Its amazing...
I'm kinda lazy right now so I'm just gonna keep this short.
Its really amazing how vast the Internet is.
Just take this blog for example. I used to post rubbish here as a kid and nowadays I only visit this place when I cant sleep at night and really have nothing else to occupy my time with. And what do u know? Despite me updating this place like once a year or something just for the fun of it, people actually do stumble across this place and leave behind comments. It isnt a whole lot of comments, that's for sure, but they are comments nonetheless. Sometimes I reply and sometimes I don't. But whatever the case its like this link was created. And its not like I went and wrote all these rants and all so people would come and read them.
Its kinda like the Internets version of the six degrees of separation or whatever.
Makes me think whether I would live to see the day when the internet is TRULY integrated into every aspect of our lives. Kinda like how it is in Ghost in the Shell and Real Drive.
How long more till our online persona represent us as much as our real being do? How long more till us being able to communicate across the internet as well as we do in person? How long more till Questworld becomes a reality?!
... ...
I think I'm over thinking things... ...
Ah well...
Monday, May 9, 2011
Friday, November 5, 2010
Wats up wif that?!
Sooo I was loginning to my various e-mail accounts in a futile effort to try and retrieve my Steam account password. (Goddammit! I cant even rmb which fucking e-mail account I register it under) And as I logged on to the gmail account that this blog was registered under, as expected, wat for waiting for me was a whole pile of spam comments and shit which I promptly deleted... But among all that crap was a comment that went like this:
"Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!"
Now anyone wif half a brain can see that this abandoned blog is anything BUT "getting better and better!" Its fucking dead! And the only reason I dun scrap it completely or watever is so that once in a while I can come up here, read the stuff that I wrote, and laugh at how much of an idiot I was (and probably still is...)!
Now despite my skepticism. I actually thought, for jus a moment, that someone actually cared. LOL. That someone actually read a random post on this random blog that I never really told anyone about. That is of course until I went and google that comment. I went and google that whole comment and guess wat? There's a whole bunch of other blogs out there wif the EXACT SAME COMMENT posted. Wats up wif that?!
Go on, try it yourself. Google that comment and u will see wat I mean.
*Wait for u to finish Googling
I know! Crazy right?!
I mean, as far as I can tell... Its not one of those stupid spam comment that goes something like:
"Hi Nice article! I agree also.
For nice cheap jeans and shit go here"
There no links in the comment, there nothing that even mentions any product of any kind. So wat is up wif that?!
So wat? This guy goes around the net posting nice comments on random blogs and such in a bid to wat? Motivate the bloggers? rofl. Even if someone programmed a bot or something to do that, wat is the point? Anyone that knows anything feel free to tell me cause I'm quite puzzled as to why someone would go around posting a meaningless post randomly for wat seems like no reason.
ps: If I'm gonna consider keeping this place, I seriously have to do something about that blog title... Child of The Dark?! Wtf was I thinking?! I mean seriously... ...
"Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!"
Now anyone wif half a brain can see that this abandoned blog is anything BUT "getting better and better!" Its fucking dead! And the only reason I dun scrap it completely or watever is so that once in a while I can come up here, read the stuff that I wrote, and laugh at how much of an idiot I was (and probably still is...)!
Now despite my skepticism. I actually thought, for jus a moment, that someone actually cared. LOL. That someone actually read a random post on this random blog that I never really told anyone about. That is of course until I went and google that comment. I went and google that whole comment and guess wat? There's a whole bunch of other blogs out there wif the EXACT SAME COMMENT posted. Wats up wif that?!
Go on, try it yourself. Google that comment and u will see wat I mean.
*Wait for u to finish Googling
I know! Crazy right?!
I mean, as far as I can tell... Its not one of those stupid spam comment that goes something like:
"Hi Nice article! I agree also.
For nice cheap jeans and shit go here"
There no links in the comment, there nothing that even mentions any product of any kind. So wat is up wif that?!
So wat? This guy goes around the net posting nice comments on random blogs and such in a bid to wat? Motivate the bloggers? rofl. Even if someone programmed a bot or something to do that, wat is the point? Anyone that knows anything feel free to tell me cause I'm quite puzzled as to why someone would go around posting a meaningless post randomly for wat seems like no reason.
ps: If I'm gonna consider keeping this place, I seriously have to do something about that blog title... Child of The Dark?! Wtf was I thinking?! I mean seriously... ...
