AMG... ...The Annual Gather of Members and/or All Members Meeting of my club... ...Went today...It was a pretty boring event as they were all mixing within their own departments...And the Plamo(Plastic Modeling) department that I belong to is a pretty small group...Plus...Half of them did not turn up for the event.. ...Lol...And all they ever tok about is Gundam which I am not as enthusiastic about as they are... ...
At the meet...I found out that I was the ONLY one that joined both the Manga and Plamo departments... ...For the first time I saw members from the manga department...Lots of girls...And I do mean LOTS! They were sitting in a group reading manga...I saw Absolute Boyfriend...Shoujo manga...Figures... ...
Anywayz...It was not a COMPLETE waste of time though...They were screening several anime on various laptops...Then I noticed "Welcome to the N.H.K" and I found out that the series has already ended...I read one vol of the manga and I kinda liked it so I requested to copy the fansubs into my iPod... ...The senior who owned the laptop told me to feel free to copy watever I wanted...I saw "Gundam SEED Stargazer" so I copied it for fun...Then I saw "Inukami!"...The anime that Andrew was jus telling me on MSN earlier that morning... ...So I copied that too...I hav watched only the first few episodes and already I am HOOKED...Damn nice...The core storyline is VERY similar to Zero's Familiar but there is one BIG difference... ...Inukami! is EXTREMELY ecchi...And its ecchiness is not only restricted to compromising the gals...It also compromises the guys... ...Thats wat make it so damn funny... ...
While I was browsing through my senior's anime collection... ...I saw something that shocked me... ...Among other animes like Inukami! and Welcome to the N.H.K...There was a folder named..."Hentai"... ...It is too be expected that he own some of these... ...But to place it out in board daylight for all to see is either extremely brave or totally nuts... ...I mean...He placed it together wif all his other stuff...And he did not even bother hiding or even burying(Hide them under tons of sub directories) his collection... ...
I ,of course ,could not resist the temptation to take a peek... ...So I waited till no one was looking and opened the folder... ...Haiz...boy was I disappointed...It was a PRETTY small collection... ...I dunno if those were all he had...But if it was...Mine dwarfs it...LITERALLY... ...
p/s: Maybe shouldnt hav said some of these stuff...But...oh well... ...
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Weight Issues... ...Lolz... ...
Went out wif my family today... ...
My family went to Orchard to find a pair of posh white shoes for my youngest sister to wear to this Choir thingy which is during SYF (Singapore Youth Festival)... ...I went to Borders at Wheelock Place to check out some manga... ...
Got bored at Border's pathetic range of manga and decided to go up to my dad's office at Orchard to slack... ...
Went to use his com in his office when I noticed a weighting scale in his office...Curious at how much I weight now... ...I went up to measure my weight... Then I saw that I lost...Get this...9 FREAKING KG!!! OMG!!! I blurted out ,"WTF?!"and my dad was like ,"HUH?! Wat happened?! Did something happen?!"... ...
I wonder how the fuck did that happen... ...I mean...The females of my family and SLAVING away at the gym and keep complaining that they cant even shed 1 kg and here I am...Slping and gaming everyday and I lose 9 kg... ...
When I told Jia Wei and he was like ,"Wow! But u dun look any different leh... ..." Yup...I was surprised too...I mean...I still eat as much as before...And I dun think I look any different... ...And most of all...I hav nvr been to the gym... ...
I guess it is probably due to my extreme gaming habit during the holidays... ...I choing all day and then I fall asleep all day...Skipping all my meals... ...Yup...That must be it... ...HA HA!!! Who needs gym equipments?! All u need is a PS 2, a com and lots and LOTS of caffeine...Btw...Here is a tip...Tea has more caffeine then coffee... ...
AH! The PlayStation 2!!! The perfect workout machine...It trains all 3,294 muscles (Fake value) in all ur ten fingers!!! Get one NOW for the body of ur dreams!!!
Above product may have varied results
My family went to Orchard to find a pair of posh white shoes for my youngest sister to wear to this Choir thingy which is during SYF (Singapore Youth Festival)... ...I went to Borders at Wheelock Place to check out some manga... ...
Got bored at Border's pathetic range of manga and decided to go up to my dad's office at Orchard to slack... ...
Went to use his com in his office when I noticed a weighting scale in his office...Curious at how much I weight now... ...I went up to measure my weight... Then I saw that I lost...Get this...9 FREAKING KG!!! OMG!!! I blurted out ,"WTF?!"and my dad was like ,"HUH?! Wat happened?! Did something happen?!"... ...
I wonder how the fuck did that happen... ...I mean...The females of my family and SLAVING away at the gym and keep complaining that they cant even shed 1 kg and here I am...Slping and gaming everyday and I lose 9 kg... ...
When I told Jia Wei and he was like ,"Wow! But u dun look any different leh... ..." Yup...I was surprised too...I mean...I still eat as much as before...And I dun think I look any different... ...And most of all...I hav nvr been to the gym... ...
I guess it is probably due to my extreme gaming habit during the holidays... ...I choing all day and then I fall asleep all day...Skipping all my meals... ...Yup...That must be it... ...HA HA!!! Who needs gym equipments?! All u need is a PS 2, a com and lots and LOTS of caffeine...Btw...Here is a tip...Tea has more caffeine then coffee... ...
AH! The PlayStation 2!!! The perfect workout machine...It trains all 3,294 muscles (Fake value) in all ur ten fingers!!! Get one NOW for the body of ur dreams!!!
Above product may have varied results
Lol...Guess Anston can now stop that joke he has been running since sec 3 about me being 75 kg ... ...
Saturday, April 21, 2007
New Waters... ...
and Went to Sunshine wif Jia Wei today...Went being determined to purchase Jungle Emi Army Ver.... ...But La Tendo's(One of the shops in Sunshine) last piece of Jungle Emi was sold out... I was lke SHIT! Jia Wei should not have stopped me from buying it the other time along wif the tenth anniversary edition of ReiAsuka... ...CRAP!!! I REALLY WANTED THAT HOT JUNGLE EMI ARMY VER.!!!!! All that was left was the normal version of Jungle Emi...Shit lah...I am NVR listening to Jia Wei EVER again...HE said that he was helping me "save" money...Riiggghhhtttt...I was gonna use that sum of money to buy Emi anywayz... ...A lot of help turned out to be... ...
So...Anywayz...About the new waters thingy... ...I jus brought my first US published manga from Ani-Play(Another shop in Sunshine)....Genshiken!
Vol 1 and 2 of Genshiken...Dunno whether wanna unwrap vol 1 cause I read it b4...Wanted to buy all the way to vol 4 or 5 but only one copy of vol 3 was available and the condition was not exactly fantastic... ...
I got my first issue of NewType too...It was a VERY old issue that was published 3 years ago...
I buy NewType mags based on their all important centerfolds and in this issue that I brought...This is the centerfold... ...
Yup...Its Rei...Unit 01 was beside her but I cant be bothered to take a pic of it...All the Units were behind this centerfold but I also cant be bothered to take a pic of them... ...ALL THAT MATTERS IS REI!!!
I was walking around Sunshine...Feeling kinda dejected from the lost of Emi when I saw something that I recently saw on the internet...I wanted that figurine but didnt think that it would arrive in Singapore... ...The moment I saw it in La Tendo I immediately purchased it... ...
Heh heh...Rei again... ...
One of these days Rei is gonna cause me to go bust... ...EVERY time I see her product I jus wanna buy it...Be it a figurine or a poster. I am usually very picky when it comes to buying figurines... ...I note the quality of the figurine plus the condition of the box plus that of the figurine itself...But when it comes to Rei figurines... ...I jus give it more priority...It might not be a very good figurine... ...But I will consider buying it anyway... ...Haiz... ...
I remember there was once when I was toking to Anston about Neon Genesis Evangelion(He calls it the "Flexible Gundams"...Dotz...), and I mentioned that I like Rei a lot(He preferred Asuka...Pui!)...I then told him that Rei was partly constructed out of Yui's(Shinji's mom) DNA...So that kinda makes her the clone of Shinji's mom...The then went on to say that I have a Mother Complex...He did not use the term Mother Complex...As his vocab isnt exactly up to standard... ...He jus kept saying that I like someone else mom... ...
*Rolls Eyes*
Watever...Not my mom can liao lol... ...Shinji have mom also need a dad right? Heh... ...
While purchasing Rei I also decided to become a lifetime member of La Tendo...Caused me a BOMB! But I guess its worth it as they stock some of the best figurines and I intend to fill my room wif them... ...
So...Anywayz...About the new waters thingy... ...I jus brought my first US published manga from Ani-Play(Another shop in Sunshine)....Genshiken!

I got my first issue of NewType too...It was a VERY old issue that was published 3 years ago...

I was walking around Sunshine...Feeling kinda dejected from the lost of Emi when I saw something that I recently saw on the internet...I wanted that figurine but didnt think that it would arrive in Singapore... ...The moment I saw it in La Tendo I immediately purchased it... ...

