Jus came down from my room... ...I was trying to be a normal human today by attempting to go to sleep at 12 MN... ...I was rolling around my bed for about 3 hrs before i realized that I CANT!!! I CANT go to sleep so early... ...i cant go to sleep at anytime earlier than 3.30 AM in the morning... ...So i started jumping around my room(LITERALLY!!!) and plucking mangas and comics off my shelves and reading random pages until i saw something i haven laid eyes on for a VERY long time... ...
I saw... ...MY ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS TEXTBOOK!!! THE HORROR!!!Then i went ahead to face my fears... ...
Me: "It has been a long time my friend... ..."
A. Maths Textbook: "... ..."
Me: "Ahhh...My old Arch-Nemesis... ..."
A. Maths Textbook: "... ..."
Me: "I hated u once u know... ...I even FEARED u... ..."
A. Maths Textbook: "... ..."
Me: "I was FORCED to READ u even though i nvr wanted to even TOUCH u... ..."
A. Maths Textbook: "... ..."
Me: "All that was for the sake of my 'O' Level Examinations... ..."
A. Maths Textbook: "... ..."
Me: "I thought i was gonna FAIL ur subject... ...That i was gonna LOSE!!!"
A. Maths Textbook: "... ..."
A. Maths Textbook: "... ..."
Me: "I... ...PASSED!!!Cant believe that can u... ...?"
A. Maths Textbook: "... ..."
Me: "I hardly opened u... ...BUT I PASSED!!!"
A. Maths Textbook: "... ..."
Me: "... ...I MUST say... ...u were a WORTHY adversary... ..."
A. Maths Textbook: "... ..."
Me: "A few times over the days before receiving my results... ...IMAGES of me failing Additional Mathematics FLASHED across my mind... ...I thought that at the MOST i would get a D7... ..."
A. Maths Textbook: "... ..."
Me: "BUT I PASSED!!!MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!And it was not even C6... ...IT WAS A B4!!!UNBELIEVABLE HUH?!"
A. Maths Textbook: "... ..."
Me: "Considering how i barely even studied ur FREAKING subject... ...It MUST be attributed to my BRAINS!!!MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
A. Maths Textbook: "... ..."
Me: "Too shocked for words?"
A. Maths Textbook: "... ..."
Me: "BAH!!!Sore loser... ..."
A. Maths Textbook: "... ..."
Me: *Slams A. Maths Textbook*
The above conversation is real and in no way fabricated... ...goes to show how bored i was... ...
I then saw my old (not THAT old actually... ...)Sub-Bio ten years series... ...then i decided not to disturb him... ...as i actually STUDIED and FINISHED (3/4 actually... ...) that book and got A1 for that subject...WOOT!!!
Then i saw the 'O' Levels calender that Miss Mok drafted for us... ...That i realized once again how much she did for us... ...even though i nvr gave that calender anything more than a few glances... ...I suddenly felt like thanking her...and even though she may nvr she this... ...THANK U MISS MOK... ...FOR PRINTING EXCELLENT NOTES, HOSTING INTERESTING(?) LESSONS and TRYING TO ANSWER MY MANY QUESTIONS THAT HAV BEEN DEEMED STUPID AND A WASTE OF TIME BY MY OTHER CLASSMATES!!!
The next thing i saw was the practice papers that Miss Joseph printed... ...then i realized...for the first time...that even though we gave her LOADS of crap (believe me when i say LOADS of crap cause we really gave her LOADS of crap... ...)...she took it all... ...ALL that crap and she took it all... ...And at the end of the day... ...she STILL found it in herself to print all that papers in an attempt to...at least...PRETEND to care for us even though she no longer did 2 periods after meeting us for the first time back during when we were all secondary three students... ...
I then realized that i might not hav deserved the results i got for my 'O' Levels... ...I mean...I was partying all the way to the end...even during the 'O' Levels exam period... ...i was not really studying and always found time to play... ...I always thought that i would go down in a blaze of glory... ..Sink, wif a smile on my face, wif the knowledge that i spent my last days having fun... ...But somehow i scrapped though...like all my teachers said i would... ...oh well... ...
p/s: I then proceed to hav my Wing Gundam Zero Custom battle my RX-78 GP-01... ...GP-01 won... ...but only because Wing didnt hav his trusty twin buster rifles by his side at that time... ...
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
My Fingers Hurt... ...
Tips on how to make ur knuckles hurt like hell:
1.Set up a PlayStation 2
2.Insert a game disc (preferably one of the action genre)
3.Play for 9hrs straight
4.To ensure optimum pain... ...DO NOT release the PlayStation 2 controller under ANY circumstances
My knuckles hurt like hell... ...i started playing my PS 2 at around 3 AM and stopped at around 12 NN... ...not the first time i pulled an all nighter choinging a PS 2 game but this time my knuckles hurt more than usual... ...must be because of the game i was playing... ...
It was a long time since i last touched my PS 2 so at around 3 AM i decided to pull my PS 2 out and start playing... ...But i did not feel like continuing the games that i hav already played halfway as they were getting boring so i went through the games that i hav yet to touch... ...I decided on Ultimate Spider-Man as it seemed like a short game that did not require must time to complete...I was right... ...The game was freaking short...i mean...i started the game this morning and completed it this...morning lah... ...When the credits started rolling i was kinda shocked at how short the game was and how easy the last boss(Venom) was... ...Not counting the retries and aimless web swinging to explore my surroundings... ...i took about 6 hrs to complete the damn game... ...
Besides the unsatisfying length of the game... ...it was an overall okay game... ...i mean...Ultimate Spider-Man is pretty much the same as its predecessors... ...Same old punch kick combos...same old web swinging(all that button mashing for the web swinging and fighting probably contributed to my knuckles' injury).
The Spider-Man series for the PS and PS 2 haven really changed at all over the ages... ...the Spider-Man games have always revolved around fighting random thugs and villains from the comic... ...The web swinging and all that hav stayed pretty much the same too wif the exception of some tweaks wif the graphics... ...but hey... ...if it aint broke...dun fix it... ...
The web swinging for Ultimate Spider-Man is the most "freestyle" i hav encountered so far... ...Spidey in this game is much more maneuverable and he is more graceful...when he lets go of the webbing after a swing...he finishes off wif a somersault not unlike the one one expects him to execute... ...The web swinging of Ultimate Spider-Man is also the most realistic... ...he cant web swing if he is higher then the surrounding buildings...this realism can prove to be problematic at times as Spidey sometimes go splat if he cant web swing in time and smash head first into the concrete pavement.
