But he had somewat valid reasons for being late...
After he walked down the huge slope leading up to his house...he realized that he forgot to take his cheque wif him...*Roll Eyes*...After retrieving his cheque and once again reaching the bottom of the slope...He realized that he forgot to bring along the souvenir he brought for my on his trip to Bangkok (Yes...he brought a souvenir for me on his trip to Bangkok...How nice eh?)...Then of course he had to make his way up the huge slope to collect the souvenir...I did not think that 2 trips up and down that slope of his would make him 1 hr late but I forgave him and did not question further on the account of the nice souvenir he got me:

Lookie there...It's Uchiha Sasuke!!! Blowing out fire some more... ...
We then went shopping together wif our newly filled wallets... ...The first place we went to was Sunshine Plaza... ...For those of u who dun know...Sunshine Plaza is a mini-mall kinda place that mostly sell figurines...They hav ALL SORTS of figurines there...and when I say all sorts I really do mean ALL SORTS!!! They hav EVERYTHING that an Otaku like myself would EVER want...The products sold there range from the ever popular Mobile Suit Model Kits to rare figurines of the first Masked Rider!!! They also sell stuff that are not figurines but are nevertheless anime related...They have the usual keychains ...pins and cards...BUT they also have rare stuff like mugs and imported magazines from Japan...Most impressive is that they even hav Naruto ramen imported from Japan...
We, or rather I, had a hard time choosing wat to buy...there were so may figurines and they were all so well done and beautiful...I went there, determined to buy a Ayanami Rei figurine...but Rei herself had more than 12 or maybe even 20 different design... ...To make matters worse...I saw a original Final Fantasy VII Sephiroth figurine... ...That series is no longer in production and Sephiroth is much rarer than the rest of the figurines in the series...And that figurine is based on Sephiroth's original design...not his Advent Children look...Although that particular figurine is a whooping 150 bucks...I expected it to be priced at about twice that value... ...Haiz...So many figurines...so little money...
But in the end...I came to the decision to buy the 10th Anniversary Edition of Neon Genesis Evangelion figurine set of Rei Ayanami and Sohryu Asuka Langley:

*Sigh*...Arent they jus beautiful?

Them together wif some of the other stuff in my room to giv a good idea of their size...which is quite big... ...

Jia Wei already had a figurine, or rather an action figure, in mind before he arrived at Sunshine Plaza...He wanted a Roxas action figure...Y he likes Roxas so much in spite of the fact that Roxas
is jus a side character and Jia Wei has nvr completed Kingdom Hearts 2...is beyond me...although I admit that Roxas's character design is pretty cool... ...However...all the figurine shops in Sunshine Plaza had run out of Roxas action figures(But they had plenty of Sora action figures...Wonder y?)...Only one shop had 1 Roxas action figure left but they were taking advantage of the fact that Roxas action figures were rare to sell it at an exorbitant price of seventy something bucks(Cant remember exact price...)!!! I mean...WTF?!?!?!THAT IS LIKE 1.5 TIMES THE ORIGINAL PRICE LAH FUCK!!!But thanks to me...we found a shop in Bugis Junction called Absolute Comics that had one last Roxas action figure that was sold at the normal price of $49.40...Haiz...I should hav brought that...dunno whether can find another one... ...
After shopping for figurines... I still had plenty of cash left so I considered buying more figurines but decided to stop by Sim Lim Square before making any decisions...
The moment we arrived at Sim Lim Square...We headed for Game Planet...(Game Planet has two outlets in Sim Lim Square...We went to the one located on level 5 as it has a larger variety of games...) Btw...Game Planet is GREAT...It sells games at much cheaper prices than anywhere else...The PC version of Fable: The Lost Chapters can be found at a measly price of $50 and Guild Wars games can be found at around $50...The last time I saw Guild Wars at Comics Connection...It was being sold at around $80...
I intended to buy Guild Wars: Nightfall but ended up buying Guild Wars: Factions as it has the Assassin class and as Andrew says...,"It has a nicer box"-_-
I was torned between buying Collector's Edition and the normal one as the Collector's Edition one had extra stuff and had a cooler box...But Jia Wei convinced me that it was not worth it to pay more than twice the price to buy the game plus some extra stuff that is really stupid(Like a soundtrack and pins...)...So I ended up buying the normal one...and deciding to spend the money , buying the guide book instead of paying extra for the Collector's Edition...:

Guild Wars: Factions wif its "Nicer box"... ...
I have started playing liao...But I have not yet reached the maximum lvl of 20(The reason for such a low max lvl is because the games focuses more on PvP than lvling...).Despite the low max lvl...It is actually quite hard to lvl up in this game...so far I am only at lvl 6... ...
After buying Guild Wars, I considered buying other figurines like the original Sephiroth figurine and figurines from the Monsieur Bome collection...which is VERY tempting...go here to see wat I mean... ...I did not though as buying too many stuff in a day might attract disapproval from my parents... ...Especially my mom... ...
We then later head for home early as Jia Wei has to go swimming wif his relatives at Serangoon Gardens Country Club(LOL!!!)...
The first one to see wat I bought was my mom...Her reaction was, "Wei Se Mua Mai Nu De?!" ("Y did u buy females?!" in Chinese...). I didnt know wat to say so I did not say anything... ...Jus wait till I buy my first Bome figurine...
My mom then invited me to go to the Serangoon Gardens Country Club gym to workout wif her and my sisters...Now...I usually would reply wif a ,"Zou Le Ji De Guan Men..." ("Remember to close the door on the way out..." in Chinese), but this time I made it a exception as I wanted to laugh at a swimming Jia Wei using my status as a Gold Star ranked swimmer...Unfortunately...By the time I was done working out...It was already nighttime and there were close to no one in the pool...But I did see his brother ,Jia Ming, though...But I dont think he recognized me...He was already dressed by then... ...
Today was the first time I stepped in to the club since receiving a membership card of the club (Was too busy slacking, besides...I had no reason to go there...)...And also the first time I stepped into a gym(Not counting the school's...The school's gym equipments were alway closed and they were lousy to begin wif...)...The gym's equipments had fancy sensor thingys that shows a person's heart rate as it is important for a person's heart rate to maintain at twice its normal rate for optimum fat burning to take place... The first equipment I tried was the bicycle like thingys...It was quite relaxing as it lets me sit and I love cycling...NOT! It was not relaxing AT ALL!!! My mistake was setting the time at 30 min...I was pretty tired by the time 12 min had passed...My sister said that I could stop to rest a the machine would pause but I refused to stop due to my pride...and also because of my pride, I refused to even slow down...By the time 30 min passed..I had cycled 20.4 km...That is like 40.8 km/h lah...which is like...almost the speed of a car lah...When I saw that I had only burn about 230 something(Cant remember exact value...) calories...I was damn pissed...as a bowl of noodles have around 500 calories...Half an hour of non-stop cycling to burn off less than half a bowl of noodles?I saw no point in working one's ass off to burn off much less calories than we put in in a normal diet.(Not like I am a glutton like Yun Hao or watever wat...)And dun even tok about to dieting to me...I like...no, I LOVE my food...I enjoy eating...Not eating as an activity...But more like I enjoy eating good food...which is tasty...and which is usually fattening...I then tired the weights...not really working out...jus playing wif the equipments...Then came my worse moment in the trip to the gym...
I went to try this step thingy equipment that looks similar to a treadmill...As usual to these equipment...I entered my age and stuff and selected fat burning as my program...In the fat burning program...the machine monitors my heart rate to make sure it is around twice my normal heart rate for optimum fat burning..Now comes the part that pisses me off...15 sec into the workout...the machine says that my heart rate was too high and that I had to slow down to reduce it...So...I slowed down to an ant's pace to lower my heart...BUT STILL...it asked me to slow down...I slowed down some more and then the machine pauses and tell me to continue to the work out...5 sec after continuing...it tell me to slow down...Then it continued this way for quite some time...I cant seemed to slow down my heart rate enough for the farked up machine...and every time it asks me to slow down again...It makes my blood boil which then contribute to my ever increasing heart rate...I was like," WTF IS WRONG WIF U?!?!?! MY HEART RATE RISE FASTER THAN NORMAL PLL CANNOT ISSIT?! NAH BEI!!!SLOW DOWN THEN U STOP!!!SPEED UP THEN U ASK ME SPEED UP!!!CHEE BYE!!!". I then set the machine to cardio training mode(Which requires higher heart rate...)....But still...I had to go through the program at an extremely slow pace...
There was ONE equipment that was fun though...There was a boat rowing simulator in the gym...It lets u race against this AI in the machine...It was pretty fun...I won by 5 boats...I guess things are a lot more fun and interesting wif a bit of competition... ...
Went home wif a sore butt...from the cycle machine thingy... ...Try Guild Wars: Factions... ...Ogle at Rei... ...Blog... ...Sleep should be up next... ...Maybe more Guild Wars... ...Finally sleep(If I do sleep that is... ...)... ...
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