I remember there was once when I was toking to Anston about Neon Genesis Evangelion(He calls it the "Flexible Gundams"...Dotz...), and I mentioned that I like Rei a lot(He preferred Asuka...Pui!)...I then told him that Rei was partly constructed out of Yui's(Shinji's mom) DNA...So that kinda makes her the clone of Shinji's mom...The then went on to say that I have a Mother Complex...He did not use the term Mother Complex...As his vocab isnt exactly up to standard... ...He jus kept saying that I like someone else mom... ...
*Rolls Eyes*
Watever...Not my mom can liao lol... ...Shinji have mom also need a dad right? Heh... ...
While purchasing Rei I also decided to become a lifetime member of La Tendo...Caused me a BOMB! But I guess its worth it as they stock some of the best figurines and I intend to fill my room wif them... ...
Friday, April 20, 2007
Done At Last... ...
FUCK!!!I missed the 12 MN limit!!! today's post is gonna be under tml's post...I hate this kinda thing... ...Fuck lah...Was too busy doing stuff that I lost track of time... ...Fuck...I almost made it one loh...If not because of my faulty internet connection... ...
Wats this?... ...Post Option... ...Post time and date...LOL...4/20/07, 11:59 PM GAO TIM (Settle in a chinese dialect)...Wish I knew of this option earlier lol... ...
Ok...Now that the date issue is settled... ...Back to the main prob... ...
I mentioned this thing called Self-Cert in my previous posts but hav not really explained myself yet... ...
First of all is that SP has this notebook scheme that makes it compulsory for ALL freshmen to own a notebook(Cool huh?)... ...U can either buy from the sch or buy ur own one outside... ...Buying from the school is of course cheaper but there are only two brands, Acer and Fujitsu, up for sale at SP... ...Not wanting my choice of notebook to be limited (And because I did not particularly care about the student discount...Not that I need it... ...) I decided to purchase a laptop from outside the school... ...Wat I didnt know was that if u buy from outside vendors...U hav to go for this 5 hr thingy that installs about 15 GB worth of software and stuff into ur laptop...If u brought it from the sch...The laptop comes pre-installed wif these softwares... ...That was when our problems began... ...
Cheng Wai and I did not purchase our notebooks from the sch so we decided to meet up to do the Self-Cert together... ...The Self-Cert involves reformatting one's laptop to fit the Windows XP professional OS...They do not accept ANY other OSes...Not even diff versions of XP like XP Media Center Edition like mine was...Cheng, being the lucky bastard that he is, already uses XP professional and could skip the 1 hr 30 min step of reformatting and installing XP... ...So he got a significant head start...And because they reformatted my com...I had to reinstall ALL my drivers in order to hav my com running properly again... ...
And because of the sch's FUCKED up internet connection...It took me more than one and a half hours to DL the wireless driver and because the driver cant work without the driver I can set the config of the wireless to enter the sch's wireless thingy which further set things back... ...I was using a LAN cable to connect to the internet at that time btw... ...
We felt kinda out of place at that time as we looked like the only ones who were hard at work to self-cert our notebooks...Everybody else were doing their own stuff... ...Some were watching show...some playing games and some even slping... ...Cheng Wai said that by their looks...He thinks that they have given up....And that it wont be long b4 we join them... ...We were laughing at our own expense when we notice this couple that didnt seem to be doing anything... ...They were not slping...playing...or watching anything... ...They were jus sitting together and staring at the screen of the gal's laptop... ...
Then we saw the problem... ...The gal's laptop was a mac! LOL!!! Nice one...Trying to install XP on a mac...Conform got prob one lah... ...Cheng was like laughing all the way and saying that they were praying to the mac laptop to work...
After seeing this we seemed to hav gained some confidence in ourselves to chiong finish the farking self-cert after laughing at the demise of others... ...
Lol...Glad we finished it...Wonder how that gal is doing now... ...
Wats this?... ...Post Option... ...Post time and date...LOL...4/20/07, 11:59 PM GAO TIM (Settle in a chinese dialect)...Wish I knew of this option earlier lol... ...
Ok...Now that the date issue is settled... ...Back to the main prob... ...
I mentioned this thing called Self-Cert in my previous posts but hav not really explained myself yet... ...
First of all is that SP has this notebook scheme that makes it compulsory for ALL freshmen to own a notebook(Cool huh?)... ...U can either buy from the sch or buy ur own one outside... ...Buying from the school is of course cheaper but there are only two brands, Acer and Fujitsu, up for sale at SP... ...Not wanting my choice of notebook to be limited (And because I did not particularly care about the student discount...Not that I need it... ...) I decided to purchase a laptop from outside the school... ...Wat I didnt know was that if u buy from outside vendors...U hav to go for this 5 hr thingy that installs about 15 GB worth of software and stuff into ur laptop...If u brought it from the sch...The laptop comes pre-installed wif these softwares... ...That was when our problems began... ...
Cheng Wai and I did not purchase our notebooks from the sch so we decided to meet up to do the Self-Cert together... ...The Self-Cert involves reformatting one's laptop to fit the Windows XP professional OS...They do not accept ANY other OSes...Not even diff versions of XP like XP Media Center Edition like mine was...Cheng, being the lucky bastard that he is, already uses XP professional and could skip the 1 hr 30 min step of reformatting and installing XP... ...So he got a significant head start...And because they reformatted my com...I had to reinstall ALL my drivers in order to hav my com running properly again... ...
And because of the sch's FUCKED up internet connection...It took me more than one and a half hours to DL the wireless driver and because the driver cant work without the driver I can set the config of the wireless to enter the sch's wireless thingy which further set things back... ...I was using a LAN cable to connect to the internet at that time btw... ...
We felt kinda out of place at that time as we looked like the only ones who were hard at work to self-cert our notebooks...Everybody else were doing their own stuff... ...Some were watching show...some playing games and some even slping... ...Cheng Wai said that by their looks...He thinks that they have given up....And that it wont be long b4 we join them... ...We were laughing at our own expense when we notice this couple that didnt seem to be doing anything... ...They were not slping...playing...or watching anything... ...They were jus sitting together and staring at the screen of the gal's laptop... ...
Then we saw the problem... ...The gal's laptop was a mac! LOL!!! Nice one...Trying to install XP on a mac...Conform got prob one lah... ...Cheng was like laughing all the way and saying that they were praying to the mac laptop to work...
After seeing this we seemed to hav gained some confidence in ourselves to chiong finish the farking self-cert after laughing at the demise of others... ...
Lol...Glad we finished it...Wonder how that gal is doing now... ...
Accepting Myself For Who I Am... ...
Yesterday went to SP library wif Cheng they all...I absolutely LOVE SP's library... It has air-con...wireless...DVD for loan and even manga is out for loan... It is the only thing I actually like or even find acceptable in this shit hole of a school...The library is about the only thing in SP that actually impresses me... ...

He joins a college club called "The Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture" or "Genshiken" for short out of interest in manga and anime... ...However, after only spending a short amount of time wif the members of Genshiken, he decides that he is unable to fit in wif the rest of the Otaku as he is not as hardcore or extreme as they are... ...Fortunately...A fellow freshman(Kousaka Makoto), who is a hardcore on fight games, manages to persuade him to stay a bit longer and before long he finds himself fitting in wif the rest of them... ...It was also during his first trip to the Summer Comic Fest wif the rest of the crew that he let his true nature out... ...
After reading only the 1st vol I find myself relating to Kanji... ...And it is not jus the ,"Oh...I understand wat u mean... ..." kind of relate...It was more like the ,"I know exactly wat u mean!!!I am going through the EXACT SAME THING!!!" kind of relate... ...
I consider myself a part-time Otaku...Not because I do not want to be a full-fledged one...Jus that at the moment I do not hav much time to fuel my passion...And at my current statues as a student...I do not really hav the funds to bolster this expensive hobby... ...I do consider myself hardcore though(Considering my age and financial statues) ...If spending thousands of dollars on games and anime/manga related stuff at my age is not considered hardcore...I dun know wat is... ...But I try my best to live up to the title of "Otaku"... ...
There was this one scene in vol 1 of Genshiken that went like this... ...Kousaka Makoto(The fight game hardcore) invited Kanji to his house to play video games... ...The moment Kanji entered his apartment ,which is piled to the roof wif anime, manga and games wif game consoles lying every where AND posters covering every inch of his walls, he realized that, "What I lack is the courage to accept myself for who I am."
This scene struck a chord in me...And it was those extremely loud and low pitch types wif a resounding rumble... ...I was very shocked when I saw wat Kanji thought as it sort of awakened me...I realized that I (too) lack the courage to accept myself for who I am... ...
All this time I held back on my choice of figurines and kept my stash of posters secret jus because I was afraid of wat others would think of me...How my family would view me and how my parents would react to my hobby... ...
I forced myself to admire certain figurines from far and tucked my posters away instead of putting them up like they are supposed to jus because I was afraid how my family would react if they one day saw that my room suddenly had a collection of exotic(Not erotic ah...Mind u... ...) figurines and that my walls cant be seen anymore... ...
I hav decided! I will no longer stand for this! I will dive head first into my interest! There will be no turning back once I start! I will strive towards my goal of becoming a full-fledged Otaku!
Screw wat other ppl thinks! Or even wat my family thinks! I am SO buying Jungle Emi! I am SO putting up that (Almost) life-size poster of Rikku! I am SO putting up that poster of Ayanami Rei in a bikini!!!!!!!