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
It feels like its been so long... ...
So I just decided to check one of my alternate e-mail accounts which happened to be the one I used to sign up for this blog... ... And I noticed I actually got some responses over the years I was gone... ...
Responses include people asking me how much Odex fined me for downloading Anime (Just to be clear I nvr was fined for DLing Anime... The post I made on it was referring to an Odex letter I found on the net. I did mention that on that post I believe.), shouts of support for my rally against the tyranny know as SPSU, calls for help to open up dead relative's Nigerian bank accounts, praises that suggests that I wasnt the only one thinking that the timeslot of AniMania on ArtsCentral should be thought through carefully and believe it or not... a HELL lot of comments written in Japanese...
I mean... Wut teh FUK is up with that?! I cant be bothered to translate any of them using my limited knowledge of the freaking language so using Babel Fish is as much effort as I could muster in my attempt to decipher wtf they are talking about... ...
So apparently some of them are getting me to sign for to some web services or wat not... Some online sex services (Sheer watever gave them the idea I would be interested in that? >.>), and some of them were talking about stalkers and how scary it is to have online stalkers stalking you with their handphones... ... And it gets better... One was telling me something about being lonely and that parents cant be depended on and shit like that... ...
Now... Y THE FUCK ARE U TELLING ME ALL THIS? How the FUCK did they even get here? How the FUCK did the messages get here? I mean, they all had docomo e-mail addresses and shit... So they are legit( I think?) ... So y? Y me? And wat for? Maybe I'm missing something obvious here be atm I'm puzzled as to why these people would come here to tell me about runaway girls and wat not?
Anywayz... So... Here I'm again... Writing a post into this blog with this ridiculous name (What WAS I thinking when I named this blog?), despite having thought that I never will again either because I got bored or just got tired shouting at a wall and pouring heart and soul into something that will never serve any purpose other than as an outlet for my emotions and thoughts... ... I never did write a "last post", perhaps this one will be that "last post"... But then again, someday I just might get this feeling to write another one... ...
So, a quick summary of the past years that were not mentioned on this blog... ...
Basically, I got into the World of Warcraft... In Azeroth (Azeroth is the World of... Warcraft... Self explanatory right?) I created some of the best memories I have of these past years, and also some not-so-good ones... ... My time spent playing WoW had its highs and lows but ultimately it almost ruined my life by creating havoc in my studies, social life and wat nots. Drama was the main cause, but even after all that Drama that soured some friendships (Eventually causing one of our own to leave and never come back) I continued playing anywayz... It was only after the game went to shit these past few months did I finally decided to breakaway from it all... ...
Although I am contemplating on returning to play the game as a casual... ...
So after experiencing the sometimes RL fuck up that is WoW I decided I needed a new game to potentially ruin my already fucked up life so I got into BlazBlue... Which I have to say isnt nearly as damaging as WoW... So amidst all this fuck ups I have to say a lot about me has changed... ...
The one word that I would describe the new me would be "ennui"
Definition of ennui from
ennui (uncountable)
A gripping listlessness or melancholia caused by boredom; depression. "
Simply put I'm bored to the point of depression... This state of depression then leads me to have a bleak outlook on life and everything around me which then leads to further depression... ... A vicious cycle...
Oh and I hate Anime now... I might write a post on this and some other related stuff on a later date... Or maybe I wont... I dunno... ...
So basically I hate life right now... There just isnt anything to look forward to in a new day... The day jus consists of me dragging my ass to school and dragging it back home so I can sleep the day away... Or maybe I would occasionally drop by the arcade at bugis to play BlazBlue and basically let the pros eat my coins... ... Its either that or stress over final year project... ...
Oh and after all this shit is over I get a complimentary haircut from the government and a one-way boat trip to an exotic island to enjoy an all-expense-paid 60 day 59 night vacation. Whoopee-FUCKING-doo!
So I guess thats all I have to talk about for now... Well not really, but jus that voicing out all my hate and discontent would jus take too bloody long... ...
Imma show all the Japanese comments in that other post... Lazy to go through all of them one by one to sort out the adverts... I dun understand wat they're talking about anywayz... ... If someone can translate for me... Feel free to do so... ...
