to find another job lah of course... home very sian wat and extra cash has nvr done any harm watsoever to anyone... ...still not use how to go about finding one but will try... ...ANY help will be appreciated... ...
On to another fav subject of mine... ...ANIME!!! Since i started watching anime(which was god knows when... ...) the main genre that i watch is fighting aka action Inuyasha and Naruto...even the mangas i read is mainly action Naruto and Fullmetal Alchemist... ...action based animes/manges and commonly draggy and repetitive... give u an example... ...Inuyasha... ...find jewel fragment(s),fight Naraku,lose to Naraku,lose fragment(s),find fragments,fight Narak.....................................................u get the picture... ...Only a few action animes and mangas have ever escape the black hole of the legendary Neon Genesis Evangelion series,the seriously underrated One Piece(the infinite amount of infinitely different worlds/islands nvr cease to amaze me... ...),the original Digimon Adventures(i think i fell in love when i first laid eyes on WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon... ...LONG LIVE TAICHI-SAMA!!!) and Card Captor Sakura(dun u dare laugh at this choice... ...).Even Naruto which is one of my favs is getting FUCKING draggy and boring(due to the anime fillers hor...not the manga...the manga still going strong...).I used to read non-action mangas years ago like Love Hina and Shaman King but now...i spend most of my time reading mangas or watching animes that are famous which is usually the action types which are draggy...i hav already committed myself to following the Naruto series all the way but when this manga/anime called Bleach popped up and ppl started telling me to try it i was like,"here we go again... ..." to is jus another title that uses the ever-popular action recipe... ...which has been used again and again since i can remember...and frankly...i am sick of it.Long gone are the days that i can watch an anime like Digimon Adventures care are the days where i can read a manga like Love Hina without so much stress on my brain trying to figure out plots as thick as an elephant's semen... ...But all this changed recently... ...jia wei introduced me to Midori Days...a manga series on par wif Love Hina and anime series called Kyou Kara Maou (God(?) Save Our King! is its eng title... ...) that is as wacky as Ken Akamatsu's brain is... ...these titles hav opened a whole new range of doors for i find myself looking for mangas like Negima!: Magister Negi Magi oppose to mangas like bleach in bookshops... fact now i shun mangas/animes like Bleach and find myself supporting animes like Eyeshield 21 and even rooting for the publication of english versions of Eyeshield 21 in Singapore in Chuang Yi forums... ...these titles are full of spirit...unlike titles like Naruto(anime) and Pokémon that try to milk cash like there is no tml by creating endless deviating story arcs... ...
BACK are the days i can watch/read stress free animes/mangas wif a carefree spirit!!! HURRAY TO SEIJI!!!HURRAY TO SENA!!!HURRAY TO NARU!!!AND HURRAY TO ME!!!
Yes i am very egoistic...blame my DNA will ya and as for my self description...all characteristics written are NOT true...i am NOT like that in real life... ...although some that i know might beg to differ... ...
p/s:Andrew couldnt send me the pics earlier on beacuse he forgot to unlock the protection thingy on his card... ...-_-
his bro took 3 pics... ...all 3 were lousily taken so i jus post all 3 lah... ...
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Fuck Ur Mum... ...
Pardon the coarse post title... does not really describe wat is written here... ...its jus that there is so much that i wan to write but dun wan to go into detail...i couldnt find a common title for all the subjects that will be brought up here so i jus named this post after wat first came into my mind which is,naturally ,"Fuck Ur Mum... ..."
Anywayz...lets continue with the actual contents of the post rather then harp on the bogus post title... ...