There are SOME redeeming qualities to the new incarnation of Spidey though... ...such as the fact that u can go rampaging around as VENOM!!! WOOT!!! BEST THING ABOUT THE GAME!!! WOOT!!! Venom in this game is basically invincible as he has an ability that allows him to feed on humans to gain health(Some boss fights do not hav ppl around so as to make the match a little fairer) gay huh?This game is also the Spidey game that has the most epic battles... ...u get to fight Venom as Spider-Man...fight Spider-Man as Venom and fight CARNAGE as Venom!!! HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!?!
There is also FUCKED UP parts of this new game as well... ...such as race mode... ...race mode is a mode that makes Spidey jump though hoops around the city and his main rival to this event is his best super hero friend The Human Torch... ...Which is of course obviously unfair... ...cause The Human Torch can fly and Spidey cant... ...One such match wif the Human Torch took me around 1 1/2 to 2 hrs to win... ...
My knuckles still hurt... ...i am starting to think that this PS 2 choinging lifestyle of mine is unhealthy...but hey... ...No Pain, No Fun right? Right?Besides... ...my knuckles hurting could only mean that i am not well trained enough and all the more i should continue my choinging in hopes that one day i might attain gaming perfection... ...
1.Set up a PlayStation 2
2.Insert a game disc (preferably one of the action genre)
3.Play for 9hrs straight
4.To ensure optimum pain... ...DO NOT release the PlayStation 2 controller under ANY circumstances
My knuckles hurt like hell... ...i started playing my PS 2 at around 3 AM and stopped at around 12 NN... ...not the first time i pulled an all nighter choinging a PS 2 game but this time my knuckles hurt more than usual... ...must be because of the game i was playing... ...
It was a long time since i last touched my PS 2 so at around 3 AM i decided to pull my PS 2 out and start playing... ...But i did not feel like continuing the games that i hav already played halfway as they were getting boring so i went through the games that i hav yet to touch... ...I decided on Ultimate Spider-Man as it seemed like a short game that did not require must time to complete...I was right... ...The game was freaking short...i mean...i started the game this morning and completed it this...morning lah... ...When the credits started rolling i was kinda shocked at how short the game was and how easy the last boss(Venom) was... ...Not counting the retries and aimless web swinging to explore my surroundings... ...i took about 6 hrs to complete the damn game... ...
Besides the unsatisfying length of the game... ...it was an overall okay game... ...i mean...Ultimate Spider-Man is pretty much the same as its predecessors... ...Same old punch kick combos...same old web swinging(all that button mashing for the web swinging and fighting probably contributed to my knuckles' injury).
The Spider-Man series for the PS and PS 2 haven really changed at all over the ages... ...the Spider-Man games have always revolved around fighting random thugs and villains from the comic... ...The web swinging and all that hav stayed pretty much the same too wif the exception of some tweaks wif the graphics... ...but hey... ...if it aint broke...dun fix it... ...
The web swinging for Ultimate Spider-Man is the most "freestyle" i hav encountered so far... ...Spidey in this game is much more maneuverable and he is more graceful...when he lets go of the webbing after a swing...he finishes off wif a somersault not unlike the one one expects him to execute... ...The web swinging of Ultimate Spider-Man is also the most realistic... ...he cant web swing if he is higher then the surrounding buildings...this realism can prove to be problematic at times as Spidey sometimes go splat if he cant web swing in time and smash head first into the concrete pavement.
There are SOME redeeming qualities to the new incarnation of Spidey though... ...such as the fact that u can go rampaging around as VENOM!!! WOOT!!! BEST THING ABOUT THE GAME!!! WOOT!!! Venom in this game is basically invincible as he has an ability that allows him to feed on humans to gain health(Some boss fights do not hav ppl around so as to make the match a little fairer) gay huh?This game is also the Spidey game that has the most epic battles... ...u get to fight Venom as Spider-Man...fight Spider-Man as Venom and fight CARNAGE as Venom!!! HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!?!
There is also FUCKED UP parts of this new game as well... ...such as race mode... ...race mode is a mode that makes Spidey jump though hoops around the city and his main rival to this event is his best super hero friend The Human Torch... ...Which is of course obviously unfair... ...cause The Human Torch can fly and Spidey cant... ...One such match wif the Human Torch took me around 1 1/2 to 2 hrs to win... ...
My knuckles still hurt... ...i am starting to think that this PS 2 choinging lifestyle of mine is unhealthy...but hey... ...No Pain, No Fun right? Right?Besides... ...my knuckles hurting could only mean that i am not well trained enough and all the more i should continue my choinging in hopes that one day i might attain gaming perfection... ...
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
KA NI NA BUEY CHAO CHEE BYE!!!Haizzzz... ...
I left my house early this morning in an especially good mood today... going to Toa Payoh wif my work time sheet to collect my pay... ...I met up wif Lionel (the guy that replaced Jia Wei after he left for the poly thing...) and a friend of his there to hand in our time sheets to collect our pay... ...Jia Wei couldnt come in time because he lost his time sheet and was looking for it at home. No...it is not because Jia Wei didnt come in time that placed me in such a foul mood...i mean...i hav better thing to be worried about... ...
Anywayz... ...the events that led to my outburst of temper went along like this:
Me: *Steps into agency wif Lionel an Co.*
Lady: "How can I help u guys?"
Me: "Emm...we are here to hand in our time sheets and collect our pay... ..." *Hands over time sheet*
Lady: *Looks thought time sheet* *Looks at us... ...*
Me: (Wat the fuck is she waiting for? Where is our pay?) "Emm...so our pay?"
Lady: "Oh...that will be ready around Tuesday next week..."
Me: (WTF?!?!?!) "Wat do u mean...dun we get it now?"
Lady aka Bitch: "We need to process it before we can giv it to u..."
Me: (?) "Wat do u mean process?"
Bitch: "We need to see how many hours u guys have worked and then determine the amount u guys are getting..."
Me: (... ...) "The amount of hours we worked is written in the time sheet is it not?"
Bitch: "We need to process it... ..."