Responses include people asking me how much Odex fined me for downloading Anime (Just to be clear I nvr was fined for DLing Anime... The post I made on it was referring to an Odex letter I found on the net. I did mention that on that post I believe.), shouts of support for my rally against the tyranny know as SPSU, calls for help to open up dead relative's Nigerian bank accounts, praises that suggests that I wasnt the only one thinking that the timeslot of AniMania on ArtsCentral should be thought through carefully and believe it or not... a HELL lot of comments written in Japanese...
I mean... Wut teh FUK is up with that?! I cant be bothered to translate any of them using my limited knowledge of the freaking language so using Babel Fish is as much effort as I could muster in my attempt to decipher wtf they are talking about... ...
So apparently some of them are getting me to sign for to some web services or wat not... Some online sex services (Sheer watever gave them the idea I would be interested in that? >.>), and some of them were talking about stalkers and how scary it is to have online stalkers stalking you with their handphones... ... And it gets better... One was telling me something about being lonely and that parents cant be depended on and shit like that... ...
Now... Y THE FUCK ARE U TELLING ME ALL THIS? How the FUCK did they even get here? How the FUCK did the messages get here? I mean, they all had docomo e-mail addresses and shit... So they are legit( I think?) ... So y? Y me? And wat for? Maybe I'm missing something obvious here be atm I'm puzzled as to why these people would come here to tell me about runaway girls and wat not?
Anywayz... So... Here I'm again... Writing a post into this blog with this ridiculous name (What WAS I thinking when I named this blog?), despite having thought that I never will again either because I got bored or just got tired shouting at a wall and pouring heart and soul into something that will never serve any purpose other than as an outlet for my emotions and thoughts... ... I never did write a "last post", perhaps this one will be that "last post"... But then again, someday I just might get this feeling to write another one... ...
So, a quick summary of the past years that were not mentioned on this blog... ...
Basically, I got into the World of Warcraft... In Azeroth (Azeroth is the World of... Warcraft... Self explanatory right?) I created some of the best memories I have of these past years, and also some not-so-good ones... ... My time spent playing WoW had its highs and lows but ultimately it almost ruined my life by creating havoc in my studies, social life and wat nots. Drama was the main cause, but even after all that Drama that soured some friendships (Eventually causing one of our own to leave and never come back) I continued playing anywayz... It was only after the game went to shit these past few months did I finally decided to breakaway from it all... ...
Although I am contemplating on returning to play the game as a casual... ...
So after experiencing the sometimes RL fuck up that is WoW I decided I needed a new game to potentially ruin my already fucked up life so I got into BlazBlue... Which I have to say isnt nearly as damaging as WoW... So amidst all this fuck ups I have to say a lot about me has changed... ...
The one word that I would describe the new me would be "ennui"
Definition of ennui from
ennui (uncountable)
A gripping listlessness or melancholia caused by boredom; depression. "
Simply put I'm bored to the point of depression... This state of depression then leads me to have a bleak outlook on life and everything around me which then leads to further depression... ... A vicious cycle...
Oh and I hate Anime now... I might write a post on this and some other related stuff on a later date... Or maybe I wont... I dunno... ...
So basically I hate life right now... There just isnt anything to look forward to in a new day... The day jus consists of me dragging my ass to school and dragging it back home so I can sleep the day away... Or maybe I would occasionally drop by the arcade at bugis to play BlazBlue and basically let the pros eat my coins... ... Its either that or stress over final year project... ...
Oh and after all this shit is over I get a complimentary haircut from the government and a one-way boat trip to an exotic island to enjoy an all-expense-paid 60 day 59 night vacation. Whoopee-FUCKING-doo!
So I guess thats all I have to talk about for now... Well not really, but jus that voicing out all my hate and discontent would jus take too bloody long... ...
Imma show all the Japanese comments in that other post... Lazy to go through all of them one by one to sort out the adverts... I dun understand wat they're talking about anywayz... ... If someone can translate for me... Feel free to do so... ...
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Go for broke!
"Go for broke!" is the slogan for the ever popular beat 'em up game, Street Fighter... And I have no idea wat it means...I read somewhere that it means to gamble everything... ...
Anywayz...In my case it means to go broke!
Cause I'm going to KKnM's Chara Fest TML (Or rather today... Judging by the time)!!! WOOT!!!
