When I went down there I saw that Jerry(The owner of Ani-Play) was not around...Instead it was some lady...So I approached her about the DVDs... ...
The shop was FILLED wif cardboard boxes FILLED with anime goodies as a shipment of anime goods jus arrived from overseas to Ani-Play... ...
The lady was having a hard time finding my Genshiken Collection among the mountain of anime goodies but I remained patient...And quietly waited for my DVDs... ...
The lady when on to make several calls to Jerry...I then took the chance to ask her if Ani-Play imports Evangelion DVDs...As she was busy attending the call...She waved me off (In a polite manner). So I continued waiting... ...
Alas...She told me that she could not find it and asked if I could return another day... ...
Disappointed...I lowered my head in a dejected manner and turned around...preparing to head for home... ...Then...Suddenly she said, "But we do have these... ..."
I turned around and saw her smiling ,waving in her hands the Neon Genesis Evangelion Platinum Complete DVD Collection and "Death and Rebirth" and "The End of Evangelion" Double DVD Special Edition Pack!!! At that moment...I thought I heard angels singing "Hallelujah"... ...I decided to buy the Eva movies and I hav already watched the series and I dun plan to settle for Platinum Complete Collection...I want only the BEST of Eva and that is the individual Platinum Collection... ...
I was overwhelmed by the fact that I hav finally got my hands on The End of Evangelion... ...I wanted to go straight home and watch the whole movie... ...Then I remember an ignorant friend of mine that hav yet to have a taste of the GREATEST ANIME ON THE FACE OF THE GREAT MOTHER PLANET OF EARTH!!!

I immediately SMSed Jia Wei to see if I can get him to watch it with me on the weekends... ...
I decided not the watch the movies first as I wanted to share the experience wif Jia Wei...I did not even want to unwrap the packaging to take a look at the extra stuff...Cause...I wanted to share the experience... ...
Jus when I thought thing could not get better... ...Derick SMSed me when I reached home to tell me that HE WILL BE COMING BACK ON SATURDAY!!! WOOT!!! Perfect timing!!! Derick watched the Eva series b4 and he should be able to enjoy the show too...I cant wait... ...
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