Me: "FUCK U!!!" *Leaves the place swearing like a sailor*
Haiz... ...this episode wif that bitch spoiled watever good mood i had this morning... ...spoilt all of the plans i had for this evening... ...Lionel and Co. then decided to go for a few rounds at the nearby arcade and asked if i wanted to tag along... ...wif all my plans ruined... ...i didnt see y not. We went to this dilapidated looking mall called entertainment(lame name... ...) that ,surprisingly, is a pretty well equipped despite its run-down look... ...it has an arcade and a movie theater (not bad huh?). We went to Zone X (the arcade situated there) and jus strolled around... ...the number of choices in Zone X is PATHETIC!!!... ...i mean... ..get this... ...THEY DUN HAVE HOUSE OF THE DEAD 4!!! Wats worse is THEY DUN HAV MIDNIGHT MAXIMUM TUNE!!!Those two games are like the top arcade games lah... ...instead...they go stock up on stupid games like street fighter (best money burner in arcade history besides metal slug... ...).So i decided to jus sit there and watch Lionel play the drum version of Beat Mania... ...he was pretty good and even has his own drumsticks (this might also be because the arcade drumsticks are always missing... ...)
I left the place without playing anything... ...i mean... ...besides the fact that the games there sucked bad...i did not bring any money along today CAUSE I THOUGHT I WILL GET MY PAY!!! ARGGGGHHHHHH!!! Jus the thought of it makes my blood boil... LITERALLY!!!
Wif nothing to do and a foul mood to dispel i went to the air-conditioned environment of the library and read some marvel comics... ...
Jia Wei then called to say he couldnt find his time sheet and he is worried that he might not get any money (god bless that old fool... ...) but as i was not in the best of moods at that time... ...i didnt really giv a hoot about wat he was saying... ...haiz sry lah... ...
Was really tired...so tired and fed up that upon returning home i did not even play com or PS or watever... ...jus went to bed and here i am... ...pouring out my sorrows... ...
... ...BEAM ME UP DR. SPOCK!!!
KA NI NA BUEY CHAO CHEE BYE!!!Haizzzz... ...
I left my house early this morning in an especially good mood today... going to Toa Payoh wif my work time sheet to collect my pay... ...I met up wif Lionel (the guy that replaced Jia Wei after he left for the poly thing...) and a friend of his there to hand in our time sheets to collect our pay... ...Jia Wei couldnt come in time because he lost his time sheet and was looking for it at home. No...it is not because Jia Wei didnt come in time that placed me in such a foul mood...i mean...i hav better thing to be worried about... ...
Anywayz... ...the events that led to my outburst of temper went along like this:
Me: *Steps into agency wif Lionel an Co.*
Lady: "How can I help u guys?"
Me: "Emm...we are here to hand in our time sheets and collect our pay... ..." *Hands over time sheet*
Lady: *Looks thought time sheet* *Looks at us... ...*
Me: (Wat the fuck is she waiting for? Where is our pay?) "Emm...so our pay?"
Lady: "Oh...that will be ready around Tuesday next week..."
Me: (WTF?!?!?!) "Wat do u mean...dun we get it now?"
Lady aka Bitch: "We need to process it before we can giv it to u..."
Me: (?) "Wat do u mean process?"
Bitch: "We need to see how many hours u guys have worked and then determine the amount u guys are getting..."
Me: (... ...) "The amount of hours we worked is written in the time sheet is it not?"
Bitch: "We need to process it... ..."
Me: "FUCK U!!!" *Leaves the place swearing like a sailor*
Haiz... ...this episode wif that bitch spoiled watever good mood i had this morning... ...spoilt all of the plans i had for this evening... ...Lionel and Co. then decided to go for a few rounds at the nearby arcade and asked if i wanted to tag along... ...wif all my plans ruined... ...i didnt see y not. We went to this dilapidated looking mall called entertainment(lame name... ...) that ,surprisingly, is a pretty well equipped despite its run-down look... ...it has an arcade and a movie theater (not bad huh?). We went to Zone X (the arcade situated there) and jus strolled around... ...the number of choices in Zone X is PATHETIC!!!... ...i mean... ..get this... ...THEY DUN HAVE HOUSE OF THE DEAD 4!!! Wats worse is THEY DUN HAV MIDNIGHT MAXIMUM TUNE!!!Those two games are like the top arcade games lah... ...instead...they go stock up on stupid games like street fighter (best money burner in arcade history besides metal slug... ...).So i decided to jus sit there and watch Lionel play the drum version of Beat Mania... ...he was pretty good and even has his own drumsticks (this might also be because the arcade drumsticks are always missing... ...)
I left the place without playing anything... ...i mean... ...besides the fact that the games there sucked bad...i did not bring any money along today CAUSE I THOUGHT I WILL GET MY PAY!!! ARGGGGHHHHHH!!! Jus the thought of it makes my blood boil... LITERALLY!!!
Wif nothing to do and a foul mood to dispel i went to the air-conditioned environment of the library and read some marvel comics... ...
Jia Wei then called to say he couldnt find his time sheet and he is worried that he might not get any money (god bless that old fool... ...) but as i was not in the best of moods at that time... ...i didnt really giv a hoot about wat he was saying... ...haiz sry lah... ...
Was really tired...so tired and fed up that upon returning home i did not even play com or PS or watever... ...jus went to bed and here i am... ...pouring out my sorrows... ...
... ...BEAM ME UP DR. SPOCK!!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007
Now... ...Elmo will ask a BABY!
The past four days (including today...) sucked BAD... ...I had to work wif only my lonesome self... ...cause Jia Wei was afraid that his 'O' Levels was not good enough to earn him a place in his course of choice which is Digital Media Design...so he needed to submit portfolios and stuff to increase the chances of entering that course ...See lah...bu du shu (dun study in lousy Hanyu Pinyin) then like that lor... ...He needed time to create that portfolio and all that so he took 4 days straight leave, leaving me to die of boredom alone... ...
Great... ...Jia Wei jus called to tell me that because of his long absence... ...he will be posted to another location tml... ...he will be working but not wif me... ...great...jus great... ...
Due to Jia Wei's absence... ...Coca-Cola has posted another guy call Edmond to replace him in assisting me... ...Edmond was quite a nice guy... ...geeky...nerdy...dumb and slow headed... ...kinda like Jia Wei... ...Then... ...the very next day he was switched...lol...He was switched wif another guy from another location as that guy was complained by the manager for slacking and arguing wif her... ...but it was actually not his fault... ...according to him of course... ...He was called Lionel... ...okay guy... ...spiked hair... ...dyed hair... ...cool glasses and braces (lol this last feature is kinda out of place dun u think?). He is the typical act beng teenager of Singapore... ...wif beng looks but not a beng inside... ...We got along quite well... ...Edmond and Lionel are both great guys but its jus not the same without Jia Wei lah... ...Nothing beats having a friend u can make fun of... ...put down... ...humiliate... ...scream at and diss at...Hor Jia Wei? :)
Okay... ...now that all the bad stuff are out of the way... ...ON TO THE GOOD STUFF!!!