I Will Find The Courage To Accept Myself For Who I Am!
Speaking of which... ...Genshiken has also convinced, or rather FORCED me to purchase manga which are published in America... ...America gets to publish lots of great manga but I hav managed to avoid buying any of them mainly because of the steep price and the fact that local Chuang Yi also has great manga for much cheaper prices... ...However...Because of Genshiken...I will hav to purchase the title from American publishers... ...
Of course it would be best if Chuang Yi also publishes Genshiken but I highly doubt they will even consider even if I went to write a petition... ...As Genshiken is an EXTREMELY accurate account of the Otaku community in Japan...It also include certain "Adults Only" references... ...I mean...Thats the way it is over there in Japan...Certain "stuff" that is deemed unacceptable here happens there... ...Of course the best case scenario would be if the government of Singapore legalizes ALL these "stuff". But this is, again, highly doubtful... ...
Anywayz... ...I made a GREAT find at the comics section of the school's main library... ...I found a manga that may well change my way of life... ...

Genshiken: The Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture
The Otaku community of Japan is often played on and made fun of in manga...But finally I hav found a manga that accuratly describes the community without making fun of it...Well...Not THAT much fun anyway... ...
The manga mainly revolves a budding Otaku named Sasahara Kanji...He is an all rounder wif no particular "favorite" Otaku activity like cosplaying, playing fight games or reading manga...He is kinda interested in all aspects of the Otaku lifestyle... ...However, he has yet to accept himself for who he really is(An Otaku) because he views himself as normal and society does not consider Otaku to be normal... ...He joins a college club called "The Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture" or "Genshiken" for short out of interest in manga and anime... ...However, after only spending a short amount of time wif the members of Genshiken, he decides that he is unable to fit in wif the rest of the Otaku as he is not as hardcore or extreme as they are... ...Fortunately...A fellow freshman(Kousaka Makoto), who is a hardcore on fight games, manages to persuade him to stay a bit longer and before long he finds himself fitting in wif the rest of them... ...It was also during his first trip to the Summer Comic Fest wif the rest of the crew that he let his true nature out... ...
After reading only the 1st vol I find myself relating to Kanji... ...And it is not jus the ,"Oh...I understand wat u mean... ..." kind of relate...It was more like the ,"I know exactly wat u mean!!!I am going through the EXACT SAME THING!!!" kind of relate... ...
I consider myself a part-time Otaku...Not because I do not want to be a full-fledged one...Jus that at the moment I do not hav much time to fuel my passion...And at my current statues as a student...I do not really hav the funds to bolster this expensive hobby... ...I do consider myself hardcore though(Considering my age and financial statues) ...If spending thousands of dollars on games and anime/manga related stuff at my age is not considered hardcore...I dun know wat is... ...But I try my best to live up to the title of "Otaku"... ...
There was this one scene in vol 1 of Genshiken that went like this... ...Kousaka Makoto(The fight game hardcore) invited Kanji to his house to play video games... ...The moment Kanji entered his apartment ,which is piled to the roof wif anime, manga and games wif game consoles lying every where AND posters covering every inch of his walls, he realized that, "What I lack is the courage to accept myself for who I am."
This scene struck a chord in me...And it was those extremely loud and low pitch types wif a resounding rumble... ...I was very shocked when I saw wat Kanji thought as it sort of awakened me...I realized that I (too) lack the courage to accept myself for who I am... ...
All this time I held back on my choice of figurines and kept my stash of posters secret jus because I was afraid of wat others would think of me...How my family would view me and how my parents would react to my hobby... ...
I forced myself to admire certain figurines from far and tucked my posters away instead of putting them up like they are supposed to jus because I was afraid how my family would react if they one day saw that my room suddenly had a collection of exotic(Not erotic ah...Mind u... ...) figurines and that my walls cant be seen anymore... ...
I hav decided! I will no longer stand for this! I will dive head first into my interest! There will be no turning back once I start! I will strive towards my goal of becoming a full-fledged Otaku!
Screw wat other ppl thinks! Or even wat my family thinks! I am SO buying Jungle Emi! I am SO putting up that (Almost) life-size poster of Rikku! I am SO putting up that poster of Ayanami Rei in a bikini!!!!!!!
I Will Find The Courage To Accept Myself For Who I Am!
Speaking of which... ...Genshiken has also convinced, or rather FORCED me to purchase manga which are published in America... ...America gets to publish lots of great manga but I hav managed to avoid buying any of them mainly because of the steep price and the fact that local Chuang Yi also has great manga for much cheaper prices... ...However...Because of Genshiken...I will hav to purchase the title from American publishers... ...
Of course it would be best if Chuang Yi also publishes Genshiken but I highly doubt they will even consider even if I went to write a petition... ...As Genshiken is an EXTREMELY accurate account of the Otaku community in Japan...It also include certain "Adults Only" references... ...I mean...Thats the way it is over there in Japan...Certain "stuff" that is deemed unacceptable here happens there... ...Of course the best case scenario would be if the government of Singapore legalizes ALL these "stuff". But this is, again, highly doubtful... ...
Monday, April 16, 2007
Went to pay for my CCA fees after sch... ...Then went to turn up for the Self-Cert... I saw a half empty room and I was like..."Good...Not crazy student playing crazy goth metallic music thingy... ..." I went in and I was like...
Me: "This is the place for the Self-Cert right?"
Some-Random-Guy: "Ya..."
Me: "So...I would let to start the Self-Cert now... ..."
Some-Random-Guy: "Did u make a booking?"
Me: "No...I did it halfway the other day so I can finish it in about an hr..."
Some-Random-Guy: "If u did not book then u would hav to come back tml... ..."
Me: *Looks around* "But the place is nearly empty... ..."
Some-Random-Guy: "U hav to make a booking... ..."
Me: "The place is almost empty... ..."
Some-Random-Guy: "I cant help u... ..."
Me: "Ok...Then I am walk-in one... ..."
Some-Random-Guy: "We dun do walk in anymore... ..."
Me: (@#%@&!$^#$!!!)
I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT SP!!!... ...Except for its Life Arts Club...Woot!!!
p\s: I found out that my CCA camp haven started yet... ...I will DEFINITELY be going...To substitute that loser SPSU camp... ...Wonder if Anston will be interested...He said once that he was... ...
Me: "This is the place for the Self-Cert right?"
Some-Random-Guy: "Ya..."
Me: "So...I would let to start the Self-Cert now... ..."
Some-Random-Guy: "Did u make a booking?"
Me: "No...I did it halfway the other day so I can finish it in about an hr..."
Some-Random-Guy: "If u did not book then u would hav to come back tml... ..."
Me: *Looks around* "But the place is nearly empty... ..."
Some-Random-Guy: "U hav to make a booking... ..."
Me: "The place is almost empty... ..."
Some-Random-Guy: "I cant help u... ..."
Me: "Ok...Then I am walk-in one... ..."
Some-Random-Guy: "We dun do walk in anymore... ..."
Me: (@#%@&!$^#$!!!)
I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT SP!!!... ...Except for its Life Arts Club...Woot!!!
p\s: I found out that my CCA camp haven started yet... ...I will DEFINITELY be going...To substitute that loser SPSU camp... ...Wonder if Anston will be interested...He said once that he was... ...
1st Day Of Sch... ...
After nearly half a year of holiday...Sch has finally started...Was afraid that I could not wake up on time so I wok up at 6...Big mistake...My class only starts at 9... ...
Took the train to school... Took about an hour for me to get there... ...I really dread having to take the same route to sch every single day... ...
Dover MRT Station was PACKED when I arrived...Then I noticed that I was the only one to go to school alone on the first day...Everyone else was part of a group...Ah well...Always was a loner and always proud to be one... ...
Class started the same way as it does in sec sch...Not much diff...Well...There is ONE diff...and it is a BIG one...U can switch on ur laptop and use it in front of ur teacher ad nobody says anything...I even tried playing DotA during class...The teacher didnt notice and the other student did not say anything as some of them are also surfing the net or chatting online... ...Lol...There goes my days as the hibernating polar bear of the class... ...From the wayz things look now...I will hav activities of my own during class and I wont hav time to slp... ...
Chatted wif Jia Wei on MSN during class... Found out that he did not hav to go to sch today...Lucky bastard...He has all the best time slot for everything... His average time of arrival at NYP is around 12 NN...While mine is 9 AM...I mean...EVERY poly should hav a average sch arrival time of 12 NN...There is only 5 polys...They yhing everybody live near by like in a sec sch ah? NB...Lim Bei live at Serangoon Gardens leh...U think the traveling time and cost is a joke is it... ...?
About the slping thing...Although I cant hibernate during classes due to my attention being preoccupied by my laptop...I can slp during lectures though...Laptops arent allowed during lectures so...Yeah...Guess I would be using that time to catch up on slp lost from the FUCKING LONG TRAIN RIDE!!!
Found out that I will be taking accounts...Ya...Jus found out...I really went into this course blind...Dunno wat possessed me to choose this course... ...Oh well...Alls well...Ends well...