1.I GOT A JOB WOOT!!! jia wei ask me yesterday whether i wanted to go work wif him and of course i said yes cause spending all ur time replying FFs can bet boring...believe me...The job is to repack glass cups(shall not bore u wif the details... ...) and we will be fired after packing all the cups(although it will be some time before we are done as there are still ,like, thousands of boxes of cups left to be packed... ...)As we are paid per hour... joining in would shorten the time needed to pack the cups and thus result in jia wei getting lesser overall pay...but he still invited me(how nice) it also does not help that i am a super efficient worker... ...when jia wei worked alone he packed 20 i came and we did about 65 boxes... ...i more then doubled the number of boxes done per day lah(i should get promoted loh... ...or at least double my pay and dock jia wei's?LOL).It is hard work lah... ...cause it is manual labour and i was born wif a PLATINUM spoon rammed into my mouth lah so not used to manual labour... is not really emotionally, psychologically or physically stressful but still it is is hard cause the job damages ur fingers like FUCK...i have pianist class(as in C class,B class,A class not like lesson class... ...this is to help the denser readers... ...) fingers lah my fingers very delicate ok?and very vulnerable to pain... ...jia wei said he needed handiplast for his job cause his fingers would get cut so i assumed that it was because of the glass cups... ...turns out that it is the cardboard boxes that hurts the fingers(shall not delve into details...)n then cut the fingers lah...which is worse... ...I hate it when bare skin is expose to the elements...and my fingers are sensitive loh...
The pay is ok i guess... ...not very high... ...and if i factor in the injury of my fingers... ...i would say...$50 per hour...but life is like that...manual labour is cheap labour... ...oh least now i can bring home Sephiroth... ...
2.Yesterday i went on msn wif Andrew... 3 in the morning...the time there was 7 in the morning...the next day...cause US time 16 hrs ahead of us...Anywayz....we decided to try our web cams...was quite cool...could see his hotel room, him...and his singlet...could hav done more but he had to leave for a test(hope u did well in that!!!).With the web cams i can see him change...he can see me change...i can see the US...he can see my living room... ...then day after day after day...i can see him slowly turning into a nigger... ...he said that hor not me... ...will not hav much chance to do that because of the time difference and him signing in only once every 6 months... ...but i can always hope ,ya?I think that i will be pretty much the only guy online when he signs up because of the time difference...cause i am the only one psycho enough to be up so late...oh well... ...
The farewell at the airport was pretty emotional for me(not boo hoo hoo emotional cause i will nvr be caught dead crying at farewells but still...emotional...)... ...not everyone was there but most of the good friends were there...making the event no no VERY memorable... ...almost...ALMOST brought a tear to my eye we he walked through that departure gate...and i realised that he will be halfway around the world... ...for a long time... ...
OMG look at me getting all emotional... ...i only hav one thing to say to andrew now... ...FUCKING GET USED TO UR LAPTOP U FUCK!!!AND SEND ME THE FUCKING PHOTO!!!
3.i watched the arena today...not that i wanted to catch the show or anything(the show does not interest me AT ALL)...jus that when i switched on the TV the show was on... ...The show SUX... ...first round was Loh Yang(dunno whether correct spelling...dun give a fuck...jus know that it is a lousy school like ours... ...) sec VS Raffles(can remember spelling because of my job...shal not elaborate... ...jia wei knows y... ...).Raffles is about why effort is more important than look...watever sec is why looks is more important...jus to let u know...i was like,"WTF?!?!?!RI is like SO gonna trash the wats-its-name school..." after hearing them speak i was even more convinced that raffles will win...Raffles' presentation not very good but should still win because LY sec's presentation...SUX the 1st speaker was like jus beating around the bush all...nvr really saying y looks is important... ...i tell u ah i fucking hate wats-its-name sec and their speakers... ...especially the second speaker...she was this fugly pui(fat in chinese dialect) bitch...she fucking act lian...her oppenent was this tiny, indian RI boy and she looked like she was bullying him throughout the debate... ...and when the boy was speaking and she kana jack she give some stupid lian face... ...-_-i must really commend the boy loh... ...not on his speech but on his ability to hold in anger...if i was that guy OR his teammate OR an audience...i would fucking BITCH SLAP her the moment she fucking give lian face...and i wont stop slapping till she cant give any type of face...let alone a lian face... ...Lou Yang sec really sux...their presentation got no concrete evidence loh...and they keep giving lian attitude... all three of the bitches... ...RI team was so much better...not that i wan RI to win or watever or that i like RI but Lou Yang seriously sux... ...they had the BALLS to say that david beckham earn more than ronaldo... ...-_-
I think be now...after reading wat i wrote so far...u know that ways-its-name sec won...even after saying that david earn more than ronaldo... ...which is a fucking big mistake lah... ...who dun know ronaldo earn more than pretty much every footballer now(dun come tell me u dun know...i will fucking knock that info into ur skull... ...)?When they announced that LY sec won i wa like,"WTF?!?!?!WTF?!?!?!WTF?!?!?!"i really said front of my mom... ...But i am somewat glad that RI lost... ...IN THE FIRST ROUND!!!LOL THAT WAS SO DAMN FUNNY LAH after u think about it... ...About time they lost... ...and to lose at the first round should deflate their inflated ego... ...ABOUT TIME I SAY!!!!!