Today... ...I saw the sweetest thing i hav EVER seen in my life... ...He is wat happened... ...
I got on bus 73 to head for home after work today... ...I was the 1st to enter the bus so i sat on my fav seat... ...2 seats behind the back door of the bus, by the window... ...After sitting down...I resumed the game of Final Fantasy III on my DS I was playing while waiting for the bus. Then...a father carrying a female baby around the age of 4 sat on the seat in front of me... ...the toddler was SO cute... ...she was the cutest living thing I hav ever seen (next to cats... ...I LOVE cats... ...hate dogs... ...and pretty much every other forms of life... ...). She has a nice pony tail (I love pony tails too... ...not that i wanna hav one... ...jus that gals look good wif them... ...) and cute features... ...But wat strike me most about her is her eyes... ...they were very beautiful... ...They were kinda round and big... ...the surface of her eyeballs were glittery too, there was jus enough moisture on her eyes to make them shine... ...not so much that they look watery and give her a sick or dying (lol... ...) look... ...and her irises were HUGE!!! Kinda like the ones the model for the Acuvue: Define contact lenses had... ...except for the fact that she was not using altered contact lenses to achieve such a look... ...
As her dad was carrying her... ...she was facing me... ...watching me play Final Fantasy III... ...She then went on to chant "bye-bye" and kept waving her arms at me... ...i then waved back while at the same time tried not to die at the hands of an Adamatoise (A reoccurring monster of the legendary FF series... ...FYI...I killed it... ...). The waving and chanting of "bye-bye" went on for around 5 min when his father told her not to disturb me and handed her over to her mother which was sitting wif the toddler's older sister (older by around 2 years...i think...) on the seats across the aisle... ...the toddler then did the unexpected... ...she started chanting "tuan peh shan"
LOL!!!For those of u who dun get it... ...tuan peh shan is "Brokeback Mountain" in horrible Hanyu Pinyin... ...Her mom then started laughing and told dad to listen to wat their cute little daughter was chanting... ...Talk about maturity beyond her years... ...she already knows about homosexuality at the tender age of 4... ...her parents must be proud... ...
Hearing her parents laugh at her baby sister's words... ...the older sister then started questioning her parent about the meaning of tuan peh shan... ...That is one question the parents will never answer her... ...
The older sister, after failing at getting her questions answered, went on to teach her baby sis
English... ...beginning wif, "E is for Elmo, Elmo starts wif E" , hence my post title... ...The baby gal then went on to ignore her sister and resumed her chanting of "bye-bye" to everyone on the bus, which was pretty entertaining... ...
Then came my stop... ...i disembarked after taking one last look at the cute kid... ...
p/s: I am NOT a pedophile ... ...I like curvaceous teenage gals...NOT undeveloped toddlers... ...-_- (jus to make it clear... ...)
Edmond and Lionel told me their names...not write... ...the spelling could be wrong for all i care... ...
Great... ...Jia Wei jus called to tell me that because of his long absence... ...he will be posted to another location tml... ...he will be working but not wif me... ...great...jus great... ...
Due to Jia Wei's absence... ...Coca-Cola has posted another guy call Edmond to replace him in assisting me... ...Edmond was quite a nice guy... ...geeky...nerdy...dumb and slow headed... ...kinda like Jia Wei... ...Then... ...the very next day he was switched...lol...He was switched wif another guy from another location as that guy was complained by the manager for slacking and arguing wif her... ...but it was actually not his fault... ...according to him of course... ...He was called Lionel... ...okay guy... ...spiked hair... ...dyed hair... ...cool glasses and braces (lol this last feature is kinda out of place dun u think?). He is the typical act beng teenager of Singapore... ...wif beng looks but not a beng inside... ...We got along quite well... ...Edmond and Lionel are both great guys but its jus not the same without Jia Wei lah... ...Nothing beats having a friend u can make fun of... ...put down... ...humiliate... ...scream at and diss at...Hor Jia Wei? :)
Okay... ...now that all the bad stuff are out of the way... ...ON TO THE GOOD STUFF!!!
Today... ...I saw the sweetest thing i hav EVER seen in my life... ...He is wat happened... ...
I got on bus 73 to head for home after work today... ...I was the 1st to enter the bus so i sat on my fav seat... ...2 seats behind the back door of the bus, by the window... ...After sitting down...I resumed the game of Final Fantasy III on my DS I was playing while waiting for the bus. Then...a father carrying a female baby around the age of 4 sat on the seat in front of me... ...the toddler was SO cute... ...she was the cutest living thing I hav ever seen (next to cats... ...I LOVE cats... ...hate dogs... ...and pretty much every other forms of life... ...). She has a nice pony tail (I love pony tails too... ...not that i wanna hav one... ...jus that gals look good wif them... ...) and cute features... ...But wat strike me most about her is her eyes... ...they were very beautiful... ...They were kinda round and big... ...the surface of her eyeballs were glittery too, there was jus enough moisture on her eyes to make them shine... ...not so much that they look watery and give her a sick or dying (lol... ...) look... ...and her irises were HUGE!!! Kinda like the ones the model for the Acuvue: Define contact lenses had... ...except for the fact that she was not using altered contact lenses to achieve such a look... ...
As her dad was carrying her... ...she was facing me... ...watching me play Final Fantasy III... ...She then went on to chant "bye-bye" and kept waving her arms at me... ...i then waved back while at the same time tried not to die at the hands of an Adamatoise (A reoccurring monster of the legendary FF series... ...FYI...I killed it... ...). The waving and chanting of "bye-bye" went on for around 5 min when his father told her not to disturb me and handed her over to her mother which was sitting wif the toddler's older sister (older by around 2 years...i think...) on the seats across the aisle... ...the toddler then did the unexpected... ...she started chanting "tuan peh shan"
LOL!!!For those of u who dun get it... ...tuan peh shan is "Brokeback Mountain" in horrible Hanyu Pinyin... ...Her mom then started laughing and told dad to listen to wat their cute little daughter was chanting... ...Talk about maturity beyond her years... ...she already knows about homosexuality at the tender age of 4... ...her parents must be proud... ...
