Today...or rather yesterday...was my birthday...Even though it is my birthday, I didnt wan to create a big fuss and jus wanted to go through my Bday wif no cakes, no song, no presents and definitely no fuss...Maybe jus an Ang Bao or two... ...
So it definitely shocked me when Hong Chao "Screamed" my name through MSN at around 11 in the morning yesterday and "Shouted" ,"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!"... ...It certainly was a pleasant surprise... ...I didnt think anyone would personally find dates hard to remember (Maybe thats y I always fail at History and Social Studies...)...I doubt I can even recall 5 birthday ...HC certainly made my day... ...
I went through the rest of the sch day quite quietly as I did not inform any of my classmates it was my birthday...I didnt wan to become those type of ppl who go around announcing their birthdays or watever to create hype and attract attention... ...I hate those kind of ppl... ...
Sch ended at 1 PM today...YESTERDAY so I decided to do some shopping at Sunshine Plaza... ...I have been saving for quite some time and my dad gave me some "Spending Money"(To lighten my solemn mood on such a happy day he sayz... ...) so I decided to indulge myself... ...
I rushed to Sunshine to get a figurine I hav been eying for VERY long, 1 week long sia... ...
As I had some extra cash from my dad's "Spending Money" I decided to buy some more figurines... ...
I struggled between a Fate/stay night 7 figurines set or a set of two figurines with children versions of Rei and Asuka... ...When I was struggling Jia Wei sms to wished me happy birthday surprise... ...
In the end I decided to get the Fate/stay night set and a One Piece Nami figurine...Only after I purchased the Fate/stay night set did the guy from La Tendo told me that the two children figurines were 50% off...By that time I dun even have enough money to buy that even wif the discount... ...
Headed for home soon after exhausting all my funds... ...
Today I hav new found phobia for public transport... ...All the way I have to be on high alert to keep my babies safe from harm...Especially Rider as she is quite a big figurine... ...I even went to the extent of climbing the stairs and waiting for the slow lifts jus to avoid the cram escalators... ...Anything for my babies... ...
So anywayz... ...After arriving home...I considered my day done and proceeded to bed... ...Little did I know that I was to be in for a surprise... ...
My maid handed me the phone and Jon was on the line... ...we were like... ...:
Jon: "Oi...Ni jing wan mei you chuu qu hor?" ("U not going out tonight right?" in chinese)
Me: "Mei you... ..." ("Nope... ..." in chinese)
Jon: "Wo men wan shang jou qu..." (We later at night go over..." in chinese)
Me: "Zhou se muah?" (For wat? in chinese)
Jon: "Ur birthday lah...Today ur birthday right?"
Me: "... ..." (Long Pause) "U all remembered?"
Jon: "OF COURSE LAH!...Y? Touched right!?"
Me: "Chey...Whose touched sia..."
Jon: "Touched lah"
Me: "Ya lah Ya lah"
(Hang up)
That was SO not expected... ...Haha... ...
During that time my sis (Rachel) gave me her present... ...
She gave me these saying she didnt know wat to get so she jus got me my favorite snacks... ...
At around 9 PM... Jon, Khin, Junyang and Hong Chao came bearing cake... ...Lol... I didnt know wat to say when I saw them...Then those bastards took the opportunity to irritate me by repeatedly saying "Dun cry lah... ..."
Jon and Hong Chao lighted the candles...Jon apparently doesnt know how to light candles... ...They spared me the birthday song on my behalf and we got straight to eating the cake... ...

As we were not exactly stuffed by that cake so we decided to order pizza from Pizza Hut... ...I guess we ordered too much as we almost couldnt finish... ...NVR am I going to Stuff Crust two large pizzas again... ...The crust itself is enough to fill our stomachs... ...Apparently...Jun Yang has a voracious appetite so we depended on him to finish it up... ...
While eating the cake and the pizzas...We enjoy brief moments of reminiscences...While HC was telling us how he stole some PSP UMD back at MI (Millennium Institute)...Jon and I got reminded of the time when Jon hid Yih Yu's wallet and I willingly went to attract the rage of Yih Yu by pretending I was the one who stole it... ...Things got so overboard that Jon did not dare to tell Yih Yu it was all a prank that he started... ...We laughed heartily when we toked about the one who united our class...Preeta... ...And when we got so bloated because of the pizza...Jon remembered the time when he and I almost choked to death competing who could finish a bowl of $2 won ton mee first... ...Ah... ...Those were the dayz... ...3E4 and 4E4... ...
Another big topic was exchanging wat we knew of wat happened to the others in the class... ...The memories it brought back... ...ARGGHHH!!! I WANNA BE LIKE PETER PAN!!!!!!!
HC then set up my PS 2 to hav a game of Naruto... ...We had fun while it was obvious we had all deproved considerably...Especially me as I had the most to deproved while the others werent all that good to begin wif...haha... ...
I did not force Jon to stay behind for rematches this time when he won... ...But I MUST say...I was using Sakura at the time so I was at an OBVIOUS disadvantage...And I wasnt exactly playing seriously... ..So... ...Ha...I "Fang sui de loh... ..."("Let out water... ..." in chinese which in turn means "Give chance")
After they all left (Which was around this time) Father wanted to wake up the entire family so we could cut cake together... ...Lol...My sisters were already asleep at that time...He then said that he wanted us to celebrate my Bday together and that my sisters were pretty excited... ...Lol...I didnt know all this...So I felt kinda guilty and sad... ...Haiz... ...Gotta find some way to repay their kindness... ...
My mom then came down to give me an Ang Bao as she said that she didnt know wat to buy and was afraid I would not like wat she bought... ...She then commented that it is difficult to buy presents for children our age as they dun know wat we want... ...I couldnt help but nod in agreement... ...Feel guilty from depriving my family of the cake cutting and that I hav already received "Spending Money" from my dad earlier that morning... ...I told her that it was not necessary and that if she insists, jus put it in my bank acc... ...She was like, "Ni bu yao mai tong se ah?" ("Dun u wanna buy something?" in chinese). That was kinda unexpected as my mom rarely encourages me to spend money... ...I insisted that I dun wanna spend that amount of money and asked her to jus transfer it to my bank acc but she insisted I hold on to the money and think about it... ...That was STRANGE... ...I think my parents feel that I am an unhappy child because I look pretty serious nowadayz... ...Haven they considered the fact that I may hav grown up?
I returned to my room to slp...Thinking that all the excitement is over...Then I saw a small package wrapped in Comics Connection plastic bag... ...
Wats this?
I am guessing these are brought by my sis (Celeste)... ...Gotta thank her tml... ...
Ha...That concludes my day... ...Gotta slp... ...I hope our plans to go watch "At Worlds End" on thursday goes through... ...
p/s: Jon they all took some bo liao pics with one of my digital cams... ...After I take a look at them I might wanna post them!