4.Press this button NOW!!!
Press MEEE!!!
Anywayz...lets continue with the actual contents of the post rather then harp on the bogus post title... ...
1.I GOT A JOB WOOT!!! jia wei ask me yesterday whether i wanted to go work wif him and of course i said yes cause spending all ur time replying FFs can bet boring...believe me...The job is to repack glass cups(shall not bore u wif the details... ...) and we will be fired after packing all the cups(although it will be some time before we are done as there are still ,like, thousands of boxes of cups left to be packed... ...)As we are paid per hour... joining in would shorten the time needed to pack the cups and thus result in jia wei getting lesser overall pay...but he still invited me(how nice) it also does not help that i am a super efficient worker... ...when jia wei worked alone he packed 20 i came and we did about 65 boxes... ...i more then doubled the number of boxes done per day lah(i should get promoted loh... ...or at least double my pay and dock jia wei's?LOL).It is hard work lah... ...cause it is manual labour and i was born wif a PLATINUM spoon rammed into my mouth lah so not used to manual labour... is not really emotionally, psychologically or physically stressful but still it is is hard cause the job damages ur fingers like FUCK...i have pianist class(as in C class,B class,A class not like lesson class... ...this is to help the denser readers... ...) fingers lah my fingers very delicate ok?and very vulnerable to pain... ...jia wei said he needed handiplast for his job cause his fingers would get cut so i assumed that it was because of the glass cups... ...turns out that it is the cardboard boxes that hurts the fingers(shall not delve into details...)n then cut the fingers lah...which is worse... ...I hate it when bare skin is expose to the elements...and my fingers are sensitive loh...
The pay is ok i guess... ...not very high... ...and if i factor in the injury of my fingers... ...i would say...$50 per hour...but life is like that...manual labour is cheap labour... ...oh least now i can bring home Sephiroth... ...
2.Yesterday i went on msn wif Andrew... 3 in the morning...the time there was 7 in the morning...the next day...cause US time 16 hrs ahead of us...Anywayz....we decided to try our web cams...was quite cool...could see his hotel room, him...and his singlet...could hav done more but he had to leave for a test(hope u did well in that!!!).With the web cams i can see him change...he can see me change...i can see the US...he can see my living room... ...then day after day after day...i can see him slowly turning into a nigger... ...he said that hor not me... ...will not hav much chance to do that because of the time difference and him signing in only once every 6 months... ...but i can always hope ,ya?I think that i will be pretty much the only guy online when he signs up because of the time difference...cause i am the only one psycho enough to be up so late...oh well... ...
The farewell at the airport was pretty emotional for me(not boo hoo hoo emotional cause i will nvr be caught dead crying at farewells but still...emotional...)... ...not everyone was there but most of the good friends were there...making the event no no VERY memorable... ...almost...ALMOST brought a tear to my eye we he walked through that departure gate...and i realised that he will be halfway around the world... ...for a long time... ...
