I was in a bit of a mood for Kingdom Hearts 2 today so I decided to try to challenge Sephiroth... ...U can also fight Sephiroth in the original Kingdom Hearts and I defeated him in the original Kingdom Hearts... ...But I heard that Kingdom Hearts 2's Sephiroth is much gayer and much more difficult... ...According to Cheng Wai... ...Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts 2 is utter gayness and that it is near impossible to defeat him... ...After hearing all this,I decided to challenge him...Prepared... ...
I went about my way, grinding... ...I started at around lv 75 and only stopped at around lv 85... ...Only then did I dared challenge Sephiroth... ...I already had a bad experience wif him in Kingdom Hearts... ...Wif him being rumored to be stronger in Kingdom Hearts 2... ...I wanted to make sure...this time...I go prepared... ...
At lv 85 I got tired of grinding and jus went ahead and challenged Sephiroth... ...My hands went stiff... ...anticipating all the different buttons I hav to press to block his attacks...dodge his attacks...hit him...execute limits and of course...heal myself... ...
The match starts off wif Sephorith running towards Sora at speeds the human eye cant detect and attacks u wif his famed Masamune...(Which is unusual as Sephiroth usually starts slow...)This is his second strongest attack,"Flash" ...If he makes contact wif this attack... ...expect Sora to lose more then 3 quarters of his life... ...However...Flash has its weakness...it can be easily blocked using the Keyblade by pressing the reaction button at the correct time... ...Then began my assault on Sephiroth... ...I unleash my trinity limit and start button mashing the attack button...Then I realized something I did not expect...I was totally whooping Sephiroth's ass!!!This was unexpected as I did not feel that veteran gamers like Cheng Wai would encounter any problems if Sephiroth is to be of this caliber... ...After taking away about 1 third of his health... ...He executed the attack I was waiting for..."Sin Harvest"...Sin Harvest is Sephiroth's most powerful attack...It reduces both HP and MP to zero instantaneously... ...The only way to survive this attack is to equip the "Once More" or "Second Chance" ability..."But even so...u would be left wif only 1 HP...0 MP...I hit from him and u would die...Now in the original Kingdom Hearts...Sin Harvest was relatively easy to deal wif...jus keep Sora at the center of the ring and as soon as Sephiroth says, "Sin Harvest"...whack him...and the attack will be stopped...In Kingdom Hearts 2 however...Sephiroth has learn a new trick...He flies into the air before casting Sin Harvest...thus making it impossible to hit him and disrupt the spell...He then proceeds to hit Sora...and Sora(Wif only 1 hp left)dies...I was then stumped...I was at a lost...I had no idea how to counter this attack...My sister suggested that I use healing items to counter this move but I strongly refused to do so as I wanted to defeat Sephiroth on a fair playing ground...He dun use items...I dun use items...Then it struck me... ...
I had figured out a way to counter that attack without using any items... ...But first...let me explain the effects of two spells...
Sin Harvest:
Draws a halo above Sora...a moment later...Sin Harvest depletes all HP and MP.
Time between casting of spell and spell taking effect: 2/3 sec.
Sora throws green spell thingy into air...a moment later...green spell thingy falls back onto Sora and heals Sora to full health.
Time between casting of spell and spell taking effect: 1/2 sec.
So I thought up of this senario...:
1. Sephiroth casts Sin Harvest...Halo appears above Sora...
2. Before Sin Harvest depletes MP...Sora casts Curaga and throws green spell thingy into air...
3. Sin Harvest takes effect...Depleting HP to 1 and MP to 0...
4. Green spell thingy falls back onto Sora...Healing him to full health...
It was the perfect plan, but of course...it took split second timing... ...I had to try several times but I finally got the hang of it and was then trashing Sephiroth like a dog... ...But of course it is because Sephiroth is not using his full strength...As it can be seen after defeating Sephiroth...he goes on to wipe dust off his shoulders and comment that Sora is indeed talented...in a sia lan way... ...Peh...naive Sora...to think that he actually thought that he could defeat Sephoroth in a no hold barred match...the naivety of some... ...
So I hav to say that Sephiroth is definitely gayer in the original Kingdom Hearts...He is significantly watered down in Kingdom Hearts 2...here is y:
Then battleground in Kingdom Hearts 2 is much bigger and thus provides more space to run...
Attack Range:
It might be because of the difference in battleground size but Sephiroth's attack range seems longer in the original Kingdom Hearts...
Sin Harvest:
Easier to counter if u know how...
In the original Kingdom Hearts...He does not start taking damage until Sora has hit him a huge amount of times...In Kingdom Hearts 2...Sora can start damaging him from the start...
Sephiroth teleports lets often in Kingdom Hearts 2...
Sephiroth deals far more damage in the original Kingdom Hearts...
In the original Kingdom Hearts...Sephiroth summons meteors to spin around him and attack Sora...Sephiroth is invulnerable during this attack...That means u only get to see urself getting killed...In Kingdom Hearts 2...Sephiroth flies into the air to summon meteors to hit Sora...He is no longer invulnerable during this attack and the damage taken from these meteors is lesser...
Better Abilities:
In Kingdom Hearts 2...Sora has better abilities to take advantage of...
Now are some tips to prevent would be challengers of Sephiroth from becoming... ...

1. MUST equip Second Chance or Once More..or even better...BOTH...If u want to even survive this match... ...Second Chance lets Sora retain 1 HP even after taking one massive strike...Once More lets Sora retain 1 HP even after taking in combo hits...Both let Sora get away wif 1 HP after Sin Harvest...Second Chance protects Sora from potential 1 hit kill attacks like Sephiroth's "Flame Pillar"...Once More protects Sora from combo attacks like Sephiroth's devastating combos...So u get 1 HP...BIG DEAL u say...well...that 1 HP may very well let u win as it givs u time to heal urself to full health using Curaga... ...
2. Equip "MP Haste" to speed up restoration of MP when Sora runs out of it..."MP Rage" to recover MP for each damage Sora sustains...Amount of MP recovered is directly proportionate to amount of damage taken...These abilities will help Sora regain MP faster, thus allowing him to cast Curaga at an earlier time... ...
3. Equip "Berserker" to let combos continue indefinitely when MP is depleted...But finishing moves of combos are removed...This allows Sora to rain blows onto Sephiroth without stopping when he has no MP...Being continuously hit...Sephiroth cant launch a counter attack unless he teleports...This also lets Sora buy time while his MP gauge refills... ...
4. Try to max out or at least lvl up slightly the skills of all the forms such as "Glide" and "Quick Run"...These skills increases Sora's overall maneuverability, thus allowing him to dodge Sephiroth's attacks better... ...
5. Set Curaga to one of the hotkeys for fast healling... ...
6. Try to get Ultima Weapon through synthesis...It helps to hav a powerful weapon...AND...Ultima Weapon comes equipped wif "MP Hastega" which FURTHER quickens ur MP recovery rate... ...
7. Try, try, try and try...NVR GIVE UP!!! IT AINT OVER TILL IT'S OVER!!!
Hope that wif this... ...Those that hav yet to defeat Sephiroth can someday overcome him...NO SWEAT!!!...like I did... ...
The rewards for defeating him are great... ...A new Keyblabe and cool cut scenes:

p/s: U can only fight Sephiroth once before he flies off wif Cloud to engage in another epic battle...So if u wanna fight him again or see the cool cut scenes again...or BOTH...I suggest u sav a separate file before fighting and continue the game in the other file... ...