Hearing her parents laugh at her baby sister's words... ...the older sister then started questioning her parent about the meaning of tuan peh shan... ...That is one question the parents will never answer her... ...
The older sister, after failing at getting her questions answered, went on to teach her baby sis
English... ...beginning wif, "E is for Elmo, Elmo starts wif E" , hence my post title... ...The baby gal then went on to ignore her sister and resumed her chanting of "bye-bye" to everyone on the bus, which was pretty entertaining... ...
Then came my stop... ...i disembarked after taking one last look at the cute kid... ...
p/s: I am NOT a pedophile ... ...I like curvaceous teenage gals...NOT undeveloped toddlers... ...-_- (jus to make it clear... ...)
Edmond and Lionel told me their names...not write... ...the spelling could be wrong for all i care... ...
Friday, February 9, 2007
Not Bad... ...
Sry... ...today's funeral was canceled due to unforeseen circumstances... ...I got less then 20 for my 'O' Levels... ...so will continue living till the next challenge comes up... ...
Thursday, February 8, 2007
My Funeral March... ...
In Loving Memory Of
Leonard Yao Ming Jie
Passed Away Unpeacefully On 9th Feburary
He Was A Great Son... ...
A Great Brother... ...
A Great Friend... ...
And A Great Man... ...
Much Loved, Gone Too Soon... ...
Will Be Lovingly Remembered And Missed By All
Funeral Starts At 2:00 PM
Location: Serangoon Gardens Secondary School
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Rather be rotting... ...
Work life is seriously boring... ...especially one wif a job like mine... ...i sure hope that the job i get when i step out into society is not like the one i currently hav... ...i much rather rot at home and play all day or something... ...this job is only at its second day and i am already bored of it... ...jus the thought that i hav to do this for another 10 days makes me wanna quit right away... ...the money is not exactly great... ...and the ppl i ran into does not really giv me any reason watsoever to stay... ...
Today was not like the other day where we jus had to stand around and giv out drink samples... ...today a new batch of drinks arrived from the Coca-Cola Company... ...and we needed to restock the drinks... ...
When i heard we had to restock the goods i was like ,WTF...we are only promoters wat... ...isnt this supposed to be to be done by the FairPrice ppl?But since we did not hav anything to do at the time we jus did wat they wanted loh... ...it was a fucking big mistake on my part to think that restocking drinks is an easy job... ...
We had to restock 4 aisles of drinks... ...restock our tent... ...carry boxes wif 9 1.5 liter bottles in them... ...after an hour of carrying drinks around... ...we were pissed... ...or rather... ...I was pissed (Jia Wei was still pretty calm... ...).And it was not jus the constant carrying of backbreaking loads that pissed me off... it was the stupid customers!!!They were asking me stupid questions like where is the salt... ...where are the vegetables... ...where to buy discount coupons (how the fuck should i know... ...-_-)... ...worse of all... ...HOW MUCH IS PEPSI!!!I mean... ...HOW MUCH IS PEPSI?!?!?!WHY THE FUCK PPL LIKE ASKING STUFF THAT ARE NOT RELATED TO OUR COMPANY?!?!I mean... ...PEPSI IS LIKE OUR COMPETITOR LAH!!!My fucking shirt reads Coca-Cola on both sides and a sleeve... ...ARE U PPL FUCKING CHEY MEH (blind in hokkien...i think...)?!?!WTF IS WRONG WIF U PPL?!?!I mean... ...ASKING COKE HOW MUCH PEPSI COST?!?!?!WTF DO I CARE ABOUT PEPSI?!?!?!
But the customers were not the thing that REALLY pissed me off... ... wat REALLY pissed me off is... ...KNORR CHICKEN STOCK CUBES (those stuff u put in soup to giv it a chickenie flavour aka chicken essence)!!!They had this TV near the drink aisles where we were restocking the drinks and the TV was BLARING a malay/chinese tune... and guess wat?THEY HAD THIS FUCKED UP CHICKEN THAT WAS CONSTANTLY CLUCKING!!!The chicken was clucking and clucking and clucking...and the TV's volume level was on full blast!!!U can hear that chicken from ANY point in the supermarket... ...I was tired...i was pissed...and there was this chicken that jus cant SHUT UP!!!I FUCKING FELT LIKE SMASHING THAT FUCKED UP TV!!!I wanted to stop the chicken from CLUCKING!!!
We decided to stop restocking the drinks and went for lunch at around 7:15 PM... ...then at 7:50 PM... ...our supervisor called Jia Wei to complain... ...He said that we should be back by now... ...-_- When Jia Wei told me wat he said i was like, WTF?!?!?!the break is 1 hr okay!Jia Wei was quite scared and asked whether we should go back... ... and i was like, HELL NO!!!We are given 1 hr breaks... ..By Jove we are gonna USE 1 HR!!!We went back at around 8:15 PM and there he was waiting for us to giv us the gangster scare routine... ...He was like, WAT DO U MEAN U LEFT AT 7:15 PM?!?!?! and i was like, U go ask Madam Seah lah (An old hag working for FairPrice... ...maybe spelled her name wrongly...but who cares... ...)! and he was like, I CAME AT 7 PM AND I DID NOT SEE U ALL!!!U DUN BELIEVE U GO ASK MADAM SEAH!!!Wah lao aaa~ i say ask Madam Seah first one right?Then he when on to say that we are not supposed to go for lunch together... ...(nvr say earlier... ...) and that he did a lot of work for us while we were gone... ... (left a few boxes say do a lot... ... we did like around 150 boxes leh -_-) and that we should not complain because 1 boy did 300 boxes wif him and did not say a word (300?Riggghhhttttt~ Even if u guys DID finish 300 boxes... ...u so Beng...he dare complain meh?). As i was giving him that tu lan (pissed off in hokkien...i think...)face...he gave me a lecture about how he could fire me and not pay me a single cent and how i can leave if i not happy... ...-_- First, if u fire me... ...u MUST pay me for wat i hav already done... ...it is against the law if u dun pay me... ...Second, i dun fucking need this job... ...i took this job as i was bored... ...and seeing that i am already bored of this job... ...i dun see y not... ...besides the fact that extra cash cant hurt of course... ...(: But he was not THAT bad as he put in a few good words for us in front of an even crankier superior... ...q:
The day was not a TOTAL waste though... ...cause, wif Jia Wei's help, i managed to steal one of Pepsi's transparent shoe bag (which is SO much better then the GAY handbags we are giving out... ...) that they were giving away as part of a promotion... ...Jia Wei wans one too... ... maybe we will get one for him tml... ...