OMG look at me getting all emotional... ...i only hav one thing to say to andrew now... ...FUCKING GET USED TO UR LAPTOP U FUCK!!!AND SEND ME THE FUCKING PHOTO!!!
3.i watched the arena today...not that i wanted to catch the show or anything(the show does not interest me AT ALL)...jus that when i switched on the TV the show was on... ...The show SUX... ...first round was Loh Yang(dunno whether correct spelling...dun give a fuck...jus know that it is a lousy school like ours... ...) sec VS Raffles(can remember spelling because of my job...shal not elaborate... ...jia wei knows y... ...).Raffles is about why effort is more important than look...watever sec is why looks is more important...jus to let u know...i was like,"WTF?!?!?!RI is like SO gonna trash the wats-its-name school..." after hearing them speak i was even more convinced that raffles will win...Raffles' presentation not very good but should still win because LY sec's presentation...SUX the 1st speaker was like jus beating around the bush all...nvr really saying y looks is important... ...i tell u ah i fucking hate wats-its-name sec and their speakers... ...especially the second speaker...she was this fugly pui(fat in chinese dialect) bitch...she fucking act lian...her oppenent was this tiny, indian RI boy and she looked like she was bullying him throughout the debate... ...and when the boy was speaking and she kana jack she give some stupid lian face... ...-_-i must really commend the boy loh... ...not on his speech but on his ability to hold in anger...if i was that guy OR his teammate OR an audience...i would fucking BITCH SLAP her the moment she fucking give lian face...and i wont stop slapping till she cant give any type of face...let alone a lian face... ...Lou Yang sec really sux...their presentation got no concrete evidence loh...and they keep giving lian attitude... all three of the bitches... ...RI team was so much better...not that i wan RI to win or watever or that i like RI but Lou Yang seriously sux... ...they had the BALLS to say that david beckham earn more than ronaldo... ...-_-
I think be now...after reading wat i wrote so far...u know that ways-its-name sec won...even after saying that david earn more than ronaldo... ...which is a fucking big mistake lah... ...who dun know ronaldo earn more than pretty much every footballer now(dun come tell me u dun know...i will fucking knock that info into ur skull... ...)?When they announced that LY sec won i wa like,"WTF?!?!?!WTF?!?!?!WTF?!?!?!"i really said front of my mom... ...But i am somewat glad that RI lost... ...IN THE FIRST ROUND!!!LOL THAT WAS SO DAMN FUNNY LAH after u think about it... ...About time they lost... ...and to lose at the first round should deflate their inflated ego... ...ABOUT TIME I SAY!!!!!
4.Press this button NOW!!!
Press MEEE!!!
Monday, January 8, 2007
Everybody's Changing... ...
Fuck i hate my father... ...this post is suppose to be about today and because of him it is now a post about yesterday... ...F*** him... ...
Anywayz dun tok about him liao the more i think about it the most fustrated i am and those who know me knows how i am when i am fustrated...i jus go on and on...
Anywayz the situation i am in now reminds me of the song,"Everybody's Changing" sung by Keane... goes something like this,"everybody's changing but i still feel the saaaaaammmmmeeeeeeeee... ..."somewhere along those lines lah i too lazy to go listen to the song now... ... any wayz...some are going to JC, Andrew left last friday...derick left YESTERDAY(because of my father it has become yesterday's news) those not going to JC are doing their individual jobs... ...i am the only one left that is not moving on,so to speak,i am the only one that is slacking off at home not doing anything wif my life... ...not registering for any schools... ...not earning any extra cash(not that i need any...jus wan to experience a commoner's life LOL :D).
jus rotting off at home playing and playing and playing... ...
anyways enough about my sad existence... today... or rather YESTERDAY(did i mention that i hate my father?)me and jia wei went to see derick off yes...only me and jia wei cause the rest of u dick heads had stupid reasons like WORK *rolls eyes* i mean if good friend can ask ur boss to fuck off...quit...then go see friend off right?oh well... ...guess some ppl jus are more in need of money then i am... ...i jus need money enough money to buy a Sephiroth figurine... ...which like only one day pay... ...yes i must say i am one that is easily satisfied... ...