However, sadly enough... KKnM didnt bring much figurines back from Japan...Which is the main focus in my budding collection... ...HOWEVER! They are having this event within an event thingy where somewhere between 2-4 PM, there will be half an hour where figurines will be sold at a cheaper price! That means I can get my Mai at a cheaper price! WOOT!!!
But that does not mean that I'm not gonna buy other stuff though... ...I'm currently aiming for random stuff like Shakugan no Shana pencil boards and clear folders, a Zero no Tsukaima towel and Suzumiya Haruhi desk mats... ...I might even buy the absurdly high priced Suzumiya Haruhi Phone Cards!!! (Note that the phone cards are $27.90 while that much bigger and prettier desk mats are only $15.80)
I was worried that I wont hav enough money to buy anything at all...As I hav not exactly been saving money for as long as I can remember...So I went ahead and did something desperate...I begged my mom for money...Now my dad is more willing to endow money upon me while my mom is quite fussy about the way money is spent...But I decided to beg my mom instead as I get the feeling she understands me more... And guess wat? I GOT $300 bucks! And she did it without much of a fight! That was a surprise...When I got her to sign up of Final Fantasy XI...It took me a lot of convincing for her to lend me her credit card... ... I tried playing safe by asking for $200 at first...But when she agreed...I decided to push further and asked for $300...And she actually went to the bank or watever in the middle of the night to get me the money! I feel so touched lol!
Now this $300 bucks plus a few last minute savings will allow me to buy a few decent products...PLUS my Mai... ...
And after Chara Fest going to Natsu Matsuri!!! TWO FESTIVALS IN A ROW!!!
I'm coming for u Mai!!!
p/s: So excited I cant slp... ...
Anywayz...In my case it means to go broke!
Cause I'm going to KKnM's Chara Fest TML (Or rather today... Judging by the time)!!! WOOT!!!

But that does not mean that I'm not gonna buy other stuff though... ...I'm currently aiming for random stuff like Shakugan no Shana pencil boards and clear folders, a Zero no Tsukaima towel and Suzumiya Haruhi desk mats... ...I might even buy the absurdly high priced Suzumiya Haruhi Phone Cards!!! (Note that the phone cards are $27.90 while that much bigger and prettier desk mats are only $15.80)
I was worried that I wont hav enough money to buy anything at all...As I hav not exactly been saving money for as long as I can remember...So I went ahead and did something desperate...I begged my mom for money...Now my dad is more willing to endow money upon me while my mom is quite fussy about the way money is spent...But I decided to beg my mom instead as I get the feeling she understands me more... And guess wat? I GOT $300 bucks! And she did it without much of a fight! That was a surprise...When I got her to sign up of Final Fantasy XI...It took me a lot of convincing for her to lend me her credit card... ... I tried playing safe by asking for $200 at first...But when she agreed...I decided to push further and asked for $300...And she actually went to the bank or watever in the middle of the night to get me the money! I feel so touched lol!
Now this $300 bucks plus a few last minute savings will allow me to buy a few decent products...PLUS my Mai... ...
And after Chara Fest going to Natsu Matsuri!!! TWO FESTIVALS IN A ROW!!!
I'm coming for u Mai!!!
p/s: So excited I cant slp... ...
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Bittersweet... ...
I procrastinated too much...The deadline to post Chara Fest banner on my blog for a chance to get free goodies is over...Oh well...Didnt think they will notice my tiny blog anywayz... ...
I asked Yi Wei to go Sunshine first thing in the morning to help me order Kyon's sister(Suzumiya Haruhi) the moment KKnM opens...But apparently someone has already ordered it VIA PHONE!!! WAH SO PRO!!! ORDER VIA PHONE!!! Cant fight wif him sia... ...And according to Yi Wei they could only managed to get ONE Kyon's sister...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo!!!!!!! There is a slim chance that they might be able to get 1 or 2 more so...EVERYONE!!! PRAY FOR ME!!!
YES!!! FINALLY FINISHED THE LAST PAPER TODAY!!! (Although I most likely buanged most of them... ...)
Shawn sent me the latest version of Melty Blood, Melty Blood: Act Cadenza ver. B and I totally pwned the AIs using Ciel... ...Now to look for Fatal/Fake... ...
Oh yeah! It my Birthday! Its my Birthday!
I saw the alternated colour version b4...The black or purple or dark blue...watever...on the net and at La Tendo... ...But nothing beats the original red hot colour scheme... ...Finally found it at KKnM this afternoon... ...