Today was not like the other day where we jus had to stand around and giv out drink samples... ...today a new batch of drinks arrived from the Coca-Cola Company... ...and we needed to restock the drinks... ...
When i heard we had to restock the goods i was like ,WTF...we are only promoters wat... ...isnt this supposed to be to be done by the FairPrice ppl?But since we did not hav anything to do at the time we jus did wat they wanted loh... ...it was a fucking big mistake on my part to think that restocking drinks is an easy job... ...
We had to restock 4 aisles of drinks... ...restock our tent... ...carry boxes wif 9 1.5 liter bottles in them... ...after an hour of carrying drinks around... ...we were pissed... ...or rather... ...I was pissed (Jia Wei was still pretty calm... ...).And it was not jus the constant carrying of backbreaking loads that pissed me off... it was the stupid customers!!!They were asking me stupid questions like where is the salt... ...where are the vegetables... ...where to buy discount coupons (how the fuck should i know... ...-_-)... ...worse of all... ...HOW MUCH IS PEPSI!!!I mean... ...HOW MUCH IS PEPSI?!?!?!WHY THE FUCK PPL LIKE ASKING STUFF THAT ARE NOT RELATED TO OUR COMPANY?!?!I mean... ...PEPSI IS LIKE OUR COMPETITOR LAH!!!My fucking shirt reads Coca-Cola on both sides and a sleeve... ...ARE U PPL FUCKING CHEY MEH (blind in hokkien...i think...)?!?!WTF IS WRONG WIF U PPL?!?!I mean... ...ASKING COKE HOW MUCH PEPSI COST?!?!?!WTF DO I CARE ABOUT PEPSI?!?!?!
But the customers were not the thing that REALLY pissed me off... ... wat REALLY pissed me off is... ...KNORR CHICKEN STOCK CUBES (those stuff u put in soup to giv it a chickenie flavour aka chicken essence)!!!They had this TV near the drink aisles where we were restocking the drinks and the TV was BLARING a malay/chinese tune... and guess wat?THEY HAD THIS FUCKED UP CHICKEN THAT WAS CONSTANTLY CLUCKING!!!The chicken was clucking and clucking and clucking...and the TV's volume level was on full blast!!!U can hear that chicken from ANY point in the supermarket... ...I was tired...i was pissed...and there was this chicken that jus cant SHUT UP!!!I FUCKING FELT LIKE SMASHING THAT FUCKED UP TV!!!I wanted to stop the chicken from CLUCKING!!!
We decided to stop restocking the drinks and went for lunch at around 7:15 PM... ...then at 7:50 PM... ...our supervisor called Jia Wei to complain... ...He said that we should be back by now... ...-_- When Jia Wei told me wat he said i was like, WTF?!?!?!the break is 1 hr okay!Jia Wei was quite scared and asked whether we should go back... ... and i was like, HELL NO!!!We are given 1 hr breaks... ..By Jove we are gonna USE 1 HR!!!We went back at around 8:15 PM and there he was waiting for us to giv us the gangster scare routine... ...He was like, WAT DO U MEAN U LEFT AT 7:15 PM?!?!?! and i was like, U go ask Madam Seah lah (An old hag working for FairPrice... ...maybe spelled her name wrongly...but who cares... ...)! and he was like, I CAME AT 7 PM AND I DID NOT SEE U ALL!!!U DUN BELIEVE U GO ASK MADAM SEAH!!!Wah lao aaa~ i say ask Madam Seah first one right?Then he when on to say that we are not supposed to go for lunch together... ...(nvr say earlier... ...) and that he did a lot of work for us while we were gone... ... (left a few boxes say do a lot... ... we did like around 150 boxes leh -_-) and that we should not complain because 1 boy did 300 boxes wif him and did not say a word (300?Riggghhhttttt~ Even if u guys DID finish 300 boxes... ...u so Beng...he dare complain meh?). As i was giving him that tu lan (pissed off in hokkien...i think...)face...he gave me a lecture about how he could fire me and not pay me a single cent and how i can leave if i not happy... ...-_- First, if u fire me... ...u MUST pay me for wat i hav already done... ...it is against the law if u dun pay me... ...Second, i dun fucking need this job... ...i took this job as i was bored... ...and seeing that i am already bored of this job... ...i dun see y not... ...besides the fact that extra cash cant hurt of course... ...(: But he was not THAT bad as he put in a few good words for us in front of an even crankier superior... ...q:
The day was not a TOTAL waste though... ...cause, wif Jia Wei's help, i managed to steal one of Pepsi's transparent shoe bag (which is SO much better then the GAY handbags we are giving out... ...) that they were giving away as part of a promotion... ...Jia Wei wans one too... ... maybe we will get one for him tml... ...
Monday, February 5, 2007
Cuntomers 101... ...
Today was my 1st day at work for Coca-Cola at the FairPrice outlet at Toa Payoh outlet... ...1st time i was exposed to the different customers of Singapore... ...Here is a short introduction to the various customers of our dear country... ...
Customers 101:
Customers are a species of Homo Sapien that roam are the land of Singapore... ...their land of origin range from the posh oasis of Orchard Road to the oulu (deserted in Malay...i think... ...)
wastelands of People's Park. As i was the 1st to discover this newly emerging species... ...i get to name them... ... I hereby officially dub them Homo Sapien Custimo!!! aka Customers... ...
1.The "browsers"... ...The browsers are the most common breed of customers...their most common form of activity is loitering around shopping districts, walking around aimlessly and looking for NOTHING in particular... ...When attempts were made to establish contact wif this specie wif simple words such as ,"May I help you?" and "Do you need any help?" the response given is usually ,"Jus browsing... ..." or "Jus looking... ..." or ... ...,"Jus browsing... ...". Judging from the limited amount of different responses given... ...i deduce that this particular branch of Homo Sapien is not too "intelligent"... ... so to speak... ...no no no... ...scratch that...they are pea-brained... ...