Anywayz back to the subject at hand... ...1st went to derick's house... ...i carried my ps2 there cause he didnt bring his from KL... ... jia wei came later... ...didnt really play much ps2 cause mostly helping derick to pack... ...i noticed that his dad is still calling me by the nickname he gave when i when to derick's house during sec 1... is wat happened... ...
During sec 1 i called derick...rick cause shorter wat and better to shout wif like,"OI RICK U CHEE BYE!!!" or "RICK!!!" or "RICK BUY CHICKEN BURGER 4 ME!!!"... ...u get the picture... derick went to tell his dad i called him rick...till this day still dunno y he did that... ...anywayz i went to his house one day and his dad ask me y i call derick,rick.So i say shorter lah then...he call me in leonard... ...-_-since then i hav stopped calling derick,rick... ...but his dad still dun seem to mind calling me nerd... ...-_-
Anywayz... ...his father damn funny loh...when the neighbour asked whether they needed help his father asked whether he could borrow the boot of his car lol cause his boot no space liao...he say dun need the car jus the boot...then the neighbour say he can lend his trolley...can tie behind car... ...
and when derick's younger sister couldnt find the watch that derick's mom brought for her yesterday and started scolding her... i was like telling jia wei,"now u know why i nvr take off my watch?" then derick's dad heard us and was like,"now u know y i dun wear a watch?" lol
after packing we wanted to play ps2 lah then dunno wat to play then derick decided to play the path of neo game i brought from JB...then the CD cocked up...then without thinking i was like,"WAO LAO!!!STUPID M'SIA CD!!!THE SECOND ONE TO COCK UP LIAO STUPID COUNTRY!!!" and derick was like ,"my parents haven leave yet... ..."lol at that time got 1,2,3,4,FIVE m'sians in the house loh verse me and jia wei lol and u all know jia wei is useless in a fight lol... ...derick's mom proceeded to do wat derick has been doing for the pass few days... ...saying how good m'sia is and convincing me to study there... ...-_- and his father's employee was like saying that he was going to hump tump me(whack or bash in malay).
derick's parents then left with the employee and his sister... ...then we proceeded to play some mindless game called leisure suit larry or something like that lol until derick's older sister walked in on us... ...then we sat taxi to copthorne or something where derick is going to take a coach to KL... ...then they no spare cash to pay the driver lol...actually derick gave me 15 dollars to buy some pre-paid card(lol supposed to be secret but ur family members not reading this blog right?) but he decided to let jia wei pay lah lol but they did return jia wei the money later cause he was whining about the money and the stupid DS he was going to get (PSP ROX!!!)... ...
then we had lunch... derick treated me and jia wei to banana split (dun like to owe ppl money... ...-_-)which was nice lah considering the fact we didnt give him something like we were supposed to... ...
then came the time for him to go ... we waved goodbye and watched him go up the bus... ...then go toilet... ...when we came back we saw that the bus was still there so we went to the windows to wave goodbye again... ...i notice some ppl in the bus staring at us as if we were nuts(BUAY SONG AR ANG MOR LANG?!?!?!)...then we went bus stop loh
when at the bus stop i was waiting for the bus derick was on to drive pass so can wave again(siao hor?)but despite waiting for 1/2 an hour the bus didnt drive pass so i figured that the bus went towards another direction... ...oh well... ...
me and jia wei stopped over at J8 to go comics connection for awhile... ...i am damn glad that we did cause they were having some promotion where anime posters were at $1 each...the usual price is like $5 each loh(not that i rely on discounts... ...but if got discount...why not?)i brought 8 posters... one piece...evangelion...naruto and most importantly... ...i got a poster of REI IN A BIKINI!!! WOOT!!! DAMN GLAD WE MADE THAT STOPOVER!!!i used the money that derick gave me to buy the pre-paid card to pay for the posters...didnt wan to break the blue note:) aiya dun worry lah derick,i ask from my mom money to buy loh... ...