I didnt hav the money to pay for it at the time (Duh! Its like $109). But KKnM's Lao Pan Niang (Boss's wife in Hokkien ) was kind enough to help me keep it for a while... ...So I got a week or two to save up $109... TIME TO STARVE!!!
I procrastinated too much...The deadline to post Chara Fest banner on my blog for a chance to get free goodies is over...Oh well...Didnt think they will notice my tiny blog anywayz... ...
I asked Yi Wei to go Sunshine first thing in the morning to help me order Kyon's sister(Suzumiya Haruhi) the moment KKnM opens...But apparently someone has already ordered it VIA PHONE!!! WAH SO PRO!!! ORDER VIA PHONE!!! Cant fight wif him sia... ...And according to Yi Wei they could only managed to get ONE Kyon's sister...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo!!!!!!! There is a slim chance that they might be able to get 1 or 2 more so...EVERYONE!!! PRAY FOR ME!!!
YES!!! FINALLY FINISHED THE LAST PAPER TODAY!!! (Although I most likely buanged most of them... ...)
Shawn sent me the latest version of Melty Blood, Melty Blood: Act Cadenza ver. B and I totally pwned the AIs using Ciel... ...Now to look for Fatal/Fake... ...

I didnt hav the money to pay for it at the time (Duh! Its like $109). But KKnM's Lao Pan Niang (Boss's wife in Hokkien ) was kind enough to help me keep it for a while... ...So I got a week or two to save up $109... TIME TO STARVE!!!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Here comes a new challenger!
Found a GREAT Anime in the making recently...I'm toking about the recently aired but already rabidly popular Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei... ...
And this Anime is slowly threating the place NHK ni Youkoso has in my heart... ...NHK will always be special to me...But Zetsubou Sensei is a seriously strong contender to that place... To giv u an idea of how good Zetsubou Sensei is...For example, NHK ni Youkoso features a Hikikomori, Zetsubou Sensei features a guy who is highly pessimistic, depressive and suicidal... ...Which is of course Itoshiki Nozomu aka Zetsubou Sensei... ...
Thats not all! There is also Misaki-Chan's(NHK ni Youkoso) counterpart, Fuura Kafuka (Btw thats not her real name... No idea wats hers real name...) a girl who is highly optimistic, cheerful and definitely non-suicidal...She is everything that Itoshiki Sensei isnt... ...
Aside from these two extreme personalities there is ,so far, Otonashi Meru (Her first name is a play of the word "mail" While her last name means "silent" in Japanese) who can only communicate via SMS which she uses to hurl abuses, Kitsu Chiri (Her name comes from the Japanese word Kicchiri which means "Correctly" a overly perfect perfectionist, a Kimura Kaere (Her first name comes from the word "kaere" which means "go back" in Japanese, a reference to her youth when kids used to shout "Kaere Kimura!", "Go back Kimura!" in Japanese at her because she is a caucasian. Name also comes from Japanese Idol Kimura Kaela) a caucasian ,or maybe mixed blood since her name is in Japanese, returnee with dual personalities, Tsunetsuki Matoi (When rearranged as Tsune Tsukimatoi it means "Always following" in Japanese) a stalker, Sekiutsu Maria Tarou (Her name shortens to "Seki uttarou" which means "I'll sell my name" in Japanese) an illegal immigrant who bought her name and identity from another student and Komori Kiri (No one confirmed this but I noticed that when her name is arranged wif the first name first, Kiri Komori, merge the two words and u swap some syllables and u get hikikomori) Zetsubou Sensei's very own hikikomori... ..
And these are jus SOME of the female students... I haven even touch on the males and Itoshiki Sensei's relatives who have yet to appear in the Anime... ...It seems like this series brings together all the extremes of society and place them together... ... They range from hikikomori (Komori Kiri) to Yaoi fangirls(Fujiyoshi Harumi, Fujiyoshi meaning "Yaoi fangirls" and Harumi being the previous Comiket location)...I jus cant wait till the next weird character gets introduced... ...
Another thing about the series is its unusual art style... ...It reminds me of pop art and sometimes even surrealism... ...Others hav commented that its weird or special...But I choose to view it as unique... ...The music is also special but not so much that it has nvr been encountered b4... ...Its use of music is pretty much like NHK's... ...The atmosphere the music creates sometimes clashes wif the atmosphere of the visual being shown and it creates a hilarious effect... ...