Went I heard that I would be taking accounts...I was quite pissed...truth be told...I mean...I spent two fucked up years stuck wif a cow learning A. Maths and it turned out to be a TOTAL waste...Now I hav to take PoA while some of them had already mastered (So to speak) the subject... ...Now that I think about it... ...PoA is really more relevant to a person's working life than A. Maths...I mean...PoA teaches accounting that I used in ALL businesses while A. Maths teaches logarithm which pretty much do squat... ...Seriously...I cant understand why the smarter students (Like moi) are chosen to learn a worthless subject like A. Maths while the less academic ones do PoA... ..Watever... ...
Now having recess...Bo Liao so go library rant a little... ...Some might hav noticed that my rants hav quieten and slowed down a bit... ...Thats cause at home internet got some prob so no mood to post blog...And recently busy wif sch and stuff...But as soon as the internet is fixed...Should go back to my usual pace of ranting... ...
Sianz..After sch still hav to settle the issue of Self-Certifying my notebook... ...
Took the train to school... Took about an hour for me to get there... ...I really dread having to take the same route to sch every single day... ...
Dover MRT Station was PACKED when I arrived...Then I noticed that I was the only one to go to school alone on the first day...Everyone else was part of a group...Ah well...Always was a loner and always proud to be one... ...
Class started the same way as it does in sec sch...Not much diff...Well...There is ONE diff...and it is a BIG one...U can switch on ur laptop and use it in front of ur teacher ad nobody says anything...I even tried playing DotA during class...The teacher didnt notice and the other student did not say anything as some of them are also surfing the net or chatting online... ...Lol...There goes my days as the hibernating polar bear of the class... ...From the wayz things look now...I will hav activities of my own during class and I wont hav time to slp... ...
Chatted wif Jia Wei on MSN during class... Found out that he did not hav to go to sch today...Lucky bastard...He has all the best time slot for everything... His average time of arrival at NYP is around 12 NN...While mine is 9 AM...I mean...EVERY poly should hav a average sch arrival time of 12 NN...There is only 5 polys...They yhing everybody live near by like in a sec sch ah? NB...Lim Bei live at Serangoon Gardens leh...U think the traveling time and cost is a joke is it... ...?
About the slping thing...Although I cant hibernate during classes due to my attention being preoccupied by my laptop...I can slp during lectures though...Laptops arent allowed during lectures so...Yeah...Guess I would be using that time to catch up on slp lost from the FUCKING LONG TRAIN RIDE!!!
Found out that I will be taking accounts...Ya...Jus found out...I really went into this course blind...Dunno wat possessed me to choose this course... ...Oh well...Alls well...Ends well...
Went I heard that I would be taking accounts...I was quite pissed...truth be told...I mean...I spent two fucked up years stuck wif a cow learning A. Maths and it turned out to be a TOTAL waste...Now I hav to take PoA while some of them had already mastered (So to speak) the subject... ...Now that I think about it... ...PoA is really more relevant to a person's working life than A. Maths...I mean...PoA teaches accounting that I used in ALL businesses while A. Maths teaches logarithm which pretty much do squat... ...Seriously...I cant understand why the smarter students (Like moi) are chosen to learn a worthless subject like A. Maths while the less academic ones do PoA... ..Watever... ...
Now having recess...Bo Liao so go library rant a little... ...Some might hav noticed that my rants hav quieten and slowed down a bit... ...Thats cause at home internet got some prob so no mood to post blog...And recently busy wif sch and stuff...But as soon as the internet is fixed...Should go back to my usual pace of ranting... ...
Sianz..After sch still hav to settle the issue of Self-Certifying my notebook... ...
Sunday, April 15, 2007
I'm Sephiroth... ...?
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy VII
Whew...Lucky not some gay guy like Vaan or Zidane
Saturday, April 14, 2007
SPSU sucks...TO THE CORE!!!
I am NVR listening to Anston's advice...I can still remember it like it was yesterday... ...
Anston: "Oi! Go the camp lah...We both go turn SP upside down together!"
Me: "Sianz...Ma Fan (Troublesome in chinese) leh...Hav to pack and all that...And only u and I go conform boring one lah... ..."
Anston: "U at home got things to do meh? Jus go lah... For fun... ..."
Me: "I still got some games to complete...And go to camp wif a bunch of strangers fun meh?"
Anston: "Come on lah... ..."
Me: "ON LAH!!!"
*Slaps forehead*
I dunno wat took over me at that time... The SPSU (Singapore Polytechnic Student Union) camp SUXED!!!
Ok...Let me giv u guys an idea...I joined the Boys' Brigade at Sec 1 and I stayed all the way to Sec 4 I hav been to the WORST camps...and I hav been to quite good camps...Yet...This is the FIRST camp that made me feel like leaving only 3 hrs into the camp... ...Sayz a DAMN LOT about the quality of the camp... ...In the end we did manage to leave the camp...But that we shall leave it to later on...Now...On to the rantings... ...
Fucked Up Hierarchy System:
They have the so called "Hierechy" system within the camp and the SPSU...They have "ranks" ranging from camp chief to...Get'm not joking...There is a rank called photographer...Now here comes the lame part...We hav to GREET them whenever we see them... ...Even if they just happen to walk by we oso hav to greet them...Some even "order" us to do some funny action while greeting them... ...Those ASSHOLES keep cycling around the school in circles resulting in us greeting them multiple times in a single minute!!! Thats not all...They insist us on greeting time in order of the hierarchy system...AND if there are ten of them present...We hav to greet ALL of them...In ORDER!!! OI!!! LIM BEI NO TIME TO GO REMEMBER UR MAKE BELIEVE PARLIAMENT RANKS HOR!!! Chee Bye...The worst part is during meal times... ...Every "Parliament Member" will be there during a meal and we hav to greet EVERY SINGLE ONE of them IN ORDER... ...To get to eat a 40 cent Da Bao (Takeaway in one of the dialects) meal... ...I mean...Who The FUCK do they think they are?!?!?! They are but fellow students...In terms of authority...They are equals to us...In terms of seniority...They are but 1 or 2 years older than us...Being 1 or 2 years our senior do not warrant such demand of "Respect"... ...When confronted about their controversial treatment of fellow students...They cited that they "Took time out of their own holiday" and "Only wanted some respect back"...First things first...U chose to use ur own holiday...U not happy about it then dun take time out of ur holiday...And...For such a "HUGE" sacrifice...U did not do a good job on wat u sacrificed ur holiday for...Meaning...Ur camp suxed BAD...Secondly...Respect is EARNED...Not DEMANDED by treating ur juniors like DOGS!!! Hierarchy my ASS!!!
"Fun" Camp Games:
Lol...They had the balls to say that their camp is the one wif most fun... Riigghhhttt...All they fucking did was play stupid clapping games and singing lame camp songs... ...Even when we went to West Coast Park for station games...It was typical "bonding" games like spider web (Stand in a line and go though a web while holding hands)...Nothing new... They also supplement fun games wif lots of lame activities like making up cheers...In order to drag time and make their camp seem "fuller" they require our group to make about 2-3 cheers every station we go in the camp... ...
Every camp admin uses a alias...No real names...Lame names range from Mr. FHM (I know...Act funny right?) to Alex, Sam and Clover of Totally Spies... ...Lameville.
Masquerading As A Fun Camp:
B4 the camp started...They claimed that their camp is the most fun one of all...Which I hav proven above to be false...Another thing I scoff at is their attempt to make it a "Knight" themed camp... Before camp started... ...They said that it was a "Knight" themed camp wif "Knightly" stuff...No such thing (As far as I'm concerned anywayz...I only stayed for a few hrs before leaving)... ...The only thing that is even remotely related to Knights is my group's name which is Camelot...All the other groups hav non-knight names like ...Get this... Abalone...Yeah...I know...-_- right?
The Escape:
There was this 22 yr old guy in our group...Anston and I thought...If we were bored outta our minds...How about this guy? We found out that within 5 hrs into the camp...He had already requested to withdraw from the camp...He was no nonsense, I-Want-To-Leave-Means-I-Want-To-Leave kinda guy...He got the ball rolling and after speaking wif this guy...We started our own escape... ...
4 VS. 1:
When we told them that we wanted to leave...They did wat we expected be dragging us to a corner any try to tok us into staying...Anston kept quite all the way and I pretty much did all the toking...And there were 4 of them so it was 4 VS. 1... ...Anston kept so quite that they though I was trying to drag him along in my "escape"... ...Here are some snippets of the extremely long conversation... ...
Movie Thingy:
Guy A: "Since u paid for the camp liao then stay lah..."
Me: "No thanks...I rather not waste my time any futher..."
Gal A: "How u know the rest of the camp is not fun if u dun stay through out?"
Me: (-_-) "If I stay through out and find out that it still suxed then it will be too late to save any time right?"
Guy A: "U are like someone that decided not to watch a movie after purchasing the ticket..."
Me: "Since u want to put it this way...I say that I am someone who read a review about a good movie but it turned out that the movie was not as good as the review stated... ..."
Guy B: "So u are saying that it is our fault and that we wrote about our camp is false lah?"
Me: "Exactly my point... ..."
Gal A: "Then how u know the movie is not nice if u did not watch it?"
Me: "Ok then...Say I watch 15 minutes of the show and decided that it was a waste of my time and opted to leave before the movie finished... ..."
Gal A: "Then how u know the rest of the movie is not nice if u had not seen it?"