then we went home... ...on the way home i forced jia wei to practice being my sidekick(LOL!)i forced jia wei to practice the,"does he look as if he cares" routine... ...he still sux lah but got improvement liao... if u ask me anything stupid... ...we are prepared wif an adequate response... ...i sometimes feel that we or rather i am very bo liao...anyone else thinks that?... ...on second thought...dun answer that... ...
so here i am writing this post lor...a post about today but technically... ...yesterday(did i mention wat my father did?)
p/s: Andrew...if u are reading this can send me the photo we took at the airport ASAP?thx... ... of the most unbearable things to bear is to keep in a crap when u need to take a crap...jia wei would be glad to elaborate on that wouldnt u jia wei?
Anywayz dun tok about him liao the more i think about it the most fustrated i am and those who know me knows how i am when i am fustrated...i jus go on and on...
Anywayz the situation i am in now reminds me of the song,"Everybody's Changing" sung by Keane... goes something like this,"everybody's changing but i still feel the saaaaaammmmmeeeeeeeee... ..."somewhere along those lines lah i too lazy to go listen to the song now... ... any wayz...some are going to JC, Andrew left last friday...derick left YESTERDAY(because of my father it has become yesterday's news) those not going to JC are doing their individual jobs... ...i am the only one left that is not moving on,so to speak,i am the only one that is slacking off at home not doing anything wif my life... ...not registering for any schools... ...not earning any extra cash(not that i need any...jus wan to experience a commoner's life LOL :D).
jus rotting off at home playing and playing and playing... ...
anyways enough about my sad existence... today... or rather YESTERDAY(did i mention that i hate my father?)me and jia wei went to see derick off yes...only me and jia wei cause the rest of u dick heads had stupid reasons like WORK *rolls eyes* i mean if good friend can ask ur boss to fuck off...quit...then go see friend off right?oh well... ...guess some ppl jus are more in need of money then i am... ...i jus need money enough money to buy a Sephiroth figurine... ...which like only one day pay... ...yes i must say i am one that is easily satisfied... ...
Anywayz back to the subject at hand... ...1st went to derick's house... ...i carried my ps2 there cause he didnt bring his from KL... ... jia wei came later... ...didnt really play much ps2 cause mostly helping derick to pack... ...i noticed that his dad is still calling me by the nickname he gave when i when to derick's house during sec 1... is wat happened... ...
During sec 1 i called derick...rick cause shorter wat and better to shout wif like,"OI RICK U CHEE BYE!!!" or "RICK!!!" or "RICK BUY CHICKEN BURGER 4 ME!!!"... ...u get the picture... derick went to tell his dad i called him rick...till this day still dunno y he did that... ...anywayz i went to his house one day and his dad ask me y i call derick,rick.So i say shorter lah then...he call me in leonard... ...-_-since then i hav stopped calling derick,rick... ...but his dad still dun seem to mind calling me nerd... ...-_-
Anywayz... ...his father damn funny loh...when the neighbour asked whether they needed help his father asked whether he could borrow the boot of his car lol cause his boot no space liao...he say dun need the car jus the boot...then the neighbour say he can lend his trolley...can tie behind car... ...
and when derick's younger sister couldnt find the watch that derick's mom brought for her yesterday and started scolding her... i was like telling jia wei,"now u know why i nvr take off my watch?" then derick's dad heard us and was like,"now u know y i dun wear a watch?" lol
after packing we wanted to play ps2 lah then dunno wat to play then derick decided to play the path of neo game i brought from JB...then the CD cocked up...then without thinking i was like,"WAO LAO!!!STUPID M'SIA CD!!!THE SECOND ONE TO COCK UP LIAO STUPID COUNTRY!!!" and derick was like ,"my parents haven leave yet... ..."lol at that time got 1,2,3,4,FIVE m'sians in the house loh verse me and jia wei lol and u all know jia wei is useless in a fight lol... ...derick's mom proceeded to do wat derick has been doing for the pass few days... ...saying how good m'sia is and convincing me to study there... ...-_- and his father's employee was like saying that he was going to hump tump me(whack or bash in malay).