To giv a sample of how the series is like... Here are some snippets from the first ep... ...
A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love.
And this Anime is slowly threating the place NHK ni Youkoso has in my heart... ...NHK will always be special to me...But Zetsubou Sensei is a seriously strong contender to that place... To giv u an idea of how good Zetsubou Sensei is...For example, NHK ni Youkoso features a Hikikomori, Zetsubou Sensei features a guy who is highly pessimistic, depressive and suicidal... ...Which is of course Itoshiki Nozomu aka Zetsubou Sensei... ...
Thats not all! There is also Misaki-Chan's(NHK ni Youkoso) counterpart, Fuura Kafuka (Btw thats not her real name... No idea wats hers real name...) a girl who is highly optimistic, cheerful and definitely non-suicidal...She is everything that Itoshiki Sensei isnt... ...
Aside from these two extreme personalities there is ,so far, Otonashi Meru (Her first name is a play of the word "mail" While her last name means "silent" in Japanese) who can only communicate via SMS which she uses to hurl abuses, Kitsu Chiri (Her name comes from the Japanese word Kicchiri which means "Correctly" a overly perfect perfectionist, a Kimura Kaere (Her first name comes from the word "kaere" which means "go back" in Japanese, a reference to her youth when kids used to shout "Kaere Kimura!", "Go back Kimura!" in Japanese at her because she is a caucasian. Name also comes from Japanese Idol Kimura Kaela) a caucasian ,or maybe mixed blood since her name is in Japanese, returnee with dual personalities, Tsunetsuki Matoi (When rearranged as Tsune Tsukimatoi it means "Always following" in Japanese) a stalker, Sekiutsu Maria Tarou (Her name shortens to "Seki uttarou" which means "I'll sell my name" in Japanese) an illegal immigrant who bought her name and identity from another student and Komori Kiri (No one confirmed this but I noticed that when her name is arranged wif the first name first, Kiri Komori, merge the two words and u swap some syllables and u get hikikomori) Zetsubou Sensei's very own hikikomori... ..
And these are jus SOME of the female students... I haven even touch on the males and Itoshiki Sensei's relatives who have yet to appear in the Anime... ...It seems like this series brings together all the extremes of society and place them together... ... They range from hikikomori (Komori Kiri) to Yaoi fangirls(Fujiyoshi Harumi, Fujiyoshi meaning "Yaoi fangirls" and Harumi being the previous Comiket location)...I jus cant wait till the next weird character gets introduced... ...
Another thing about the series is its unusual art style... ...It reminds me of pop art and sometimes even surrealism... ...Others hav commented that its weird or special...But I choose to view it as unique... ...The music is also special but not so much that it has nvr been encountered b4... ...Its use of music is pretty much like NHK's... ...The atmosphere the music creates sometimes clashes wif the atmosphere of the visual being shown and it creates a hilarious effect... ...
To giv a sample of how the series is like... Here are some snippets from the first ep... ...

-Stendhal (1783-1842 French)
I hav no idea who Stendhal is but if not for this quote being the first thing to appear in the first ep there would be close to no clue that this series will hav romance in it... ...But since this quote appeared, its almost confirmed to hav a romantic ending of sorts... ...Although it might not be the Kafuka (Optimistic girl)...For now it looks like Matoi (Stalker girl) might be the one... ...
Itoshiki Sensei's first attempt at his own life in the series... ...
She then saves him by using her weight to snap the rope -.- AND she insists that he was only trying to make himself grow taller lol!
A "man" who can only see everything in a negative light
A "girl" who can only see everything in a positive light
Based on the (hilarious)chaos that came after the meeting...I, too, hav doubts about whether the meeting was meant to happen lol.
The were several references to Negima! and/or Negima!? in the show...Some ppl even compared the two and/or three shows...But as far as I'm concerned, the similarities end at the at fact that both shows features a class... ...Itoshiki Sensei's class is not even females only (Albeit the show focuses more on the girls). The show only uses Negima! and/or Negima!? for parodies...Thats all... ...
On the other hand...There is a strong similarity between Zetsubou Sensei and NHK...Both hav less than normal adult male leads with younger female leads that will more or less save them from their erroneous ways... ...Although while Kafuka is the direct opposite of Itoshiki Sensei...Misaki-Chan wasnt exactly the opposite of Satou... ...