2.Kiasu Kia... ...this specie is quite common too... ...though not as common as the browsers... ...this specie base their choice of purchase solely on the free gifts given... ...if the objects purchased is not meant for themselves but is meant as a gift for others... ...their true nature will then be further exposed... ...they will not bother about the quality of the goods and only focus on the free gifts as they plan to keep those for themselves... ...[A lot of ppl decided to buy from Yeo's instead of coca-cola as they were giving away CNY(Chinese New Year...duh) trays and Pepsi shoe bags... ...*sighs*...*rolls eyes*...some ppl jus dunno how to recognize quality product...PPL...IF I AM SELLING SOMETHING...THAT IS QUALITY PRODUCT!!!] Another way to spot a Kiasu Kia is by the way it speaks... ...a Kiasu Kia normally say stuff like ,"Got discount?", "is it cheaper here?" ,"got link points?" and the ever popular "got free gift?"
3.Kiasi Kia... ...this breed is quite uncommon... ...they are afraid of everything... ...ranging from fears of the disability to carry too much shopping... ...fear of not having enough money wif them and lamest of all... ...scared the drink not nice... ...
4.The "Unreasonables"... ...they are wat they are called... unreasonable... there is no accurate method to describe this particular specie... i can only give an account of a run in i had wif one of them... ...
Unreasonable:"this one is it 3 1.5 liter bottles for $1.75?"
Me:(Siao Kia this one... ...3 bottles $1.75 we fucking earn wat?)"No sir,this is $1.75 per bottle... ..."
Unreasonable:"HUH?!Then y here put a picture of 3 bottles then write $1.75?"
Me:(Is this guy fucking kidding me?Got spastic till like that meh?)"Oh no sir...the picture is to show the three different types of drinks that is selling at the price of $1.75... ..."
Unreasonable:"Huuuuuuhhhhhh?Y lyke tat?CNY should giv offer waaattttt.................."
Me:(@&$$@^@#%#$@#$%!)"Haha... no lah sir... ...if sell u at this price our company wun be able to earn anything leh... ..."
Unreasonable:"AIYA...U all write lyke tat how ppl NNNOOOEEEEE?! Should change it laaaahhhhhh then easier to reeeeaaaadddd...right a nooootttttt?"
Me:(NAH BUEY CHEE BYE!!!KAN NIN NAH!!!MUTHA FUCKING SON OF A BITCH!!!)"Ya lah sir... ...is quite confusing... ...i will suggest to my boss to change the sign... ..."
Unreasonable:"Ya lah... good then quickly change ah!"
Me:(... ...)
Get the picture?(I'm not paid nearly enough to handle this kind of crap... ...I'm not even supposed to work loh... ...)
5.Blur Cock... ...those that do not know wat they are saying but say it loud and clear as if they are right... ...
An example... ...
Blur Cock:"How much is this bottle of 1.5 liter of Coke ah?"
Me:(...written there... ...)"That is $1.40 per bottle sir... ..."
Blur Cock:"But if buy two is $2.75 lah!"
Me:(huh?)"No lah sir... ...buy two bottles is $2.80... ..."
Blur Cock:"Huh...but got promotion waaaattttt... ...buy two bottles $2.75"
Me:(got such promotion meh?)"Huh?Sir... ...is there such a promotion?"
Me:(... ...)"But sir... ...it is not written anywhere here that there is a such a promotion... ..."
Me:(got meh?) *goes outside to take a look* (@#%@#^#^@!KNN!!!) *goes back in* *Deep Breath* *SMILE* "Sry sir... ...that particular promotion is for Pepsi... ...not Coca-Cola... ..."
Blur Cock:"... ..."
Me:"... ..."
Blur Cock:"... ..." *Walks away mumbling to self*
6.Speedster... ...they are called that as they treat the tent (the one where we sell the drinks on promotion) as a highway... ...For those who are mentally challenged...allow me to explain... ...Toa Payoh is a busy hub wif a lot of human traffic... ...as a result... ...walking through the streets of Toa Payoh can be like being stuck in a traffic jam... ...Our tent is a closed off area of the street where only ppl who intend to buy stuff enter... ...Thus... ...the inside of our tent is naturally less crowded then the outside... ...so there will be S.O.Bs that use our tent to gain a few meters ahead of the ppl in front of them... ...like a highway...get it?
7.Relatives... ...relatives get somewat excited when a young member of their family start work for the 1st time... ...today... ...three of my aunts visited my FOUR times... ...it was pretty embarrassing as ppl are soon able to recognize them because of their frequent visits... ...wat makes it worse is that they brought their dog... ...-_- and they forced me to pet it... ...(double -_-)... ...BUT...i forgive them... ...BECAUSE they bought a TRUCKLOAD of drinks that are under Coca-Cola AND because they gave me tip... ...FIFTY DOLLARS TIP!!!Ok ok...so it was not really a tip so much as jus squeezing a fifty dollar note into my hands and asking me to use it to "play and hav fun".Yup...I forgive them... ...:p
Luckily i did not meet the rumoured specie known as the OverBearers today... ...as in over bearing... ...cause if i do meet one of those... ...the second last liquidous substance that touches that guy's lips will be the coke from the coke can i will smash into his face... ...the last liquidous substance being the blood he coughs up after i am done wif him... ...then he will spend the rest of he life staring at the ceiling fan of the hospital while lying on the hospital bed clinging on to life wif a life support unit and salt water drip... ...
OK!!!So that concludes my report...Customers 101 (So it was not really 101...So sue me!!!).But wat i really hate about my job is not the customers i hav to deal wif but the fact that i hav become wat i hate... ...A badgering salesperson who is constantly asking ,"May I help you?" and looking over one's shoulder while they are shopping... ...Not to mention the fact that i hav to swallow my pride(which is HUMONGOUS btw and almost chocked me... ...it is thanks to my extra large mouth that i did not die of suffocation... ...) to constantly smile and speak nicely to customers... ...
p/s: Cant write the report about the DS Lite yet... ...Jia Wei haven lend me his digital camera... ...
Customers 101:
Customers are a species of Homo Sapien that roam are the land of Singapore... ...their land of origin range from the posh oasis of Orchard Road to the oulu (deserted in Malay...i think... ...)
wastelands of People's Park. As i was the 1st to discover this newly emerging species... ...i get to name them... ... I hereby officially dub them Homo Sapien Custimo!!! aka Customers... ...