Me: "Based on my impression of the first 15 minutes...I highly doubt that the rest of the movie could be any more entertaining... ..."
Guy B: "So u telling me that u will go watch a movie and if not nice u will leave halfway?"
Me: "Yes... ..."
Guy B: "U would waste that $9.50?"
Me: "Yes... ..."
Guy B: *Chuckles* "I dun believe...Most ppl will jus watch the whole movie... ..."
Me: "I'm not like most ppl...$9.50 is nothing to me... ..."
Guy B: *Stops Chuckling*
The Persuasion:
Guy A: "Y dun u guys jus stay one night and then tml u tell me if u guys still find the camp boring?"
Me: "No thanks...I hav seen this trick b4...I dun want to drag any futher... And I not interested to see if the rest of the camp is interesting as I know it will not suit me... ..."
The Desperation And Fustration(Theirs...Not mine...):
Guy B: "U say u guys from BB is it? I cant see that u ppl are from BB...U dun even hav the discipline to stay through out one camp... ..."
Me: "HEY! U cant use the fact that we are ex-BB boys to pin the blame of us leaving early on us...Nothing changes the fact that ur camp is bori-"
Guy B: "U see? U dun even hav the discipline to not cut into my sentence... ..."
Me: (WTF?! Who is cutting whoes sentence?!) "U cant use the fact that we are ex-BB boys to insult...We are leaving whether u lke it or not... ..."
Guy B: "U see? U dun even hav the discipline to not cut into my sentence... ..."
Me: (The guy's a broken record... ...)
It was pretty obvious to me that this so called "Camp Chief" (Guy B) was trying to score 1 last hit against me b4 letting me go home as he was pretty frustrated that I jacked every single camp admin they could throw at me even though it was 4 VS. 1...Ah well...Not gonna waste my breath jacking a fool... ...
There were SOME good guys within the camp admins though... There were Tic and Tac of my group... ...When they heard that we wanted to leave...They did not ask ANY questions AT ALL...They were like: "Oh ok. But can u wait till this activity is over? Then I bring u to the proper ppl to tok to." Guess they could see from our faces that we REALLY wanted to leave... ... Tic and Tac are their aliases...I regret not being able to know their real names... ...
I heard from Jia Wei that Derick should be coming back to Singapore today so I thought of jus bringing my camp bag and stay at Derick's house...But when I called to ask Jia Wei he told me that Derick's car met wif an accident and couldnt come...When Anston heard that Derick met wif an accident...He was like, "HUH! Derick met wif an accident?! Wat kind of accident?! He is ok?!" Lol...A person of normal intellect would assume that since Derick was able to sms Jia Wei to tell him about the accident it means that he is ok... ...U ARE ok right Derick?
Anywayz... ...My CCA has/had a camp too...They planning to/has already choing Gundam modeling, anime and games of all type (PS2, Xbox, PC etc.)...Now THATS wat I call a fun camp...Free and easy and no clapping and singing PLUS games that are actually fun... ...I wonder if it is over liao...If not I will DEFINITELY join...I blew them off the other time for this pathetic reason of a camp... ...Damn u Anston... ...
I am NVR listening to Anston's advice...I can still remember it like it was yesterday... ...
Anston: "Oi! Go the camp lah...We both go turn SP upside down together!"
Me: "Sianz...Ma Fan (Troublesome in chinese) leh...Hav to pack and all that...And only u and I go conform boring one lah... ..."
Anston: "U at home got things to do meh? Jus go lah... For fun... ..."
Me: "I still got some games to complete...And go to camp wif a bunch of strangers fun meh?"
Anston: "Come on lah... ..."
Me: "ON LAH!!!"
*Slaps forehead*
I dunno wat took over me at that time... The SPSU (Singapore Polytechnic Student Union) camp SUXED!!!
Ok...Let me giv u guys an idea...I joined the Boys' Brigade at Sec 1 and I stayed all the way to Sec 4 I hav been to the WORST camps...and I hav been to quite good camps...Yet...This is the FIRST camp that made me feel like leaving only 3 hrs into the camp... ...Sayz a DAMN LOT about the quality of the camp... ...In the end we did manage to leave the camp...But that we shall leave it to later on...Now...On to the rantings... ...
Fucked Up Hierarchy System:
They have the so called "Hierechy" system within the camp and the SPSU...They have "ranks" ranging from camp chief to...Get'm not joking...There is a rank called photographer...Now here comes the lame part...We hav to GREET them whenever we see them... ...Even if they just happen to walk by we oso hav to greet them...Some even "order" us to do some funny action while greeting them... ...Those ASSHOLES keep cycling around the school in circles resulting in us greeting them multiple times in a single minute!!! Thats not all...They insist us on greeting time in order of the hierarchy system...AND if there are ten of them present...We hav to greet ALL of them...In ORDER!!! OI!!! LIM BEI NO TIME TO GO REMEMBER UR MAKE BELIEVE PARLIAMENT RANKS HOR!!! Chee Bye...The worst part is during meal times... ...Every "Parliament Member" will be there during a meal and we hav to greet EVERY SINGLE ONE of them IN ORDER... ...To get to eat a 40 cent Da Bao (Takeaway in one of the dialects) meal... ...I mean...Who The FUCK do they think they are?!?!?! They are but fellow students...In terms of authority...They are equals to us...In terms of seniority...They are but 1 or 2 years older than us...Being 1 or 2 years our senior do not warrant such demand of "Respect"... ...When confronted about their controversial treatment of fellow students...They cited that they "Took time out of their own holiday" and "Only wanted some respect back"...First things first...U chose to use ur own holiday...U not happy about it then dun take time out of ur holiday...And...For such a "HUGE" sacrifice...U did not do a good job on wat u sacrificed ur holiday for...Meaning...Ur camp suxed BAD...Secondly...Respect is EARNED...Not DEMANDED by treating ur juniors like DOGS!!! Hierarchy my ASS!!!
"Fun" Camp Games:
Lol...They had the balls to say that their camp is the one wif most fun... Riigghhhttt...All they fucking did was play stupid clapping games and singing lame camp songs... ...Even when we went to West Coast Park for station games...It was typical "bonding" games like spider web (Stand in a line and go though a web while holding hands)...Nothing new... They also supplement fun games wif lots of lame activities like making up cheers...In order to drag time and make their camp seem "fuller" they require our group to make about 2-3 cheers every station we go in the camp... ...
Every camp admin uses a alias...No real names...Lame names range from Mr. FHM (I know...Act funny right?) to Alex, Sam and Clover of Totally Spies... ...Lameville.
Masquerading As A Fun Camp:
B4 the camp started...They claimed that their camp is the most fun one of all...Which I hav proven above to be false...Another thing I scoff at is their attempt to make it a "Knight" themed camp... Before camp started... ...They said that it was a "Knight" themed camp wif "Knightly" stuff...No such thing (As far as I'm concerned anywayz...I only stayed for a few hrs before leaving)... ...The only thing that is even remotely related to Knights is my group's name which is Camelot...All the other groups hav non-knight names like ...Get this... Abalone...Yeah...I know...-_- right?
The Escape:
There was this 22 yr old guy in our group...Anston and I thought...If we were bored outta our minds...How about this guy? We found out that within 5 hrs into the camp...He had already requested to withdraw from the camp...He was no nonsense, I-Want-To-Leave-Means-I-Want-To-Leave kinda guy...He got the ball rolling and after speaking wif this guy...We started our own escape... ...
4 VS. 1:
When we told them that we wanted to leave...They did wat we expected be dragging us to a corner any try to tok us into staying...Anston kept quite all the way and I pretty much did all the toking...And there were 4 of them so it was 4 VS. 1... ...Anston kept so quite that they though I was trying to drag him along in my "escape"... ...Here are some snippets of the extremely long conversation... ...
Movie Thingy:
Guy A: "Since u paid for the camp liao then stay lah..."
Me: "No thanks...I rather not waste my time any futher..."
Gal A: "How u know the rest of the camp is not fun if u dun stay through out?"
Me: (-_-) "If I stay through out and find out that it still suxed then it will be too late to save any time right?"
Guy A: "U are like someone that decided not to watch a movie after purchasing the ticket..."
Me: "Since u want to put it this way...I say that I am someone who read a review about a good movie but it turned out that the movie was not as good as the review stated... ..."
Guy B: "So u are saying that it is our fault and that we wrote about our camp is false lah?"
Me: "Exactly my point... ..."
Gal A: "Then how u know the movie is not nice if u did not watch it?"
Me: "Ok then...Say I watch 15 minutes of the show and decided that it was a waste of my time and opted to leave before the movie finished... ..."
Gal A: "Then how u know the rest of the movie is not nice if u had not seen it?"
Me: "Based on my impression of the first 15 minutes...I highly doubt that the rest of the movie could be any more entertaining... ..."
Guy B: "So u telling me that u will go watch a movie and if not nice u will leave halfway?"
Me: "Yes... ..."
Guy B: "U would waste that $9.50?"
Me: "Yes... ..."
Guy B: *Chuckles* "I dun believe...Most ppl will jus watch the whole movie... ..."
Me: "I'm not like most ppl...$9.50 is nothing to me... ..."
Guy B: *Stops Chuckling*
The Persuasion:
Guy A: "Y dun u guys jus stay one night and then tml u tell me if u guys still find the camp boring?"