derick's parents then left with the employee and his sister... ...then we proceeded to play some mindless game called leisure suit larry or something like that lol until derick's older sister walked in on us... ...then we sat taxi to copthorne or something where derick is going to take a coach to KL... ...then they no spare cash to pay the driver lol...actually derick gave me 15 dollars to buy some pre-paid card(lol supposed to be secret but ur family members not reading this blog right?) but he decided to let jia wei pay lah lol but they did return jia wei the money later cause he was whining about the money and the stupid DS he was going to get (PSP ROX!!!)... ...
then we had lunch... derick treated me and jia wei to banana split (dun like to owe ppl money... ...-_-)which was nice lah considering the fact we didnt give him something like we were supposed to... ...
then came the time for him to go ... we waved goodbye and watched him go up the bus... ...then go toilet... ...when we came back we saw that the bus was still there so we went to the windows to wave goodbye again... ...i notice some ppl in the bus staring at us as if we were nuts(BUAY SONG AR ANG MOR LANG?!?!?!)...then we went bus stop loh
when at the bus stop i was waiting for the bus derick was on to drive pass so can wave again(siao hor?)but despite waiting for 1/2 an hour the bus didnt drive pass so i figured that the bus went towards another direction... ...oh well... ...
me and jia wei stopped over at J8 to go comics connection for awhile... ...i am damn glad that we did cause they were having some promotion where anime posters were at $1 each...the usual price is like $5 each loh(not that i rely on discounts... ...but if got discount...why not?)i brought 8 posters... one piece...evangelion...naruto and most importantly... ...i got a poster of REI IN A BIKINI!!! WOOT!!! DAMN GLAD WE MADE THAT STOPOVER!!!i used the money that derick gave me to buy the pre-paid card to pay for the posters...didnt wan to break the blue note:) aiya dun worry lah derick,i ask from my mom money to buy loh... ...
then we went home... ...on the way home i forced jia wei to practice being my sidekick(LOL!)i forced jia wei to practice the,"does he look as if he cares" routine... ...he still sux lah but got improvement liao... if u ask me anything stupid... ...we are prepared wif an adequate response... ...i sometimes feel that we or rather i am very bo liao...anyone else thinks that?... ...on second thought...dun answer that... ...
so here i am writing this post lor...a post about today but technically... ...yesterday(did i mention wat my father did?)
p/s: Andrew...if u are reading this can send me the photo we took at the airport ASAP?thx... ... of the most unbearable things to bear is to keep in a crap when u need to take a crap...jia wei would be glad to elaborate on that wouldnt u jia wei?
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
My Tummy Hurts... ...
My Tummy Hurts and before i go into further details... ... this is how i got my tummy hurt:
the other day...jia wei came to my house to play... ...a few hours after his arrival... we got damn bored of the ps2 so i went to use my com to go surfing... ...jia wei was bored so he went and ransack my drawers...he found something that tweaked his was two giant pencils...the type that was meant to be on display only...not for use...
the two giant pencils had covers or caps on them as they were very sharp and long and could poke an eye out...while i was surfing the net jia wei went and proceeded to poke me at my a reflex action...i twisted my hips and moved away from the pencil...seeing my reaction...jia wei was amused and laughed commenting,"hahaha,now lets try it without the cap on..."
he took the cap off and proceeded to poke me at my sides again...i then instinctively twisted my hips again...but this time the cap of the pencil was taken off...the razor sharp tip of the pencil then slit my tummy spilling my guts out...
today...a scab has covered the looks like it will form a scar...if it forms a scar...i will...FUCKING SILT JIA WEI'S TUMMY WITH THE SAME PENCIL TILL HIS GUTS SPILL OUT THEN PROCEED TO MAKE SURE HIS WOUND FORMS A SCAR THEN FUCKING KILL HIM!!!