1.The "browsers"... ...The browsers are the most common breed of customers...their most common form of activity is loitering around shopping districts, walking around aimlessly and looking for NOTHING in particular... ...When attempts were made to establish contact wif this specie wif simple words such as ,"May I help you?" and "Do you need any help?" the response given is usually ,"Jus browsing... ..." or "Jus looking... ..." or ... ...,"Jus browsing... ...". Judging from the limited amount of different responses given... ...i deduce that this particular branch of Homo Sapien is not too "intelligent"... ... so to speak... ...no no no... ...scratch that...they are pea-brained... ...
2.Kiasu Kia... ...this specie is quite common too... ...though not as common as the browsers... ...this specie base their choice of purchase solely on the free gifts given... ...if the objects purchased is not meant for themselves but is meant as a gift for others... ...their true nature will then be further exposed... ...they will not bother about the quality of the goods and only focus on the free gifts as they plan to keep those for themselves... ...[A lot of ppl decided to buy from Yeo's instead of coca-cola as they were giving away CNY(Chinese New Year...duh) trays and Pepsi shoe bags... ...*sighs*...*rolls eyes*...some ppl jus dunno how to recognize quality product...PPL...IF I AM SELLING SOMETHING...THAT IS QUALITY PRODUCT!!!] Another way to spot a Kiasu Kia is by the way it speaks... ...a Kiasu Kia normally say stuff like ,"Got discount?", "is it cheaper here?" ,"got link points?" and the ever popular "got free gift?"
3.Kiasi Kia... ...this breed is quite uncommon... ...they are afraid of everything... ...ranging from fears of the disability to carry too much shopping... ...fear of not having enough money wif them and lamest of all... ...scared the drink not nice... ...
4.The "Unreasonables"... ...they are wat they are called... unreasonable... there is no accurate method to describe this particular specie... i can only give an account of a run in i had wif one of them... ...
Unreasonable:"this one is it 3 1.5 liter bottles for $1.75?"
Me:(Siao Kia this one... ...3 bottles $1.75 we fucking earn wat?)"No sir,this is $1.75 per bottle... ..."
Unreasonable:"HUH?!Then y here put a picture of 3 bottles then write $1.75?"
Me:(Is this guy fucking kidding me?Got spastic till like that meh?)"Oh no sir...the picture is to show the three different types of drinks that is selling at the price of $1.75... ..."
Unreasonable:"Huuuuuuhhhhhh?Y lyke tat?CNY should giv offer waaattttt.................."
Me:(@&$$@^@#%#$@#$%!)"Haha... no lah sir... ...if sell u at this price our company wun be able to earn anything leh... ..."
Unreasonable:"AIYA...U all write lyke tat how ppl NNNOOOEEEEE?! Should change it laaaahhhhhh then easier to reeeeaaaadddd...right a nooootttttt?"
Me:(NAH BUEY CHEE BYE!!!KAN NIN NAH!!!MUTHA FUCKING SON OF A BITCH!!!)"Ya lah sir... ...is quite confusing... ...i will suggest to my boss to change the sign... ..."
Unreasonable:"Ya lah... good then quickly change ah!"
Me:(... ...)
Get the picture?(I'm not paid nearly enough to handle this kind of crap... ...I'm not even supposed to work loh... ...)
5.Blur Cock... ...those that do not know wat they are saying but say it loud and clear as if they are right... ...
An example... ...
Blur Cock:"How much is this bottle of 1.5 liter of Coke ah?"
Me:(...written there... ...)"That is $1.40 per bottle sir... ..."
Blur Cock:"But if buy two is $2.75 lah!"
Me:(huh?)"No lah sir... ...buy two bottles is $2.80... ..."
Blur Cock:"Huh...but got promotion waaaattttt... ...buy two bottles $2.75"
Me:(got such promotion meh?)"Huh?Sir... ...is there such a promotion?"
Me:(... ...)"But sir... ...it is not written anywhere here that there is a such a promotion... ..."
Me:(got meh?) *goes outside to take a look* (@#%@#^#^@!KNN!!!) *goes back in* *Deep Breath* *SMILE* "Sry sir... ...that particular promotion is for Pepsi... ...not Coca-Cola... ..."
Blur Cock:"... ..."
Me:"... ..."
Blur Cock:"... ..." *Walks away mumbling to self*
6.Speedster... ...they are called that as they treat the tent (the one where we sell the drinks on promotion) as a highway... ...For those who are mentally challenged...allow me to explain... ...Toa Payoh is a busy hub wif a lot of human traffic... ...as a result... ...walking through the streets of Toa Payoh can be like being stuck in a traffic jam... ...Our tent is a closed off area of the street where only ppl who intend to buy stuff enter... ...Thus... ...the inside of our tent is naturally less crowded then the outside... ...so there will be S.O.Bs that use our tent to gain a few meters ahead of the ppl in front of them... ...like a highway...get it?
7.Relatives... ...relatives get somewat excited when a young member of their family start work for the 1st time... ...today... ...three of my aunts visited my FOUR times... ...it was pretty embarrassing as ppl are soon able to recognize them because of their frequent visits... ...wat makes it worse is that they brought their dog... ...-_- and they forced me to pet it... ...(double -_-)... ...BUT...i forgive them... ...BECAUSE they bought a TRUCKLOAD of drinks that are under Coca-Cola AND because they gave me tip... ...FIFTY DOLLARS TIP!!!Ok ok...so it was not really a tip so much as jus squeezing a fifty dollar note into my hands and asking me to use it to "play and hav fun".Yup...I forgive them... ...:p
Luckily i did not meet the rumoured specie known as the OverBearers today... ...as in over bearing... ...cause if i do meet one of those... ...the second last liquidous substance that touches that guy's lips will be the coke from the coke can i will smash into his face... ...the last liquidous substance being the blood he coughs up after i am done wif him... ...then he will spend the rest of he life staring at the ceiling fan of the hospital while lying on the hospital bed clinging on to life wif a life support unit and salt water drip... ...
OK!!!So that concludes my report...Customers 101 (So it was not really 101...So sue me!!!).But wat i really hate about my job is not the customers i hav to deal wif but the fact that i hav become wat i hate... ...A badgering salesperson who is constantly asking ,"May I help you?" and looking over one's shoulder while they are shopping... ...Not to mention the fact that i hav to swallow my pride(which is HUMONGOUS btw and almost chocked me... ...it is thanks to my extra large mouth that i did not die of suffocation... ...) to constantly smile and speak nicely to customers... ...
p/s: Cant write the report about the DS Lite yet... ...Jia Wei haven lend me his digital camera... ...
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