Me: "No thanks...I hav seen this trick b4...I dun want to drag any futher... And I not interested to see if the rest of the camp is interesting as I know it will not suit me... ..."
The Desperation And Fustration(Theirs...Not mine...):
Guy B: "U say u guys from BB is it? I cant see that u ppl are from BB...U dun even hav the discipline to stay through out one camp... ..."
Me: "HEY! U cant use the fact that we are ex-BB boys to pin the blame of us leaving early on us...Nothing changes the fact that ur camp is bori-"
Guy B: "U see? U dun even hav the discipline to not cut into my sentence... ..."
Me: (WTF?! Who is cutting whoes sentence?!) "U cant use the fact that we are ex-BB boys to insult...We are leaving whether u lke it or not... ..."
Guy B: "U see? U dun even hav the discipline to not cut into my sentence... ..."
Me: (The guy's a broken record... ...)
It was pretty obvious to me that this so called "Camp Chief" (Guy B) was trying to score 1 last hit against me b4 letting me go home as he was pretty frustrated that I jacked every single camp admin they could throw at me even though it was 4 VS. 1...Ah well...Not gonna waste my breath jacking a fool... ...
There were SOME good guys within the camp admins though... There were Tic and Tac of my group... ...When they heard that we wanted to leave...They did not ask ANY questions AT ALL...They were like: "Oh ok. But can u wait till this activity is over? Then I bring u to the proper ppl to tok to." Guess they could see from our faces that we REALLY wanted to leave... ... Tic and Tac are their aliases...I regret not being able to know their real names... ...
I heard from Jia Wei that Derick should be coming back to Singapore today so I thought of jus bringing my camp bag and stay at Derick's house...But when I called to ask Jia Wei he told me that Derick's car met wif an accident and couldnt come...When Anston heard that Derick met wif an accident...He was like, "HUH! Derick met wif an accident?! Wat kind of accident?! He is ok?!" Lol...A person of normal intellect would assume that since Derick was able to sms Jia Wei to tell him about the accident it means that he is ok... ...U ARE ok right Derick?
Anywayz... ...My CCA has/had a camp too...They planning to/has already choing Gundam modeling, anime and games of all type (PS2, Xbox, PC etc.)...Now THATS wat I call a fun camp...Free and easy and no clapping and singing PLUS games that are actually fun... ...I wonder if it is over liao...If not I will DEFINITELY join...I blew them off the other time for this pathetic reason of a camp... ...Damn u Anston... ...
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Right now doing the fucked up self-certification wif Cheng Wai... B4 coming here...I thought that the 5 hrs they stated as the time needed to finish the self-certification was an exaggeration...Not at all... Those fuckers want to change even the most minor of details like the internet home page...Login style and all that stuff... ...Dun think we can finish all the programming by today... ...Leaving now...Cheng say come back tml... ...
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
BAH! Who needs orientations... ...?
Lols...Yesterday was the orientation for my school and I like...totally missed it lah... Lols...I remember one of the seniors saying that u only get to see Singapore Polytechnic's principle twice in ur poly life...Once during orientation and again during graduation... Guess wat senior? Looks like I will only be seeing him once...Heck...If I keep this up...I might not even get to see him at all! Aint that a joke...Graduating without even knowing who the fuck runs my school... ...
Went today for some stupid training... Was very flustered when I reached the school...Lol...I didnt know wat class I was and all that...That was until I met this kindly old bald man... He assured me that the orientation was unimportant and is "useless"...I later found out that he is the disciple master or something...Wat is it wif schools hiring bald disciple masters anywayz?
Met up wif Anston after the supposed training... Went for a tour around the school... ...Ate at Pizza Hut...Thats wat I like about my school...It has the most fast food restaurants...Lolz...I laugh when I recall that NYP only has one measly MacDonald's... ...
Due to some unforeseen circumstance (I lost my collection tin...My school participating in President' Star Charity...)... Anston headed to the library to slack first...That was when problems start happening... ...
I hardly stepped into the school b4 today so the campus grounds was totally foreign to me...Now as I made my way to the library on my own...I relied VERY heavily on the various (Though sparse) You Are Here signs scattered around the campus...Here comes the problem...Some of the signs were pointing at the wrong direction... ...The relatively FUCKED UP mapping system of the school lead me on a wild goose chase and had me walking several trips around the school...PLUS...It TOTALLY did not help that it was raining at the time... ...But...I like to say that I came out on top...At least I am now the one most familiar wif our school's campus...for now...until I forget... ...
After finally arriving at the library soaked in sweat and rain... ...Watched Anston surf the net and laugh at various ppl's Friendster accounts... Turns out...He treats his Friendster account as a source of entertainment rather than a method to make friends like it's supposed to... ...But that isnt to say that I myself did not enjoy his unorthodox entertainment source...Nearly cracked a rib laughing when I saw Xiang aka. Miss Tan's Friendster account...It is actually a normal gal's Friendster account...Wif the flood of self pics and "cute" poses...But somehow...When the subject at hand is Miss Tan...One of ur teachers...U cant help but laugh... ...The pics of her during her trip to Korea was especially hilarious... Anston actually went to set one of the pics wif her dressed up as a Korean palace maid on the base that it was cute... ... Wonder wat is it wif gals and Korea...I recognized one of the places as Jeju island...My mom dragged us there despite the fact that me and my sis (The younger one) would much prefer Tokyo... ...GrrrrRRR...Dae Jang Geum... ...
Cheng Wai met us at the library later on...We (Cheng and I) borrowed some Naruto DVDs to watch...Initially planned to import out and burn every single disc...But scrapped that plan after seeing how the anime version of Naruto suxed... Thats y I say...STICK TO THE ORIGINALS...STICK TO MANGAS...If the original happens to be the manga version...Anime like Gundam are exceptions...Anime are the originals for them... ...
Here comes the freaking HIGHLIGHT of the post... ...
We (Anston and I) went to the camp briefing (WAT WAS I THINKING?! I HATE CAMPS WIF STRANGERS!!!)... ...Guess who we saw? CONNIE!!!(Is like this spell right?) FUCK! That COW signed up for the exact same camp as us... ...I had more that 3/4 a mind to jus pon the whole thing... ...But of course... ...cant leave Anston all alone to the clutches of that cow... ...
After that things jus went spiraling down...Wanted to meet up wif Jon they all to play LAN but for some reason did not happen... Guess we were all too tired... Went home in a bad mood... ...
I noted something interesting during our conversation...Cheng Wai said something that goes like this, "Oi...Ru Gou Wo Qu...Jon Ta Men Huai Bu Huai Kao Bey?" (Oi...Will Jon they all kao bey if I went?)... Then he went on to mention that he feels very "Caught in The Middle" whenever the two groups meet... AT LAST!!! SOMEONE FACING A SIMILAR PROBLEM!!! I cant help but sympathize him...As I can totally (The word of the day seems to be "Totally"... hmm) relate to his problem...Must we all "flaunt" our difference? Must we always agree to our friends' view of other ppl or even views of other friends? Must we be restricted to only one social circle?
Anywayz...IT FINALLY ARRIVED...The Vista Home Premium that I ordered...Wat I like most about my com is that it is Designed for Windows XP, Windows Vista Capable....Means that It can support both Vista and XP...So if Vista cocks up...can revert back to XP...and when Vista stabilizes...can change to Vista...Of course all this would be nice if my school didnt insist that everyone use Windows XP Professional... ...
Went today for some stupid training... Was very flustered when I reached the school...Lol...I didnt know wat class I was and all that...That was until I met this kindly old bald man... He assured me that the orientation was unimportant and is "useless"...I later found out that he is the disciple master or something...Wat is it wif schools hiring bald disciple masters anywayz?
Met up wif Anston after the supposed training... Went for a tour around the school... ...Ate at Pizza Hut...Thats wat I like about my school...It has the most fast food restaurants...Lolz...I laugh when I recall that NYP only has one measly MacDonald's... ...
Due to some unforeseen circumstance (I lost my collection tin...My school participating in President' Star Charity...)... Anston headed to the library to slack first...That was when problems start happening... ...
I hardly stepped into the school b4 today so the campus grounds was totally foreign to me...Now as I made my way to the library on my own...I relied VERY heavily on the various (Though sparse) You Are Here signs scattered around the campus...Here comes the problem...Some of the signs were pointing at the wrong direction... ...The relatively FUCKED UP mapping system of the school lead me on a wild goose chase and had me walking several trips around the school...PLUS...It TOTALLY did not help that it was raining at the time... ...But...I like to say that I came out on top...At least I am now the one most familiar wif our school's campus...for now...until I forget... ...
After finally arriving at the library soaked in sweat and rain... ...Watched Anston surf the net and laugh at various ppl's Friendster accounts... Turns out...He treats his Friendster account as a source of entertainment rather than a method to make friends like it's supposed to... ...But that isnt to say that I myself did not enjoy his unorthodox entertainment source...Nearly cracked a rib laughing when I saw Xiang aka. Miss Tan's Friendster account...It is actually a normal gal's Friendster account...Wif the flood of self pics and "cute" poses...But somehow...When the subject at hand is Miss Tan...One of ur teachers...U cant help but laugh... ...The pics of her during her trip to Korea was especially hilarious... Anston actually went to set one of the pics wif her dressed up as a Korean palace maid on the base that it was cute... ... Wonder wat is it wif gals and Korea...I recognized one of the places as Jeju island...My mom dragged us there despite the fact that me and my sis (The younger one) would much prefer Tokyo... ...GrrrrRRR...Dae Jang Geum... ...