But one fact, other than the similarity of the plot of the two shows, made me feel that Zetsubou Sensei is trying to go head on wif NHK or at least ride NHK's popularity, is that the singer of the ending for NHK ni Youkoso, Odoru Akachan Ningen (Dancing Baby Humans) is the same as the one who sang the opening of Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Hitotoshite Jiku ga Bureteiru (Damn Twisted Person)... ... Lol it might jus be me as Ōtsuki Kenji(The singer duh) is a pretty famous guy in Otaku circles so it might hav jus been a coincidence....Or is it?
Either way...Its Shaft vs GONZO...I cant say which studio wins in this battle as Zetsubou Sensei has yet to finish airing, but based on track records...My money's on GONZO... ...
I hav no idea who Stendhal is but if not for this quote being the first thing to appear in the first ep there would be close to no clue that this series will hav romance in it... ...But since this quote appeared, its almost confirmed to hav a romantic ending of sorts... ...Although it might not be the Kafuka (Optimistic girl)...For now it looks like Matoi (Stalker girl) might be the one... ...

The were several references to Negima! and/or Negima!? in the show...Some ppl even compared the two and/or three shows...But as far as I'm concerned, the similarities end at the at fact that both shows features a class... ...Itoshiki Sensei's class is not even females only (Albeit the show focuses more on the girls). The show only uses Negima! and/or Negima!? for parodies...Thats all... ...
On the other hand...There is a strong similarity between Zetsubou Sensei and NHK...Both hav less than normal adult male leads with younger female leads that will more or less save them from their erroneous ways... ...Although while Kafuka is the direct opposite of Itoshiki Sensei...Misaki-Chan wasnt exactly the opposite of Satou... ...
But one fact, other than the similarity of the plot of the two shows, made me feel that Zetsubou Sensei is trying to go head on wif NHK or at least ride NHK's popularity, is that the singer of the ending for NHK ni Youkoso, Odoru Akachan Ningen (Dancing Baby Humans) is the same as the one who sang the opening of Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Hitotoshite Jiku ga Bureteiru (Damn Twisted Person)... ... Lol it might jus be me as Ōtsuki Kenji(The singer duh) is a pretty famous guy in Otaku circles so it might hav jus been a coincidence....Or is it?
Either way...Its Shaft vs GONZO...I cant say which studio wins in this battle as Zetsubou Sensei has yet to finish airing, but based on track records...My money's on GONZO... ...
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Cosplay Matsuri Sucked!!!!!!!
Helped out there... ...It sucked... ...
REALLY glad that Jon couldnt make it... I dun wan him to get a bad first impression of cosplay by judging all cosplayers based on those that turned up for Matsuri... ...
I dun even get the point of Matsuri...I mean... Cosfest VI was to choose a representative for WCS (World Cosplay Submit) But I heard Matsuri was to choose the two best cosplayers to represent another up coming local event... ...Wat for?
There were like less than 20% of the amount of ppl who turned up for Cosfest VI...And the standard... ...Even after taking into account that cosplay generally sux...They suxed...Bad... ...
I mean...I understand that cosplaying is to make believe ur fav characters...But please...If u look nothing like them... ...Spare others the agony... (Omg...That overweight Sakura (Tsubasa)... ...)
All in all the event was a no show... ...It was hilarious how the host kept urging cosplayers to join the "competition" as I saw less than ten ppl went up to "compete".
Lol and to think that I beat myself up for forgetting to bring a cam... ...
I was comparing wif Cosfest VI when I was a Matsuri and I realized that it was not really fair since Cosfest is THE cosplay event of the year in Singapore and if u are hoping to see cosplayers wif any standard at all... Thats the event to be... ... BUT! U CANT BLAME ME FOR HATING MATSURI AFTER SEEING THE CUTE SHINIGAMI BABES AT COSFEST!!!!!!!
Haiz... I was hoping they would show up at Matsuri... ...
If u think I am being mean... ...Wait till u heard wat the rest did...They dissed the cosplayers in front of a J-Rock cosplayer lol... Best thing is... They even said that those cosplayers biggest mistake is their face lol! And the J-Rock guy replied angrily,"Then go plastic surgery is it?" Lol...And they thought he was joining in wif the cosplayer dissing conversation... ...He looked ready to beat them up lol... ...