thats all for today...bye bye... ...
the other day...jia wei came to my house to play... ...a few hours after his arrival... we got damn bored of the ps2 so i went to use my com to go surfing... ...jia wei was bored so he went and ransack my drawers...he found something that tweaked his was two giant pencils...the type that was meant to be on display only...not for use...
the two giant pencils had covers or caps on them as they were very sharp and long and could poke an eye out...while i was surfing the net jia wei went and proceeded to poke me at my a reflex action...i twisted my hips and moved away from the pencil...seeing my reaction...jia wei was amused and laughed commenting,"hahaha,now lets try it without the cap on..."
he took the cap off and proceeded to poke me at my sides again...i then instinctively twisted my hips again...but this time the cap of the pencil was taken off...the razor sharp tip of the pencil then slit my tummy spilling my guts out...
today...a scab has covered the looks like it will form a scar...if it forms a scar...i will...FUCKING SILT JIA WEI'S TUMMY WITH THE SAME PENCIL TILL HIS GUTS SPILL OUT THEN PROCEED TO MAKE SURE HIS WOUND FORMS A SCAR THEN FUCKING KILL HIM!!!
thats all for today...bye bye... ...
Monday, January 1, 2007
I Love Saddam... ...
First of year but not a happy one cause i spent the whole at orchard while i could hav spent the day playing my ps2...which would make the new year a happy one...
Anywayz...Saddam is due to be hanged within 30 days for crimes against humanity...which i feel in my opinion (i stress IN MY OPINION)is based on an totally unfair trial...the so-called "operation: iraqi freedom" that the american govt initiated is actually a sham (in my opinion).Oil prices hav been hiking steadily for quite some time now and iraq is a country full of it...america is one of the most oil dependent countries of the is small wonder that they will attempt to gain a certain extend of control over iraq.To me...the claims made by the bush administrative errr claiming that saddam possesses WMDs(weapons of mass destruction) is totally false. smash those claims...FIRST...WMDs were nvr found despite the large effort put in by the US army to find them...very suspicious...and when that is compared to the fact that the "sources" that revealed the existence of these non-existence WMDs(pun intended) was nvr revealed doubles the suspicion.Very suspicious becomes HIGHLY suspicious...And to attack a country based on claims of possession and development of WMDs such as mortars, chemical weaponry and germ weaponry or even conventional weapons is highly hypocritical for a country such as the US.Cause the last time i checked... ...the US hav in their possession hundreds of thousands(the highest amount in the world...i think...)of nuclear warheads which is the most powerful weapon known to man the last time i checked which makes it the most destructive weapon on earth.Hmmmmm i THINK that makes them go under the category of WMDs making the US guilty of possessing should we start rallying forces from around the world to attack the US?
And the charges brought to saddam hav some problems too.He is sentenced to death for causing the deaths of thousands...which i TOTALLY agree that he should be hanged for that but... if u look at it at another angle...those deaths can be seen as casualties of war...if one should be hanged because of the casualties of the war they started...then according to the stuff i last checked...operation: iraqi freedom is called a war against terrorism which is a war the last time i checked and is started by mr. bush...the last time i checked...soooooo should we hang mr. bush tml?And the officials handling the trial are former enemies of saddam that were brought to power by the US govt so they MUST be somewat biased against Saddam sooooo the suspicious piles up... ...
TO ME the US is either being a bully because of their superior military strength...or they really think that they are the leader or police of the world in that wacked out dream world of theirs...
If u wan oil BUY IT dun starts wars because of ur SUVs(sport utility vehicle).
this post is written purely based own wat i lasted checked, hearsay, rumours, classroom chats and etc.ALL the info provided here may be false for all i care...
p/s: I jus discovered that there is a upload picture button...sry for my mindless ramblings in my previous post...god..i feel so stupid now... ...

SEE...i jus uploaded a pic of the symbol of organization XIII of KH2!!!
Oh and new year everyone... ...
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