Cheng Wai met us at the library later on...We (Cheng and I) borrowed some Naruto DVDs to watch...Initially planned to import out and burn every single disc...But scrapped that plan after seeing how the anime version of Naruto suxed... Thats y I say...STICK TO THE ORIGINALS...STICK TO MANGAS...If the original happens to be the manga version...Anime like Gundam are exceptions...Anime are the originals for them... ...
Here comes the freaking HIGHLIGHT of the post... ...
We (Anston and I) went to the camp briefing (WAT WAS I THINKING?! I HATE CAMPS WIF STRANGERS!!!)... ...Guess who we saw? CONNIE!!!(Is like this spell right?) FUCK! That COW signed up for the exact same camp as us... ...I had more that 3/4 a mind to jus pon the whole thing... ...But of course... ...cant leave Anston all alone to the clutches of that cow... ...
After that things jus went spiraling down...Wanted to meet up wif Jon they all to play LAN but for some reason did not happen... Guess we were all too tired... Went home in a bad mood... ...
I noted something interesting during our conversation...Cheng Wai said something that goes like this, "Oi...Ru Gou Wo Qu...Jon Ta Men Huai Bu Huai Kao Bey?" (Oi...Will Jon they all kao bey if I went?)... Then he went on to mention that he feels very "Caught in The Middle" whenever the two groups meet... AT LAST!!! SOMEONE FACING A SIMILAR PROBLEM!!! I cant help but sympathize him...As I can totally (The word of the day seems to be "Totally"... hmm) relate to his problem...Must we all "flaunt" our difference? Must we always agree to our friends' view of other ppl or even views of other friends? Must we be restricted to only one social circle?
Anywayz...IT FINALLY ARRIVED...The Vista Home Premium that I ordered...Wat I like most about my com is that it is Designed for Windows XP, Windows Vista Capable....Means that It can support both Vista and XP...So if Vista cocks up...can revert back to XP...and when Vista stabilizes...can change to Vista...Of course all this would be nice if my school didnt insist that everyone use Windows XP Professional... ...
My Vista in its unique straight-out-of-factory look... Cause I ordered it straight from the factory in Taiwan...The look is slightly different... ...
I only posted this because it is different from the front...It has TWO stickers on it... ...
Monday, April 9, 2007
Farewell... ...
Lets all observe a minute of silence for the passing of Going Merry.
Going Merry
1997 - 2007
The Going Merry was a ship, however it became as alive as any other member in the Straw Hat Crew. When it died, an invaluable member was forever lost.
1997 - 2007
The Going Merry was a ship, however it became as alive as any other member in the Straw Hat Crew. When it died, an invaluable member was forever lost.

"In my many years as a shipwright, this is the first time I have ever seen such a strong pirate ship, living such a fulfilling life"
"Going Merry...Thank you for roaming the seas and soaring though the skies with us all this time, without a care for your own safety."-Iceburg
-Monkey D. Luffy
"The days I spent with you guys are the happiest days of my life."-Going Merry
Wednesday, April 4, 2007

CCA outing... ...
Went out to do some shopping wif my new CCA... ..."SP Life Arts"...Trust me...It has NOTHING to do wif art...They jus named it that way cause it sounds more high class and more likely to be accepted by the school than "Anime Club" or watever...The ppl who joined are MOSTLY Otaku...Not all though...Ah...My ppl...I hav returned!!! ...Went to various areas to buy model kits and tools to kick start our course... ...
My toolbox...Surprisingly small...Even my Tamiya car toolbox is five times its size... ...
Basic stuff like Art Knife and Cement...Buying stuff like an Air Brush on a later date... ...
My Model Kit...The RX-78-2... ...
After purchasing these stuff... I went along and bought something that I hav been eying for quite sometime... ...It is most probably the last piece in Singapore and production for that series hav sopped for quite sometime now...However I jus HAV to dedicate a post to this item so...Lets move on... ...
Went down to Niner to play LAN wif Jon and Co. As usual... Khim and Jun Yang was there...Wat was not expected though was that Anston was there...Weird combination of ppl considering their not-so-rosy past wif each other but we got long anyway...Of course the main course was DotA... But I actually enjoyed it this time...I dun know y...But I guess DotA is more of a game wif these guys than a competition... ...
Anston had to leave because if reasons unknown to me...So the rest of us decided to take a break from DotA and tried our hand at Pokemaul again...Again...we did not survive to game...Time time it was not my fault I had already learnt my lesson from my previous experience...Mostly due to Khim's wrong choice of Pokémon type and Jon's misplacement of a Lugia AND his wrong advice on where to place MY Lugia...
Tried some version of Tower Defense and went back for one last game of DotA before heading for home... ...
Walked home together...Long time since I walked home wif these guys... ...Somehow...Every time we meet for LAN...We would op to walk home instead of taking the bus...Was kinda nostalgic... ...

After purchasing these stuff... I went along and bought something that I hav been eying for quite sometime... ...It is most probably the last piece in Singapore and production for that series hav sopped for quite sometime now...However I jus HAV to dedicate a post to this item so...Lets move on... ...
Went down to Niner to play LAN wif Jon and Co. As usual... Khim and Jun Yang was there...Wat was not expected though was that Anston was there...Weird combination of ppl considering their not-so-rosy past wif each other but we got long anyway...Of course the main course was DotA... But I actually enjoyed it this time...I dun know y...But I guess DotA is more of a game wif these guys than a competition... ...
Anston had to leave because if reasons unknown to me...So the rest of us decided to take a break from DotA and tried our hand at Pokemaul again...Again...we did not survive to game...Time time it was not my fault I had already learnt my lesson from my previous experience...Mostly due to Khim's wrong choice of Pokémon type and Jon's misplacement of a Lugia AND his wrong advice on where to place MY Lugia...
Tried some version of Tower Defense and went back for one last game of DotA before heading for home... ...
Walked home together...Long time since I walked home wif these guys... ...Somehow...Every time we meet for LAN...We would op to walk home instead of taking the bus...Was kinda nostalgic... ...
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Zero's Familiar... ...
Hmm...Jus finished watching Zero's Familiar...All I can say about its storyline is that it is the typical , childish anime love story featuring two cute couples... ...So...I FREAKING LOVE IT!!! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT!!! Without hesitation...I can say that it is a definite 8/10...Better than Haruhi...Not by a lot though... ...
Some might find it weird that Haruhi will be given lesser marks than Zero's Familiar as The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya has better animation...and a storyline that is GENERALLY perceived as more interesting... However...I beg to differ...I feel that the storyline of Haruhi is somewat boring even though it has a cast of very different characters...I get the feeling that 1 episode has little or no connection to the next...
I feel that if a story doesnt hav a strong enough plot to set the viewers thinking...Take an alternative route to evoke emotions...Be it brotherhood or love... ...Works all the same...When I watch Haruhi...I get the feeling that it tries TOO hard to be mysterious and tries TOO hard to make the show seem as if it has a deep plot or something... ...
Anywayz...Zero's Familiar is 8/10 for Okay animation wif a cute but at the same time touching love based storyline... ... so it is classified under MUST WATCH B4 U DIE!!!...While Haruhi being 7/10 is only...Worth Watching... ...
WOOT!!! News is that there is going to be a second season for Zero's Familiar...Again, same as The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, it seemed that the series has already ended in the first season...Wonder wat they are gonna come up wif... ...Well I sure am not complaing about it though!
p/s: And Jia Wei...I still feel that Nagato is more of a copy of Rei than Tabitha aka. Charlotte...Personality wise...Based on looks alone...Tabitha might be more alike... ...
Some might find it weird that Haruhi will be given lesser marks than Zero's Familiar as The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya has better animation...and a storyline that is GENERALLY perceived as more interesting... However...I beg to differ...I feel that the storyline of Haruhi is somewat boring even though it has a cast of very different characters...I get the feeling that 1 episode has little or no connection to the next...
I feel that if a story doesnt hav a strong enough plot to set the viewers thinking...Take an alternative route to evoke emotions...Be it brotherhood or love... ...Works all the same...When I watch Haruhi...I get the feeling that it tries TOO hard to be mysterious and tries TOO hard to make the show seem as if it has a deep plot or something... ...
Anywayz...Zero's Familiar is 8/10 for Okay animation wif a cute but at the same time touching love based storyline... ... so it is classified under MUST WATCH B4 U DIE!!!...While Haruhi being 7/10 is only...Worth Watching... ...
WOOT!!! News is that there is going to be a second season for Zero's Familiar...Again, same as The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, it seemed that the series has already ended in the first season...Wonder wat they are gonna come up wif... ...Well I sure am not complaing about it though!
p/s: And Jia Wei...I still feel that Nagato is more of a copy of Rei than Tabitha aka. Charlotte...Personality wise...Based on looks alone...Tabitha might be more alike... ...