Well...The day was not a complete lost though...We got an E2Max member card thingy as we were facilitators of a booth there(Yeah right...We jus goofed around, watch Anime and read mags)... Apparently...It giv us discount when we order Cathay tickets, allows us to rent DVDs for free and some other cool stuff...Which I most probably would nvr use... ...
We oso got a bunch of free Rogue(Local Anime mag) mag...WHICH ARE DATED AT 2007!!! One of them came wif a okay Loki poster though...JW will be thrilled...He LOVES that Anime... ...
BUT the most important thing is I got THESE b4 I went for Matsuri!!!
WOOT MEGAMI...Oh and the less interesting Dengeki HOBBY... ...
FREE StrikerS PENCIL BOARD!!! DAMN Odex for licensing even StrikerS... ...
Yes Marcus... I know Fate is sexier...But my...How Nanoha has grown since I first saw her on Channel U... ...
ARGH!!! This reminds me of the fact that I missed vol. 77 of Megami wif the centerfold of Louise in nightgown lying on the bed!!! She had that shy look on that centerfold too!!! Plus that centerfold was a full body pic!!! This one is cut off at the legs!!!
Opps...The cam strap is in pic...Anywayz...Marcus said that this centerfold(Which is behind the previous one) is better than the previous one and we went,"ARE U BLIND?!?!?!"... ...
Thinking of buying another copy to get another pencil board so I can actually USE it... ...(Fyi I dun usually use the Anime stuff I buy...Shawn says I'm weird...I think so too... ...) But dun think its possible... Me, Shawn and Marcus bought the last three copies...So much for Yi Wei being the buy-last-available-item king... lol... ...
REALLY glad that Jon couldnt make it... I dun wan him to get a bad first impression of cosplay by judging all cosplayers based on those that turned up for Matsuri... ...
I dun even get the point of Matsuri...I mean... Cosfest VI was to choose a representative for WCS (World Cosplay Submit) But I heard Matsuri was to choose the two best cosplayers to represent another up coming local event... ...Wat for?
There were like less than 20% of the amount of ppl who turned up for Cosfest VI...And the standard... ...Even after taking into account that cosplay generally sux...They suxed...Bad... ...
I mean...I understand that cosplaying is to make believe ur fav characters...But please...If u look nothing like them... ...Spare others the agony... (Omg...That overweight Sakura (Tsubasa)... ...)
All in all the event was a no show... ...It was hilarious how the host kept urging cosplayers to join the "competition" as I saw less than ten ppl went up to "compete".
Lol and to think that I beat myself up for forgetting to bring a cam... ...
I was comparing wif Cosfest VI when I was a Matsuri and I realized that it was not really fair since Cosfest is THE cosplay event of the year in Singapore and if u are hoping to see cosplayers wif any standard at all... Thats the event to be... ... BUT! U CANT BLAME ME FOR HATING MATSURI AFTER SEEING THE CUTE SHINIGAMI BABES AT COSFEST!!!!!!!
Haiz... I was hoping they would show up at Matsuri... ...
If u think I am being mean... ...Wait till u heard wat the rest did...They dissed the cosplayers in front of a J-Rock cosplayer lol... Best thing is... They even said that those cosplayers biggest mistake is their face lol! And the J-Rock guy replied angrily,"Then go plastic surgery is it?" Lol...And they thought he was joining in wif the cosplayer dissing conversation... ...He looked ready to beat them up lol... ...
Well...The day was not a complete lost though...We got an E2Max member card thingy as we were facilitators of a booth there(Yeah right...We jus goofed around, watch Anime and read mags)... Apparently...It giv us discount when we order Cathay tickets, allows us to rent DVDs for free and some other cool stuff...Which I most probably would nvr use... ...
We oso got a bunch of free Rogue(Local Anime mag) mag...WHICH ARE DATED AT 2007!!! One of them came wif a okay Loki poster though...JW will be thrilled...He LOVES that Anime... ...
BUT the most important thing is I got THESE b4 I went for Matsuri!!!
Thinking of buying another copy to get another pencil board so I can actually USE it... ...(Fyi I dun usually use the Anime stuff I buy...Shawn says I'm weird...I think so too... ...) But dun think its possible... Me, Shawn and Marcus bought the last three copies...So much for Yi Wei being the buy-last-available-item king... lol... ...
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