KA NI NA BUEY CHAO CHEE BYE!!!Haizzzz... ...
I left my house early this morning in an especially good mood today... going to Toa Payoh wif my work time sheet to collect my pay... ...I met up wif Lionel (the guy that replaced Jia Wei after he left for the poly thing...) and a friend of his there to hand in our time sheets to collect our pay... ...Jia Wei couldnt come in time because he lost his time sheet and was looking for it at home. No...it is not because Jia Wei didnt come in time that placed me in such a foul mood...i mean...i hav better thing to be worried about... ...
Anywayz... ...the events that led to my outburst of temper went along like this:
Me: *Steps into agency wif Lionel an Co.*
Lady: "How can I help u guys?"
Me: "Emm...we are here to hand in our time sheets and collect our pay... ..." *Hands over time sheet*
Lady: *Looks thought time sheet* *Looks at us... ...*
Me: (Wat the fuck is she waiting for? Where is our pay?) "Emm...so our pay?"
Lady: "Oh...that will be ready around Tuesday next week..."
Me: (WTF?!?!?!) "Wat do u mean...dun we get it now?"
Lady aka Bitch: "We need to process it before we can giv it to u..."
Me: (?) "Wat do u mean process?"
Bitch: "We need to see how many hours u guys have worked and then determine the amount u guys are getting..."
Me: (... ...) "The amount of hours we worked is written in the time sheet is it not?"
Bitch: "We need to process it... ..."
Me: "FUCK U!!!" *Leaves the place swearing like a sailor*
Haiz... ...this episode wif that bitch spoiled watever good mood i had this morning... ...spoilt all of the plans i had for this evening... ...Lionel and Co. then decided to go for a few rounds at the nearby arcade and asked if i wanted to tag along... ...wif all my plans ruined... ...i didnt see y not. We went to this dilapidated looking mall called entertainment(lame name... ...) that ,surprisingly, is a pretty well equipped despite its run-down look... ...it has an arcade and a movie theater (not bad huh?). We went to Zone X (the arcade situated there) and jus strolled around... ...the number of choices in Zone X is PATHETIC!!!... ...i mean... ..get this... ...THEY DUN HAVE HOUSE OF THE DEAD 4!!! Wats worse is THEY DUN HAV MIDNIGHT MAXIMUM TUNE!!!Those two games are like the top arcade games lah... ...instead...they go stock up on stupid games like street fighter (best money burner in arcade history besides metal slug... ...).So i decided to jus sit there and watch Lionel play the drum version of Beat Mania... ...he was pretty good and even has his own drumsticks (this might also be because the arcade drumsticks are always missing... ...)
I left the place without playing anything... ...i mean... ...besides the fact that the games there sucked bad...i did not bring any money along today CAUSE I THOUGHT I WILL GET MY PAY!!! ARGGGGHHHHHH!!! Jus the thought of it makes my blood boil... LITERALLY!!!
Wif nothing to do and a foul mood to dispel i went to the air-conditioned environment of the library and read some marvel comics... ...
Jia Wei then called to say he couldnt find his time sheet and he is worried that he might not get any money (god bless that old fool... ...) but as i was not in the best of moods at that time... ...i didnt really giv a hoot about wat he was saying... ...haiz sry lah... ...
Was really tired...so tired and fed up that upon returning home i did not even play com or PS or watever... ...jus went to bed and here i am... ...pouring out my sorrows... ...
... ...BEAM ME UP DR. SPOCK!!!

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