To: ArtCentral
Hmm...First of thanks to the assholes from ArtCentral that changed the anime time slot from 11PM-12MN from Wed-Fri to 12MN-1AM from Mon-Wed...NAH BEY... U think everyone so much time like u stay up till 12MN-1PM to watch ur recycled anime ah? YES!!! RECYCLED ANIME!!! U MOTHER FUCKERS CAN FOOL THE REST...BUT U SURE AS HELL CANT FOOL ME!!! NAH BEY... Repeat Shaman King nvrmind... Repeat Rumbling Hearts nvrmind... ...But u guys hav recycled Inuyasha AT LEAST THREE TIMES!!! Hmm...But it seems that Inuyasha has stopped repeating and hav gone on a steady course lately so nvrmind that... ...
BACK TO THE MAIN SUBJECT!!! NAH BEY...Everything was fine all this while...WHY THE HELL U HAV TO CHANGE THE TIME SLOT?!?!?! If it is ratings u guys are looking for... ...THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO DO IT!!!U dun push shows that are in already very late time slots to EVEN LATER time slots... ...BTW...Do u hav ANY, FUCKING, IDEA...How many FUCKING years I hav watched the anime slot in ur half baked channel?! I have watched it since u guys started it wif Inuyasha and 12 Kingdoms dunno how many donkey years back... Do u know how big an adjustment I had to make to accommodate UR fucking change in time slot?! And nooo...U dun jus change the broadcasting time...U HAD to change the dates... ...It has already become habit...even SECOND NATURE for me to tune in to ArtCentral during Wed-Mon at 11PM... ...I hav yet to miss a SINGLE EPISODE!!! Despite ur constant reruns of anime...I still remain loyal...Despite watching the first season of Inuyasha THREE TIMES!!!...I STILL remain loyal...Y DID U HAV TO CHANGE THE TIME SLOT?!?!?! TRYING TO WRECK MY WEEKLY SCHEDULE ISSIT?! TRYING TO CONFUSE ME ISSIT?!The way I see it...U guys are jus showing utter DISRESPECT to anime... ...I mean...Placing them in time slots that crosses over to the next day?...BLATANT RECYCLING OF ANIME?!?!?!...Haiz... ...I hav gotten used to the old time slot leh... ...For YEARS liao...I hav followed that time slot...Now ask me to change...nan liao (Difficult in chinese... ...). Old habits die hard... ...
ON THE OTHER HAND!!!Good job in rerunning Samurai 7!!! It is one of the BEST anime out there... I rate it 9/10 for GREAT animation and touching storyline about a band of samurai...I always hav a soft spot for these touching anime on love and brotherhood... I kinda envy the great relationships the characters in these shows hav wif each other...That would explain y I would giv Rumbling Hearts 8/10 for Okay animation and GREAT love story while Naruto would only get a 5/10 for average animation... uninteresting storyline...and...unnecessary, stupid, excessive and totally unrelated...FILLERS!!! Should spend more times broadcasting anime from GONZO...all of them all CONFORM high quality anime... Know y?...Cause GONZO is willing to dish out the CASH... All of their productions got SUPER big budgets... From wat I know... ...Each ep of Samurai 7 cost $300,000USD to produce...Thats... *Calculates*...$7,800,000USD...NAH BEY...THATS LIKE 7.8 MILLION FOR THE WHOLE SERIES LAH...I am soooooo buying the DVDs... ...Wah Kao...7.8M...Giv that to Steven Spielberg and he can make Mission: Impossible IV lah...Emm...Maybe not...Hollywood thinks in billions... ...
Anywayz...Samurai 7 is classified under...MUST WATCH B4 U DIE!!!...GO GONZO!!!
p/s: Jus dun rerun Last Exile (9/10)...I already hav the VCD so I can watch that anytime I want...Oh and dun rerun Kiddy Grade (8/10) too...I hav that too... ...GONZO BANZAI!!!
Yours Faithfully,
Leonard Yao
To: ArtCentral
Hmm...First of thanks to the assholes from ArtCentral that changed the anime time slot from 11PM-12MN from Wed-Fri to 12MN-1AM from Mon-Wed...NAH BEY... U think everyone so much time like u stay up till 12MN-1PM to watch ur recycled anime ah? YES!!! RECYCLED ANIME!!! U MOTHER FUCKERS CAN FOOL THE REST...BUT U SURE AS HELL CANT FOOL ME!!! NAH BEY... Repeat Shaman King nvrmind... Repeat Rumbling Hearts nvrmind... ...But u guys hav recycled Inuyasha AT LEAST THREE TIMES!!! Hmm...But it seems that Inuyasha has stopped repeating and hav gone on a steady course lately so nvrmind that... ...
BACK TO THE MAIN SUBJECT!!! NAH BEY...Everything was fine all this while...WHY THE HELL U HAV TO CHANGE THE TIME SLOT?!?!?! If it is ratings u guys are looking for... ...THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO DO IT!!!U dun push shows that are in already very late time slots to EVEN LATER time slots... ...BTW...Do u hav ANY, FUCKING, IDEA...How many FUCKING years I hav watched the anime slot in ur half baked channel?! I have watched it since u guys started it wif Inuyasha and 12 Kingdoms dunno how many donkey years back... Do u know how big an adjustment I had to make to accommodate UR fucking change in time slot?! And nooo...U dun jus change the broadcasting time...U HAD to change the dates... ...It has already become habit...even SECOND NATURE for me to tune in to ArtCentral during Wed-Mon at 11PM... ...I hav yet to miss a SINGLE EPISODE!!! Despite ur constant reruns of anime...I still remain loyal...Despite watching the first season of Inuyasha THREE TIMES!!!...I STILL remain loyal...Y DID U HAV TO CHANGE THE TIME SLOT?!?!?! TRYING TO WRECK MY WEEKLY SCHEDULE ISSIT?! TRYING TO CONFUSE ME ISSIT?!The way I see it...U guys are jus showing utter DISRESPECT to anime... ...I mean...Placing them in time slots that crosses over to the next day?...BLATANT RECYCLING OF ANIME?!?!?!...Haiz... ...I hav gotten used to the old time slot leh... ...For YEARS liao...I hav followed that time slot...Now ask me to change...nan liao (Difficult in chinese... ...). Old habits die hard... ...
ON THE OTHER HAND!!!Good job in rerunning Samurai 7!!! It is one of the BEST anime out there... I rate it 9/10 for GREAT animation and touching storyline about a band of samurai...I always hav a soft spot for these touching anime on love and brotherhood... I kinda envy the great relationships the characters in these shows hav wif each other...That would explain y I would giv Rumbling Hearts 8/10 for Okay animation and GREAT love story while Naruto would only get a 5/10 for average animation... uninteresting storyline...and...unnecessary, stupid, excessive and totally unrelated...FILLERS!!! Should spend more times broadcasting anime from GONZO...all of them all CONFORM high quality anime... Know y?...Cause GONZO is willing to dish out the CASH... All of their productions got SUPER big budgets... From wat I know... ...Each ep of Samurai 7 cost $300,000USD to produce...Thats... *Calculates*...$7,800,000USD...NAH BEY...THATS LIKE 7.8 MILLION FOR THE WHOLE SERIES LAH...I am soooooo buying the DVDs... ...Wah Kao...7.8M...Giv that to Steven Spielberg and he can make Mission: Impossible IV lah...Emm...Maybe not...Hollywood thinks in billions... ...
Anywayz...Samurai 7 is classified under...MUST WATCH B4 U DIE!!!...GO GONZO!!!
p/s: Jus dun rerun Last Exile (9/10)...I already hav the VCD so I can watch that anytime I want...Oh and dun rerun Kiddy Grade (8/10) too...I hav that too... ...GONZO BANZAI!!!
Yours Faithfully,
Leonard Yao
Monday, April 2, 2007
Jus finished watching The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya...Was FAR above average...EVEN BORDERING GREAT... ...But jus not quite there yet... ...Already looking forward to the next season... ...Wonder wat they will come up wif next...They already had some sort of conclusion in this 1st season... ...
I giv it 7/10 for wonderful (Not GREAT...You want GREAT? Go look for GONZO works... ...) animation... Interesting characters and nice storyline... ...Would hav given it 8/10 if not for the simple and short storyline that has close to no plot... ... Ah well...Good luck to season two... ...
Trying Zero's familiar right now... ...The animations looks a notch lower compared to Suzumiya... ...But cant say anything at the moment as I hav not finish the season...Giv me a day... ...
p/s: There is supossed to be a post before this one... ...But cant post that yet as there seems to be a prob wif my internet connection so I cant really upload pics and I dun wanna upload a half done post... ...
I giv it 7/10 for wonderful (Not GREAT...You want GREAT? Go look for GONZO works... ...) animation... Interesting characters and nice storyline... ...Would hav given it 8/10 if not for the simple and short storyline that has close to no plot... ... Ah well...Good luck to season two... ...
Trying Zero's familiar right now... ...The animations looks a notch lower compared to Suzumiya... ...But cant say anything at the moment as I hav not finish the season...Giv me a day... ...
p/s: There is supossed to be a post before this one... ...But cant post that yet as there seems to be a prob wif my internet connection so I cant really upload pics and I dun wanna upload a half done post... ...
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