and Went to Sunshine wif Jia Wei today...Went being determined to purchase Jungle Emi Army Ver.... ...But La Tendo's(One of the shops in Sunshine) last piece of Jungle Emi was sold out... I was lke SHIT! Jia Wei should not have stopped me from buying it the other time along wif the tenth anniversary edition of ReiAsuka... ...CRAP!!! I REALLY WANTED THAT HOT JUNGLE EMI ARMY VER.!!!!! All that was left was the normal version of Jungle Emi...Shit lah...I am NVR listening to Jia Wei EVER again...HE said that he was helping me "save" money...Riiggghhhtttt...I was gonna use that sum of money to buy Emi anywayz... ...A lot of help turned out to be... ...
So...Anywayz...About the new waters thingy... ...I jus brought my first US published manga from Ani-Play(Another shop in Sunshine)....Genshiken!

Vol 1 and 2 of Genshiken...Dunno whether wanna unwrap vol 1 cause I read it b4...Wanted to buy all the way to vol 4 or 5 but only one copy of vol 3 was available and the condition was not exactly fantastic... ...
I got my first issue of NewType too...It was a VERY old issue that was published 3 years ago...

I buy NewType mags based on their all important centerfolds and in this issue that I brought...This is the centerfold... ...

Yup...Its Rei...Unit 01 was beside her but I cant be bothered to take a pic of it...All the Units were behind this centerfold but I also cant be bothered to take a pic of them... ...ALL THAT MATTERS IS REI!!!
I was walking around Sunshine...Feeling kinda dejected from the lost of Emi when I saw something that I recently saw on the internet...I wanted that figurine but didnt think that it would arrive in Singapore... ...The moment I saw it in La Tendo I immediately purchased it... ...

Heh heh...Rei again... ...

One of these days Rei is gonna cause me to go bust... ...EVERY time I see her product I jus wanna buy it...Be it a figurine or a poster. I am usually very picky when it comes to buying figurines... ...I note the quality of the figurine plus the condition of the box plus that of the figurine itself...But when it comes to Rei figurines... ...I jus give it more priority...It might not be a very good figurine... ...But I will consider buying it anyway... ...Haiz... ...
I remember there was once when I was toking to Anston about Neon Genesis Evangelion(He calls it the "Flexible Gundams"...Dotz...), and I mentioned that I like Rei a lot(He preferred Asuka...Pui!)...I then told him that Rei was partly constructed out of Yui's(Shinji's mom) DNA...So that kinda makes her the clone of Shinji's mom...The then went on to say that I have a Mother Complex...He did not use the term Mother Complex...As his vocab isnt exactly up to standard... ...He jus kept saying that I like someone else mom... ...
*Rolls Eyes*
Watever...Not my mom can liao lol... ...Shinji have mom also need a dad right? Heh... ...
While purchasing Rei I also decided to become a lifetime member of La Tendo...Caused me a BOMB! But I guess its worth it as they stock some of the best figurines and I intend to fill my room wif them... ...