Ms Mok's comment that a SUPER long holiday is boring is,SOMEWAT ONLY SOMEWAT AR NOT TOTALLY, true... ... DUN TELL HER I SAID THAT!!!
Of course I still got a overflowing amount of unfinished games to complete but playing too much for too long a time can be tiring and my eyes can get farked up dry(yes everyone this is the REAL Leonard toking) so i hav decided to create a blog. I admit that my decision to create a blog is largely due to XiaXue's blog(if u dun know who that is u should stop reading this blog straight away and go read her blog it is in my links... ...after i am done wif this cause she is like the BEST blogger in the blogger community... ... thats my opinion anyway)she blog is farking funny loh and yet very real as in those are really her thoughts and not jus her trying to be funny and all that.And of course because i am FUCKING bored at the moment.
Those who know me can god damn verify that i am a god damn slacker i dun really put much into anything i do(wif the possible exception of games, anime, eating(?) and etc.) so dun expect this blog to be a pro one hor cause i am not very familiar with all that html stuff and template stuff and PROBABLY wont bother doing anything to update it or any thing... ...PROBABLY!!! ALL are welcome to post comments on ANYTHING here... my template, my own comments and etc. you may even CRITICIZE!!!(yes folks it is still Leonard here) BUT dun u DARE over do it i tell u, anyone attempts to PISS ME OFF and i will farking find out WHO THE FARK u are and farking bash ur brains out(or i will simply delete ur posts).
Ok now so enough wif the introductions and on to actual blogging meaning to write wat happened in my life(u know, this being an internet dairy and all).The stuff u read here will mostly be pissed off rantings (cause i only remember stuff that makes me angry, yaya i got bad temper) so dun expect anything nice like rainbows or unicorns here.
okokok on to actual blogging YESTERDAY (ya it is yesterday's news cause i cant really post yesterday cause i haven created this blog yesterday right?) was the WORST Christmas eve EVER cause Aaron the FARKED( the BB one) TRICKED i say TRICKED me into some(hey i jus relized that in blogger u cant use the delete button to erase wat is behind the flashing vertical line thingy... ...WATEVER) stupid church service(no offence to Chirstians lol jia wei).If i farking went there willingly i wont be so pissed now(yesterday actually) but i was tricked there, he farking told me that there was a carnival and some stupid play so i i got nuthin to do wat so why not...and i told him that i would go on the condition that he would not attempt to convert me(he kept that promise btw) BUT HE FARKING GOT HIS FRIENDS TO DO IT ANYWAYZ!!!So it was in this huge expo hall wif like atleast a THOUSAND ppl(hmmmm got a thousand?) and there was this rock star like stage in the front(we got somewat front row seat...not that i care)and they were singing and all that wished each other merry christmas(when it was not yet christmas -_-)multiple times.Okaaaayyyyy so not so bad i thought to myself eventhough we hav to stand and all that,BUT the WORST thing is they tried to get ME to sing(those who know me will know that i will NVR be caught dead singing) and, believe it or not, they tried to GET ME ON STAGE!!! to DECLARE my LOVE to GOD which i,btw, think is as non-existent as Darren's dick. THEY WERE PULLING ME UP!!!(so not true...jus persuading)Can u BELIEVE that?!?! So anyway i hav to stand and sit and hold lighted candles for like wat? TWO hours. and when me and Jia Wei (i dragged him there...SRY PLS FORGIVE ME!!!) tried to slip away Aaron dragged us to his friends (actually jus dragged me and jia wei followed) and got us to go to the carnival which i thought bu huay hao dao na li chi(wont be any good in chinese) which i was wrong... was WORSE then i thought!!! THERE WANST EVEN A POPCORN STAND!!!WAT KIND OF FUCKED UP CARNIVAL DOESNT HAV A POPCORN STAND?!?!?! so i was like,"we are SO outta here" but aaron was like WE play gladiator once then WE go okay?(gladiator is some stupid game where two ppl stand on two stupid unbalanced stand and try to knock each other off the stand wif padded poles)i was like ,"fark off aaron i am so not standing up there and embarrass myself" and he was like ,"Y?! SCARED AH?!"
*eyes roll up*
He was so desperate to prove himself to me lor cause i keep him under my feet all the time(HI Aaron!)so i was like,"watever lah jus be quick lah" and so we did the stupid gladiator thingy.
i MUST say that i did it half heartly(cause i only won 2 out of 3 matches OH THE SHAME!!! And that the poles were so god damn padded loh no one could feel any impact loh and we had to PUSH each other off loh not hit each other out like we are suppose to loh)so i won (but aaron might beg to differ, egoistic bastered) (oi btw how to spell bastered are not sure leh not in the spell check... ...i wonder why hehe:)).
so we decided to head for home then aaron said ,"bye bye". i was like ,"WTF!!!" he said go together ?!?!(check the part where i first mention gladiator) "WAH LAO!!! go together LEH" and he gave some stupid reason which i cant remember.(i admit i was hoping to score a free cab ride home the way he treat me and jia wei a free ride on a cab to the expo HEHE *rubs hands wif shifty eyes*)then i was like fark it lah and then went home wif jia wei.
jia wei fell asleep on the MRT which made me realized that i made him spend a triring and farked up day wif me.(SRY ONCE AGAIN!!!>.<) Then came today... ...the most uneventful christmas EVER(2 farked up dayz in a row *sob*) nvr even go po po house(is ah mah lah).Also dun feel like playing so create this farked up blog lor... ... Oh and jus something i wan to say.Me, wei jie and Jon toked about how some evangelists(ppl who spread "the word of christ" *rolls eyes*) are TOTALLY going overboard and that some once loyal friends are falling over to their side...sad... SO i hav decided to form a group called the "Unaffecteds"!!! as in unaffected by their brainwashing.ALL are welcomed to join!!!:) The comments above are only toking about the guilty parties and not the bulk of the group...if u are not guilty of the above accusations pls dun take my comments to hearts...thank u... and if u ARE guilty of the above accusations dun u go trying to sue me for defamation or freedom of religion or anything like that cause that would make u look childish...and lastly NO PREACHING in my blog
as for my signing off thingy and blog title being Child Of The Dark dun u dare say i am trying to be cool hor(although i AM trying to be cool) there is some explanation to that name.i chose that name, it is cause i am only active during the night and sleep during the day(or dun sleep at all LOL)
Bye for now
p/s:oh i forgot merry chirstmas to all!!!
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